Chapter 19 - Lizbeth

A season ago, we were given news about a tournament. This tournament is simply put a match to determine the future of our placements in the cycle of chosen. No one has heard of the tournament before, and it must be for a special occasion. Probably something political if I had to guess. But regardless, there is still so much more to learn from my mom and uncle, and they don't have another class up of advance placement trainees for quite some time. So late night training sessions, and not the really rough ones in the advance course, actual training, they were just beating me up as they went in the course. Now they are teaching better control and the movement required to counter the other elements. To move around the magical spectrums. I still get the trademark bruises and sore muscles from my uncle and mom. They also told me a bit more about my father, and that my uncle is my dad's brother not my mom's. They explained a bunch but that is for another time, I have a lunch date with Aven.

Spirits 13

The leaves from the trees are finished their dancing through the air, and the cool air of the time of spirits dances over my spine. The noise from all around the city and the lively nature of the elementals during this time of year, makes it one of my favorites. Aven and I share a few drinks at our favorite place to go, Bits and bots. The crisp air rolls along the windowsills filling the pub with a wonderful environment.

"So, what do you think about Lyka, Liz," Aven says finishing a long draw from a glass of mead in front of him. I think about the question, I know Aven has been spending more time with him, he says it's an excuse to get better at combat but he definitely like Lyka. "I think you two are kind of cute together, and he flirts with you all the time," I say to him as teasingly possible. His face erupted in a blush, I say blush but avens dark skin, doesn't really show much of the blush like mine does.

"That's just not even fair to say Lizbeth," Aven replies quite quickly this time, I might add. Normally he takes a second to recover. "Okay I know I dance around everything with Rowan more often than I should, but you haven't even talked to the man about how you feel," I finish picking up a small cookie from my plate and nibble softly around the edges. The soft cookie I think actually melted in my mouth and gods' chocolate is absolutely amazing. Aven's eye fall down to his plate, and I find a few things rushing to his face.

"May I interrupt the million and one thoughts you have flying through your mind," I say placing the amazing chocolate cookie down. Aven looks to me and with a swift movement, nods to me, I reply in quick order "Listen this relationship stuff, though Rowan and I are seeing each other now doesn't mean it will come to an end, but it also doesn't mean it has to come to an end. But, how will you ever know what could have been if you don't at least try aa bit more than you are now."

"Liz, I wish things like that could come easy to me, I only found out I like guys a few seasons ago," he says picking up a long pastry filled with some sort of fruit filling. "Easy, I took a lesson from you and just kind of go with the flow, and let the tide take me where I am supposed to be, or water ever you people in water say," I finish my statement with a small chuckle and feel Artemis hop into my lap. The hare's warmth fills my soul every time he does something adorable like that, and before I could think I give him a piece of an apple tart laid out in my plate. Aven's chuckle deep and rich rolls from his chest and into the air around the two of us, causing me to laugh with him. "You know I think Artemis, will get just a bit fat if you keep letting him sucker you into more and more treats," Aven says past the chuckling, "And you are making me sound way smarter than I actually deserve credit for." He looks down into his glass of mead and swigs the last few fingers of the golden liquid down.

Waving my hand in front of my face, trying to swat his words away, "Nope you are an idiot sometimes Aven, I mean you have seen everything, this guy likes you and you just push it to the side more and more." His face once again must have felt like an explosion because the tiniest hint of reds come through the dark complex.

"Okay what do you think we should do then, if you are the wisest of all, great and powerful Devil," Aven says to me a playful grin on his face. It was my turn to blush, he knows too well, I think, "Well, let's see I think we could have a double date, you me and Rowan and Lyka the four of us, here, it's nothing fancy but Ol' Papa Chops does have some wonderful drink, and better food." He almost spit the pastry he was chewing on, "Wait it's a tart! That is what that is called." His smile filled his crumb speckled face, "I don't know how he would take it, but I think I will ask him. When should we do it?"

"How about we do it in like you said a few days, it will give me time to get ready, how does the sixteenth sound?" I ask him and his wordless response was enough to tell me everything. Once again, a blush fills his face along with a smile. "Good sounds like a date." Though he didn't say the words, I knew he was more excited by the thought and probably terrified more and more with every waking second. "Don't worry Rowan and I will be there to help you out throughout the night."