Orvana Family

"Put this there."

"This flowers should be put there."

"Where are the balloons?"

"Move it a little bit to the Left."

"The catering? Did you confirm it already?"

"Preapare the dresses!"

It's a busy noon. Numerous maids is moving here and there to prepare for the upcoming birthday party of the triplets.

The one leading it is of course, Lilian together with Mylene, the Head Maid.

"The party would start at 3 pm, so I'm assuming everything would be finish around two o'clock?" Lilian asked again.

"Yes Madame. Don't worry," Mylene respond patiently.

Lilian also acted like this on young master's birthday so it's to be expected. The party was small and only family members, close friends and other relatives were invited.

"Why don't you go to the triplets first, ma'am? It's only a few touch ups so I'll take care of the rest."

Mylene suggested so that Lilian could calm herself down and rest. She'd been working on the party for days now.

Even though it's small and simple, Lilian was someone who make everything perfect for this party, especially since it's their first. Although the babies won't remember it, first birthday's are important as it's the time where they can have their physique and mental power graded.

"Can I?" Lilian hesitantly asked.

"Of course, madam!" Mylene encouraged. 'Madam look so tired so it would be nice if she took a nap but bonding with the kids would help her more.'

"Then, I'll go now. Just call me if you need anything."

"I will."

Lilian smile warmly at Mylene who had been working for them for 20 years now.

"Thank you, Mylene," she sincerely thanked her.

Mylene only smiled at her. "It's my honor."


-The fuck are you drawing?

Zilla's dumbfounded voice rang clearly inside Rebecca's head.


Rebecca hesitated and scratch the tip of her nose with an awkward look on her face.


Zilla started to frowned as she look at the unidentified doodle Rebecca made. She was speechless.


Rebecca quickly turned red.

-Don't shut up! You're making me feel worse!

-Umm... so where I am? The left one or the right one?

There were two black haired monster at the side with a brown haired monster in the middle. Since Rebecca and Zilla were both black haired, she's wondering which monster is she.

-The left one...

Rebecca shyly responded. Her face were red from embarrasment. Once again, Zilla was frozen in shock and can't utter a word.


-Again, don't shut up!

"Haaaa..." a deep and long sigh came out of Zilla's mouth.

"Is something wrong, young miss?" Rose asked when she heard Zilla's sigh. The latter didn't respond to her question.

Rose was busy changing Leah's diapers so she can't see what they're doing.

-Don't sigh!

-Why the fuck do I look like a three-headed pizza monster?

There are yellow and red color that seems to be the color of her clothes. Also, the two round heads had lines all over it were connected to her shoulder.

-Those are hands! Hands! And that's a dress! A yellow dress with red veil!

-No matter who anyone see it, those are heads.

Zilla shook her head, clicking her tongue.

-So this is how you see me, huh?

-No! That's not it!

She really gave it her all to this drawing but since her hands are still small and can't control it that much yet, her drawing turned into a mess. Not to mention, her drawing skills in normal body is average at best. This is actually the best drawing she made.

-Tsk. Atleast I don't look like a rainbow-themed clown monster.

The rainbow-themed clown monster shouted in a hurry.

-Aarrghh! Shut up! Just shut your mouth! Don't look at my drawing! I hate you!

Rebecca covered her drawing with her chubby and short arms.

It was at that moment.


The door opened wide with a loud sound.

"We came back!" a loud voice rang inside the room.

"Welcome back, young masters." Rose respectfully bowed her head for a second before continuing what she's doing.

It was Aiden with Riley. His friend. Aiden quickly noticed the two babies on the floor together with Rose who's changing Leah's diapers.

"Oh? What are you doing?" they walked towards the two.

"Are they doing some drawing? You guys are really genuises, huh?" Riley looks excited. He of course knew about his friend's and the triplet's achievements.

"Hehe. No need to praise them that much," Aiden blushed at the compliment. Although he didn't seem to noticed that he's also being praised.

"So what did you dr--"

Rip. Rip.

All of them froze. Silence descend the room. Rose who just finished changing Leah's diapers and saw what happened stopped moving too.

The one who broke the silence is Aiden.

"Z-zilla?" his voice trembled.

They were about to peek at the paper when Zilla snatch it away from Rebecca and mercilessly rip it into pieces.

However, Zilla only look at him with innocent and sincere eyes that seems to be saying, 'What did I do? I didn't do anything wrong. I'm so innocent.'

"No Zilla... What you just did--"


"You can't..."


He turned to Riley before speaking.

"Zilla is still young so she didn't know what she just did," he convinced himself and proceed to console the dazed Rebecca instead.

"It's okay Rebecca. Zilla didn't mean to..."

