
"Oh my god! She laughed! Our Zilla laughed! Did you see that?" Lilian made a fuss and was very excited as she look at her son.

Aiden also look thrilled and his eyes were sparkling. He starts to wonder the reason why Zilla laughed.

"Just what make her laugh? What is it?"

Zilla who was looking at her supposedly mom and older brother wanted to sighed. Rebecca explained what they were saying. 'These two are simps.' She thought.

-We're so loved, aren't we?

She heard Rebecca's voice at that moment.

-I guess...

Zilla, no, Alyssa came from a wealthy family. Her parents were both workaholic. And because of that she weren't able to bond with her family since they were always away for work.

That's why this kind of love and affection doesn't sit right with her. Her heart were oddly feeling warm and it's making her smile.

As if Rebecca read her thoughts, she let out a cute laugh.


-You're annoying

"Maybe Zilla likes being held by me?" Lilian guessed.

"Mom, you've been holding her for months now and she never laughed. Maybe it's because of Rebecca?" Aiden glance at Rebecca who's sucking her thumb.

She smiled at him when she noticed his gazed making Aiden blushed.

"They've been seeing each other for awhile now but Zilla never show interest to the other two."

The reason for this is because Alyssa who became an infant just regained her consciousness today.

"Hmm... Then what is it?"

As they were wondering about it, Leah woke up. And at the same time, Rebecca start crying, she was hungry.

"Waaaa! Waaaaahhh!"

The two were shocked and start to panic.

"She must be hungry. Wait!"

It was at that moment.

"Waaaa! Waaaaahhhh!"

"Waaahhhh! Waaahhhh!"

Leah and Zilla also start to cry. Lilian froze.

"I sincerely wished I have three breast."

It's time to feed the babies.


[After 8 months]


Rebecca's voice rang in my head making me frown.

-Rebecca, didn't I told you not to shout when you're using telepathy?

She don't like how Rebecca kept making the same mistakes.

-Ehe~ Sorry, sorry.

Although the two of them is facing each other, they were still talking using the telepathy.

They were currently in their room playing.

Rebecca was playing blocks while Leah was composing the puzzle her mother bought for her. And Zilla was just lying down.

-Seriously. Aren't you enjoying the life of a baby too much?

-What?! I teach you guys about this world's language didn't I? I work really hard.

Well, Rebecca was the one who taught them how to speak and understand the language of this world. At first they thought that their telepathy ability and Rebecca being able to understand different language is something unique to them

But after spending time as a baby for momths now, they found out that they were reincarnated in an interstellar era and people can have ability in here.

People with abilities are called esper and they used esper energies to use their abilities.

-Work hard my ass. That's your ability.


[Ability] it's something that people awakened 200 years ago.

Rebecca's ability had something to do with communication or translation. The ability allows her to understand and speak any type of language. She was also able to talk with animals like birds. She was able to use it the moment she woke up as a baby.

I too have an ability. My ability was being superstrong. We found out about it after I was able to lift our crib when I was six months old.

While Leah's was something about memorizing things clearly. It's like all her memories were kept in a video tape taht she can just watched anytime she wanted. It was also very detailed.

All of this was kept a secret.

There's also about mechas. Leah was so happy when she found out that we will be able to go into different planet and galaxies.

It was now the year 2340 and the technology has advanced so much that normal people can now wander through space without any problem.

And my father who visit us atleast once a day was a Mecha Engineer. He'll always tell us about his work. But of course the only one who can appreciate it is Leah whose eyes were practically shining.

"Oh wow. The young miss already finished the puzzle! How smart!"

One of the maid assigned to us praise Leah, her name is Rose. She smiled after looking at the puzzle with a pleased look on her face. Leah wanted to read a book but they're not even one year old so she can't. Unfortunately.

Being able to read at this age is definitely suspicious. We're only about to turn one year old next week you know? My brother who was considered a genius of our family was only able to read when he turned 2 years old.

Considering that children was only able to speak fluently at the age of two, being able to read was honestly awesome for me.

"As expected of young miss!"

Rose make a fuss and took a picture of the puzzle. It's only a puzzle, why is she being like this?

"Solving a puzzle with over 100 pieces when you're only 12 months old? And for only 15 minutes? Very smart! Our young miss is a genuis like the young master."

