Party Ended

Earlier, the guest all come to the mansion using a land car. No one used a mecha or a flying car. This is a sign of respect to the host of the party, which is the Orvana family. This is also an etiquette everyone should follow.

However now, Duke Richard's personal guard, Charles, reported that his mecha spotted an S-class mecha flying towards the mansion. The mecha is a giant owl which is the one and only S-class mecha owned by the Wattson family. And now, they were above the hall and wanted to enter. Charles didn't bother lowering his voice causing everyone to hear it.

This is the reason why the hall was quiet.

There are six ducal household in the empire. Orvana, Gheon, Rivian, Ascott, Xie, and Wattson Household. Among them, Gheon was focus on politics, Rivian and Xie were military households while Ascott and Wattson were houses of S-class Mecha Engineers. While the current Orvana Household were an all-around household.

However, before, Orvana only has one S-class Engineer which is Duke Richard while Rovelina was only a lieutenant at that time. Their power was not small and limited.

At that time, no one was paying attention to them. It only change after the duke has children and Rovelina became a General.

And before anyone know it, the Orvana family rise in power. Now, they don't need to bow down to the other dukes. They were not only a ducal household in name but really have the power. Whether it be the military, politics, and mecha engineering, the Orvana family were well-known.

This earn some jealousy from the Wattson Household who was in the same situation as them before. The two family only became a ducal household because they have an S-class mecha enginner in their family.

The Wattson family tried to catch up. They also divide their children but none of them succeed. The three children were mediocre in all aspect.

With this, the relationship between the two household silently break apart. The Wattson family head, Vincentiuz Wattson was now always trying to contrast the Orvana. The duke realized something wrong and tried to talk to Vincent but they didn't even give him face and was not allowed inside the mansion.

This anger the usual mild duke and started to fight back.

And now, the Wattson family wanted to crash to his granddaughters' birthday? The duke smiled coldly as he gave orders.

"Chase them out."


Vincent was wearing a red suit and black tie as he angrily walked out of the mecha's cockpit.

"What did you just say?!" his voice were fierce and aggressive but Charles didn't care. Behind him is an A-class humanoid mecha, His face was calm without any fluctuations.

"Duke Vincent, please leave the Orvana mansion. You're not invited to the party, thus, you can't enter." he said, repeating his previous words.

This made Vincent more furious and his face were bright red.

"Where's Richard?! How dare you send me away?! I'm Duke Vincentiuz Wattson!"

Vincent knew that he's not invited but still came to make trouble. He believed that Duke Richard will have no choice but to let him in since he need to atleast give him face as a duke. But now this happened. He can't believe how embarrassing it is if the other dukes found out about this. The more embarrassing thing is that no one from the Orvana family came to meet him but was being chase out by a guard instead.

"The duke and the count were inside the party and was unable to meet you at the moment."

"Bullshit!" he doesn't believe such a lousy excuse.

"Please leave." Charles once again said without any emotion making Vincent angrier than he already is.

The guard doesn't even look nervous while facing him making Vincent felt like he was looking down on him. He wanted to punch this person's face but he don't dare to do it. If he really did, Richard will have the reason to report him to the King. That bastard might even say that he was trying to assassinate him and his family.

Thinking of this, he immediately calm down. That's right. Since it failed, then just go away. Even though he knew it was the best choice, he was still angry and frustrated. Gritting his teeth, he thought, 'If I can't get the head and the first, I'll make sure to take care of the youngest.'

He sneered.

"Whatever." he said those words before entering the cockpit and leave the Orvana mansion.


"He's gone?" Duke Richard asked after seeing Charles walking towards him.

"Yes, Master Richard."

"Good." the duke chuckled. He must be going crazy after facing Charles. This made him laughed louder. He then turned to his youngest.

"Be careful, Reynold. That dog had been in good terms with the Gheon lately." they will definitely target Reynold who was the easiest to bully among them.

Reynold grinned. "Father, did you forget? Your son is a masochist." the two of them laughed loudly at this.

Marcella shook her head before turning towards Lilian.

"How are the triplets?" she asked, making Lilian smile.

"They were very behaved. They don't cry that much and eat a lot. Their speech is also improving fast. I think a few more months and they will be able to speak fluently." Lilian boasted with joy.

Marcella smiled softly. She was about to speak when Mariel opened her mouth first.

"I heard Aiden wanted to enter the army?"

"Yes. He's very interested in the army and had been doing some training. He's taking combat class from Sir Leo."

Mariel nodded. "Sir Leo is good. He's very skilled."


"I heard the second prince just got engaged!" Riley spoke in an excited manner. "He's going to marry the young miss of Rivian Household."

Aiden rolled his eyes. "Who cared about the second prince?" he grumbled. Riley had been a fan of the royal family and the nobles. He always bring the latest news and rumors that he heard from his elder sister, Rena. Rena is very active in politics and became the representative of their family. Marquis Roger was very proud of her.

"What do you mean by that?" Riley pouted.

"Can't you talk about yourself?"

Riley thought about anything he can talk about himself but he can't think of any. He scratched his head.

"There's nothing to talk about me..." he doesn't have interesting stories.

Aiden laughed and pinched Riley's cheeks making him frowned. "You're like a baby."

"You're also a baby!"

Aiden laughed once again.

"Ah, right! Do you know that the third prince is the same age as us? I heard also wanted to become a soldier. We'll definitely see him in Imperial Academy after we enter."

"Is that so?" he asked, uninterested. It's not like he'll make friends with him.

At four o'clock, they started opening the presents.

-They gave you a coloring book? Are they stupid? You can't draw anymore.

Zilla complained while Rebecca was happy enough to ignore her.

-Wow, there's books.

Leah was amazed when she saw a language book. It was the language of different planet and galaxies.

-We're only on year old. Why would they give us books?

-Why do you keep complaining?

And at 5 o'clock. there are some games for children like 'Bring Me' and 'Virtual Mecha Battle'.

After that, the banquet finally ended. It lasted for three hours, from three o'clock in the afternoon to six o'clock. The guests left one after another.

At 6:30 PM only the Orvana family members were left.

Richard look at his father. "Did you have a good time?" he asked, jokingly.

Duke Richard laughed. "It was nice seeing my grandchildren." the two of them smiled.

The Orvana family have always been close to their family so events like this that bring them together was welcome and appreciated.

"Right. The third prince will be celebrating his birthday next week. Your invitation should come either tonight or tomorrow." the duke informed.

Richard nodded his head before remembering something. "The third prince was the one who have a perfect grade 9 right?"

Duke Richard nodded. "Yes, he's the one."

"Okay. I'll see you next week then."

"See you."

Marcella and the others also said goodbye.

"Good bye. Visit us sometimes, okay? I wanted to see my grandchildren."

"Yes, mom. Will do."

"Tell Aiden I'll come by if I have time. I'll teach him some moves."

"You just want to bully him."

"Tell Lilian I said good bye."

"I'll tell her."

"Be careful."

They bid farewell and soon left.