Rose put Leah on the floor beside Zilla and helped Aiden console Rebecca.

-Why did you even did that?

Since whenever someone among the triplets used telepathy, all of them could hear it so Leah is well aware of what happened.

-Ah yeah, sure. I wanted to show everyone a drawing of Rebecca that has three monsters in the color of black and brown that make me proud.

Zilla sarcastically responded. Rebecca unconsciously glared at Zilla's direction. Rose and Aiden saw this and try to think of a way to make her laugh.

-What monster? My drawing is perfect in my eyes!

-Get them checked.


Although Rebecca knows how awful her drawing is, there's this thing called 'pride.'

-Stop it. It's our birthday today, you know?

Rose and Aiden decided to tickle Rebecca.

-Ah, right! I almost forgot! It's starting in 2 pm, right?

Rebecca regained her energy and talk with her sisters with excitement. Her lips automatically form a big smile.

Aidne and Rose misunderstood this and thought, they succeeded on making her laugh. They look at each other before attacking Rebecca once again with tickles.

"Eyahh! Ahaha! Kyah~!"

Sound of giggles and laughter rang inside the room. Leah just shook her head and crawl to where the puzzles are while Zilla just positioned herself for a better relaxation.

On the other hand, a 3 year old boy named Riley was looking at the scene in front of him an odd expression on his face.

'Forget genius, this is not at that level! It's more of being weirdos than genius!' His mind was in a turmoil.

It was at that moment.

He made eye contact with Zilla. He awkwardly smiled at her and was about to waved when...


...he froze.

A sneer like expression appeared in Zilla's face before quickly disappearing. 'Can babies even make this kind of expression?!' It was the thought in his mind.

No, it can't be. I must be my eyes playing trick to me. That's right. There's no way that woild happened...

However, as if to prove him wrong, Zilla's gaze went up and down before...


Aaaaahhhhh!!!!! (*Internal screaming)

His body start to tremble in fear. 'A baby monster!'

"Oh my. Our Zilla is laughing! How cute!" Rose exclaimed.

'How is that cute?! So scary! Scary! Mom!' It was a trauma that Riley would never forget.

"Hi~ Mommy's here!"

The door opened with a creak and a Lilian entered the room.

"Auntie!" Riley ran toward her and hug her legs.

"Oh, what is it?" she tried to see his face and when she did...

"Riley, oh my god! Your face! What happened?!"

"H-home... blarrgggh!"


"Oh my god!"

It was a chaotic noon at the Orvana Mansion.


The party was about to start and guest started coming as early as 2:10 PM.

The big wide gate of the Orvana mansion opened and several cars drove inside. The banquet hall started to fill up and at exactly 2:40 PM. The butler announced a name that made the whole banquet hall quiet.

"Now entering, Duke Richard Orvana II and his family!"

The large wooden door opened, revealing people in formal attire. Their aura was noble and serious, wearing a poker face.

In the Lunar Empire, there's three things a powerful household can focus on. It could be either politics, military, or mecha engineering.

For example, the Gheon Household was focus on politics. Among the six Ducal Households, they held the most power in politics. Then there's, Rivian Household. They held the most power in military, with two Generals from their family. Or Ascott Household that has three S-class Mecha Engineers.

Among those. there are Orvana Household who was a mix of three. They were the oddball of the noble council. And the fact that this thing wasn't deliberately planned by the current Duke makes it more magical.

His eldest son, Richard Orvana III is an A-class Mecha Engineer who will take a test next year to upgrade his class.

His eldest daughter, Mariel Orvana, and younger sister, Rovelina Orvana, entered the military. The former the become youngest General in the history while the latter become the first woman to become a General.

While his youngest together with his wife were both very active in politics and noble meetings.

These kind of thing made the duke stunned and wonder what kind of luck is this.

A woman on her mid-forties walked towards them. She's wearing an off-shoulder purple dress fit to her body, revealing her sexy figure. Her black hair is on a clean bun with light make-up on her face.

Duke Richard took one look and immediately broke into a smile.

"Rovelina!" he greeted his younger sister and kissed her on the cheeks.

"Hello." she peek toward her niece and gesture for her to come. Mariel immediately obliged while holding her lover's hand.

"We'll take a seat first." Duke Richard said after seeing her call Mariel. They went off first to their seats in front.

"Good afternoon, General." Loraine greeted politely.

"How are you?"

The three chatted happily.

While Duke Richard group walked in front, some group of people came to greet them.

"Good afternoon, Duke."

"It was an honor to meet the Duke in here."

They exchange pleasantries and just after their group took a seat, a loud voice rang inside the hall.

"Make way for Count Richard Orvana III and his family!"
