Great danger

Justin placed the phone on bianca's ears, "Hi grandma, am here."

"My dear, your life is in great danger, someone is after you."

Letting out a chuckle, "who the hell is after me?"

"Bianca dear, it's not a joking matter. I don't know who it is, but my mind has been restless since morning. And it's about your case."

"Grandma, I promise nothing is gonna happen to me. Maybe you are just hallucinating about weird things and–"

"Bianca this is not hallucination, it's real." Ryan said.

Scrunching her brows, "what do you mean by it's real? We humans, we think beyond our imagination. And we assume nonliving things to come alive." Bianca stated.

"Grandma, I'll call you back." Justin said before hanging up the call. Looking at bianca, "baby this is not imagination and hallucination. It is real, I believe grandma and I know she's not lying."

"I'd believe her but, who did I offend? Who is this unknown guy seeking after my life?"

"Its not an unknown guy, its Marvin."

"Marvin?" Letting out a chuckle, "that's a good one, honey. I doubt that, I mean its two months now, since Marvin made a bet with you, on a so-called war game. And if he was really gonna fight, he would have done it a long time ago."

"Really, you don't believe me?"

"Wait a sec dude, did you and Marvin bet into some dirty stuff, that I don't know about?" Ryan inquired confusedly.

"Yeah, they did and it was because of me. Okay fine, I– I didn't want this to happen because–" taking a deep breath, she placed her hands on her waist, "so what are you insinuating? That Marvin is gonna harm me or something? Hell no, he won't do such a thing."