Ah. Right. I was very uneasy because I haven't able to use my brain so I got carried away.


Clap--! Clap--!

Sound of giggle and clapping rang loudly in the room. It's Rebecca and Zilla.

"Look! Your sisters are praising you, young miss!"

As if. These two were clearly mocking me.

-Not standing out, huh?

-Spell 'mess up'. L-E-A-H.

-Thats right, that's right! Hahaha!

-...shut up.

I can't even argue since it's my fault. Haa... Being a baby is making me mess up. Ugh.


We all turned our heads when we heard the doorknob twist. The door opened and a now six year old boy entered the room with his father.

It was Aiden and Richard. Both are stunning.

Richard who's in his thirties look very young, with no wrinkles on his face. He look as fresh as a man on his mid-twenties. His black hair and blue eyes perfectly match his face.

While Aiden who just turned six were tall for his age. With his curly brown hair and blue eyes, he will surley became a woman's walking heartbreak.

Rose bow her head at the appearance of the two.

"How are they?" Richard asked the maid while looking at his three children who were looking at him.

"They were doing fine. The young misses were doing really great. Young miss Rebecca were playing with her toys while young miss Leah just finished her puzzle. And Young miss Zilla is very behaved. Also..." Rose enthusiastically shared every single detail to her master.

Richard stood there listening to her while even taking notes.

-I don't understand why they always do this.

Rebecca was looking at them with an odd expression on her face.

-They're very weird. Don't mind them.

Zilla just shrugged it off and continue her drawing. She can't be bothered by something like that. Leah also shook her head before taking out another puzzle. They already saw her do one so it doesn't matter anymore.

"You did this, huh? Leah is very smart!" Aiden have a bright smile on his face as he look as the finished puzzle.

"Oh? Rebecca you build this? It's nice!" A house made of blocks could be seen in front of Rebecca.


"While our Zilla is drawoig something, huh?" he took a peek at the paper. He frown immediately.

It looks like a random doodle but if you look closely it seems like there were a huge monster eating human's head because the people were headless. There were also red color on the monster mouth that can be consider blood.

'What kind of curse drawing is this? Where are the heads?'

"Uhh... It's nice, I guess?"

"Jiya!" Rebecca crawl to Zilla, calling her name and handing him a blue block.

Zilla took it and look at it for a few seconds before sending telepathy to Rebecca

-What am I supposed to do with this? Hit you in the head?

-What are you talking about? I'm inviting you to play with me! This dumbass.

-Ahhh... I don't need it then.

Zilla then throw the toy block away making Rebecca's eyes wide.

"Zilla! You shouldn't throw your sister's toys."

She look at her brother before sighing.


"Did you just sigh?" the more he bond with them the more he think they're weird.

Though there's probably nothing weirder than getting reincarnated. I guess in this world it's normal? I haven't seen any other people yet so I guess this is the norm for babies?

"Bwuder," a tug on his sleeves make him turned his head.

It was Leah this time.

"What is it?"

"Corol," she put her palm forward, asking for crayons.

"Crayons? Wait," he always carry crayons and ither things with him because of the three. He push the button on his necklace and different color of crayons fell.


"Tanchu," he smile at his sister's word.

'Hehe~ Why does she look so cute?'

Rebecca and Zilla glance at their brother before shaking their heads. Especially Zilla who's thinking rude things about her 'pathetic' brother.

While Leah only ignore it and start coloring one of the coloring books that they have.

It was at that moment.

"Hi, Leah. How have you been?"

Richard came over and sat beside her.


This made Richard smile.

"Are you having fun? Should I help you?"

Leah just ignore it since she's not supposed to understand that.

"Leah is a very smart girl. When you grow up, I'm sure boys will flock to you like flies. Then one day, you'll get married and you'll leave me. Ohh, my daughter..."

'Here we go again.' Leah could barely stop herself from rolling her eyes. She love her new family but they're overdramatic. Like seriously. What do you think you're talking about to a 12 months old kid?

"I'll be sad when that happen. Dada will be sad..."

'Oh god. For pete's sake, cut it out!'

"Young miss..." now even Rose? Ugh.

-I really don't understand why they always do this.

-You've been saying that for awhile now.

-It's the truth.

-I know right?

Leah's voice was oddly tired.
