Baby's blanket

"What's this thing you're knitting?" Without waiting for her reply, she added, "it looks like a baby's blanket."

Nodding her head with a sweet smile on her face. "Yes dear, you're right, it's a baby's blanket."

With a quizzical look on her face, "why are you knitting a baby's blanket when there are no babies in this mansion?" Nelly inquired confusedly.

Letting out a chuckle, "of course there is a baby in this mansion and it's not just one, but three of them are presently sleeping in the Anderson's mansion."

Scrunching her brows confusedly, "grandma, have you started drinking alcohols secretly or this is just hallucinations?"

Bursting into laughter, "maybe have been sneakily drinking those hot alcohols in the sesame's bar."

"Grandma, can you be serious for once? You're making me think it's pranking day."

Flicking Nelly's forehead, "I don't know if it's pranking day or not, but what am mostly concerned about right now, is to finish up this baby's blanket on time, and knit two more."

Crunching the potato chips, "weird granny." She murmured.


Anderson Corporation Group

Justin's office

Standing in front of the glass partition walls, Justin sipped his hot coffee from the mug while viewing the city. "I can't believe I wasted six years of my life with an harlot."

Scrolling his phone, "uh huh, didn't you said that she's the best and no woman on earth is like her?" Ryan scoffed.

Scanning the news magazine, "that's because he was in lust with her and not in love." Billy said.

"If only I knew, if only I knew who she really were. I would have cut off from her ASAP." He sipped his hot coffee.

Letting out a chuckle, "dude, we all usually say the same thing but not until our eyes are open to see clearly." Billy said.

"My mom told me how Lorena insulted her at Starbucks, few days ago." Justin stated.

Scrunching his brows, "what, and you didn't do anything about it? Infact why did you kept it away from me?" Ryan snapped.