Bianca is not safe

"If I were to remark something like that, I'd say, it was a great job. Because Lorena tarnished my brother's life and almost broke his happy relationship." Ryan stated.

"My life is no longer tarnished, Ryan. It has been restored but not fully. Because the woman whom restored my life back to me, is still holding my lungs. And there's no way I can ever breathe properly without any sign of her near me. That's the reason why am painting a picture of her." Justin explained.

"Whoa!" Ryan, Billy and Thomas gasped in unison.

"Dude, indeed you truly love Bianca." Ryan gasped.

"Of course I do–" picking the ringing phone, "just a sec, it's grandma." Placing the phone on his ear, "Hi gran–"

"Justin where is Bianca?"

"Physically she's not with me right now."

"Oh my dear bianca." Grandma Mathilda cried.

Scrunching his brows, "grandma? What happened to bianca?" Justin inquired panickly.

"Justin, I don't know but I have a feeling that something bad is about to happen to her."

"Hey Justin, place the phone on loudspeaker." Ryan whispered when he saw the weird look on Justin's face.

Nodding his head, Justin placed the phone on loudspeaker. "Grandma, I don't get it. What is about to happen to my love?"

"Are you asking me? Even I, don't know but something has been bugging me since morning. Justin, bianca is not safe. Her life is in danger, oh my sweet little girl. Someone not far from her is planning to harm her."

Widening his eyes, "grandma, who's this person that wants to––wait a minute" he scrunched his brows and narrowed his eyes. "Marvin?"

Bursting into tears, "I don't know who the hell is Marvin, but I pray she's safe."

"Grandma, I know who you're talking ab–"

"Hey honey, have been looking for you everywhere and–– oh my God, look at that beautiful drawing." Bianca walked towards the canvas, "Baby this is me, you didn't tell me you were an artist."

Ignoring her words, Justin pulled her into his arms and held her tight.

"Ahh!" Slapping his chest, "you almost trip me."

"Grandma, you don't have to worry about anything, because she's right here with me."

Bianca scrunched her brows, "grandma?"

"Bianca, are you there?"