So crazy news I am going on a double date with Liz, Aven, and Lyka. I don't think I have been this nervous about the little things happening in my life like this really ever. The prospect that Liz is good with us going on a double date sends my heart a flutter, but on the flip side the chances Liz would like to go as friends is horrifying. This girl drives me insane, but hey there isn't much I wouldn't do for her. My training is continued along with Liz's mom, every so often, the woman is a monster like her daughter, I haven't had many opportunities to fight with earth other than the few times in the advance class. Earth itself is a force that is ridiculously strong, my only hope is to not have to fight to many of them in the tournament. Not to mention Air and Water both have ways to counter me and my movements, oh well, I will just have to fight until I can't move, I guess.
Spirits 15
Liz chuckles as I stumble over some loose earth lost in thought, "Well that's not very nice." She looks at me with those golden puppy dog eyes and her rabbit resting on her head does the same, then says, "Is it not?" Looking at the two of them my heart skips a beat, "You know, I forget more often than not, that you are hands down one of the scariest people here with the tournament."
Liz's face busts into a puffy cheeked death glare, she replies, "I am not, besides what need do I have to be strong as I am when you will be there watching my back?" Is that how she really feels about me? If she does feel like that, I am extremely glad. I press my hand out to hers, taking the strong fingers in mine, saying, "Well you promised to always be there for me when I need it."
Lizbeth, she may be a monster, or a legend, but her blush; let me just say is better than a warm drink on a frigid day, or a sunset on the sea. "That's just mean Rowan," she says staring deeply into my eyes, her face struggling to hold back a smile that is trying to part the pouty lips. "How about I treat you to some sweets after we get done with the shopping, we are set out to do today?"
Liz's face lit up with glee and pulled me down the road to a small shop, I have a fondness for. After about a block of I think Lizbeth trying to rip my hand off at the shoulder with the prospect of sweets showing all over her face, stops dead in her tracks making me bump into her side. Looking up to her I follow her eyes to a lovely dress, it's sleeves and neck lined with some sort of fur, it is all white and kind of poofy; The rest of the dress while it looks like it would fall down to knee length would probably only ride about halfway down her thighs, Liz is all legs.
"Do you like that one?" I find myself asking before I could actually check her face. A simple reply left her mouth, "No, not that one, The one behind it." A loose-fitting blouse cut deep down the chest and colored a vibrant blue sat above a skirt of deep black; one side bunched up to where the top of the mannequin's thigh rested. Oh, did I mention a score of brown leather belts rest all over skirt with small pouches and dare I say it things that could be used for pockets. She moved before I could, her arm shot through the door and the rest of her followed suit before I could even begin to take a step. Her hand was still attached to hers, after I think she actually pulled my arm off.
Looking around the shop it was cute quaint little thing, a single old lady stood behind a counter and grinned at us as we entered together. The interior was decorated in flowing cloths of varying colors and lengths, the sun flowing through the fabrics sent me back to the ride on the Transitor here. The vibrant colors and lights showing through the machine at any point of the ride, sent my eyes darting to the smile brightening across Lizbeth's face. "Well doesn't this bring back memories," I say looking for the dress we had seen coming into the shop.
"Yeah, it feels like yesterday, but it's been a few seasons," Liz's voice reaches me as I find an absolutely perfect outfit. The top was a black tunic with strings tied on the shoulders holding the blouse together at the top, its high collar about halfway up the mannequins necks its long sleeves starting tight around the shoulders flow freely to the buttons clasping the ends. A corset of red and silver silk rests on the mid chest over the tunic, and the leggings equally dark as the blouse, but edges with gold edgings around the outer seams of the outfit. Walking around to the back of the outfit, it is mostly identical from the front minus the silver chording holding the corset together and the tunics back must have been forgotten to be added, because the top of the shoulders are covered, but the back of the tunic extends down the shoulder blades to underarms of the piece leaving everything of the mannequin exposed to the eye.
"That is perfect for you Rowan," she exclaimed. Lizbeth's eyes pouring over the outfit and myself, she continued, "All we would have to do is find you a pair of boots that would work well with it." I looked back at the dress, and the shock of everything hit me, "Lizbeth I can't wear this, my wraps, the ones I wear over you know?" My face burst into a fireball, not literally but it sure felt like it. Her response to my statement came much too fast, "So, I will be the only one looking at my partner, it's a double date after all." I think my stomach actually did a backflip when I registered the words, "P... Partner?"
"Yeah well, you aren't a girl, so not a girlfriend, and you aren't a boy either, so not boyfriend, I figured partner suits you better than just friends, because well Aven is a friend and I don't want to rip his clothes off, so ripping my partners clothes off works a bit better in my mind," Liz said, the sunset doesn't have a gimmers chance of making red that deep, her face was almost as red as a tomato. My jaw held solid but, it tried it best to hinge open, a giggle did manage to escape though. My face turned into I'm sure this time, a fireball, and my beautiful articulation, you know nothing could be more proper from a noble, "Partner huh . . . Yay!"
Looking at the beautiful girl in front of me, I began to feel grateful for everything flames had shown me and helped me to achieve this moment, "Oh I almost forgot." Liz's eyes not flinching from mine, "What is it dear?" I look over my shoulder and back towards to tower, "I told Gronaan if it was okay if he and Sheila joined in, so triple date, and I am excited to have you on my arm!" I may have screamed a bit louder than I wanted, but by the flames, this girl is calling me her partner, and I change the subject.