Meeting the Imperial Family

Just like Duke Richard predicted, the invitation arrived the next date at seven o'clock in the morning. Richard opened the invitation and read it with Lilian.

The invitation contained the date of birthday and the exact time. However, Richard soon noticed something, there are two invitations. One for him and for his son, Aiden. He was confused.

"Maybe it's because they have the same age?" Lilian guessed.

And true enough, it was the reason as to why because Riley also received an invitation.

"Can you believe it?! We're going to the palace! I can attend the prince's birthday! Oh my god! Do you think he really looks handsome as the rumor said?" Riley was very excited and seem to be stucked in a cloud nine as he read the invitation in his hand for the nth time.

While his friend was gloomy and was in a bad mood. He was silent as the hands holding the invitation tightened and the paper that can be considered tougher than ordinary paper, slightly crumpled. Riley noticed something wrong and first saw the almost crumpled invitation.

He was shocked and immediately shouted. "What are you doing?!"

Riley was enraged and quickly snatched the paper to straighten it out.

"Are you crazy?! This is an invitation sent by the imperial family!"

(A/N: I don't know if I made a mistake in the previous chapter but I'm supposed to use imperial instead of royal.)

Fortunately the paper use by the imperial family is tough and can't be destroyed easily.

Aiden sighed. He was frustrated. He promised not to get entangled with the higher-ups but now he need to go to the third prince's birthday party? The prince who have two grade 9 and was said to be first in line to the throne? Fuck!

"Why did they invite us? We don't even know the prince! Why invite us?" he grumbled.

Riley frowned when he heard this. "Don't tell me you don't want to come? This is basically a imperial's decree! You can't not attend!"

"I know!"

That's why he's angry! Because he need to attend no matter what. Even if he's sick or doing something very important that can change his life, he still need to attend. This is the power of the imperial family.

It doesn't matter if they are unwilling or what their background is. They would only respect another imperial family.

Aiden pouted his lips. 'I don't want to go...'


Meanwhile, inside the room of the third prince, there was a peaceful silence as the the third prince look over the guest list one more time. He pay great attention to the invited kids at his age and make sure the invitation were already sent out.

After making sure that there was nothing wrong, he smiled contentedly. There was a look of excitement that can't be hidden in his eyes.

The third prince, or Caleb Xyrus De Vallen is turning six next week and was very looking forward to his party. He had a party before but the guest are all adults and there was no one to play with. He became bored and tired just after an hour. That's why this time, he made a suggestion to his father, Your Majesty, the Emperor, to invite kids his age.

In a normal situation, this wouldn't get an approval since the emperor would think that kids will just get in the way but he gave this suggestion under the guise of 'making connections'.

As a prince who has a perfect grade 9 for both his physique and mental power, he bear a lot of pressure and was forced to become mature. However, this doesn't mean that Caleb forget to become a kid. His heart was still of that of a child and in his mind, he only want to make friends.

Many, many friends.

He had never hang out with the other kids aside from his cousin because he wasn't allowed to do anything without his father's permission. And for his father, someone like him who have great future should focus in training and improving himself in different things.

But he doesn't want this. In front of his parents and siblings, he was a mature and excellent heir. He never got along with his brothers because of this.

But now, he was eager to make friends. He had already even made a list of people his father would approve.

The little prince opened his secret diary and read the names written on the paper. The handwriting was beautiful like an adult but the things written with it was very childish.

Friend(i hope) List

1. Aiden Wade Orvana- has good background and look cute



-When are we going to grow up?

Zilla asked as she made an uncomfortable face when Lilian wiped her butt, rub baby powder and put a new diaper on it.

Rebecca burst into laughter.

-I'm gonna use this against you after we grow up. Hahahaha!

Zilla fumed and if not for Lilian being present in the room she would have smack Rebecca's head. Leah didn't care about this two idiot and was focus in learning the different language from the book she received.

Actually, their parents and Aiden also gave the three of them different gifts after the banquet.

Their mother know them the best and gave them what they want. Their own personal tablet in a shape of a bracelet. It was in different color. Purple for Leah, yellow for Rebecca, and navy blue for Zilla. The tablet was what they want the most since they need it for different reasons.

Rebecca wanted to watched idol videos and movies she love while Leah need it to check the current state of technology and learn different things about mechas. Hse had been obsessed with mechas this days. On the other hand, Zilla want one to search for new games she can play.

In this era, phones were not on use anymore. What people use is a called a tablet that took different shape and size. It will release a hologram that will be treated as screen. It could be either use as a touch-screen or using voice-command.

While their father gave them a cute kitten toy bot that can play with them, is friendly, and wouldn't scratch unlike the real one. The kitten were life-like. It breathe and has body warmth. The only thing that differentiate it from real cats is that she will release guns if ever one of us were hurt.

A gift made by their overprotective father.

They don't even know if it can still be called toy bot instead of security robot at this point.

While their cute older brother gave them a toy that resemble their appearance. The stuff toy were personally made by Aiden himself.

Zilla was the most happy and twisted Rebecca's head(stuff toy) whenever she's angry at her. In the future, Leah was worried that Zilla would try to burn it since she can't hurt the real Rebecca.

The triplets were having a good and peaceful days as always.


Days passed and it was finally time to attend the third prince's birthday.

Aiden fix his bow in the mirror and straightened his grey suit vest.

Even though he wasn't willing to go to that banquet, he still need to dress up or he might be the center of attention which he wanted to avoid. He doesn't care about the prince but he care about his peaceful life and his family's reputation. He can't ruin it. So he reluctantly agree to wear his mother's choice.

There was a knock on the door before his mother's voice shouted.

"Are you done yet?" his mother's voice has always been soft and nice to hear.

Aiden took one last look on the mirror before opening the door. "I'm done." he said with a smile.

Lilian smiled lovingly at his son.

"I was wondering why you chase me out of the room. Is it because you're already a man?" Lilian teased.

Aiden revealed an embarrassed expression.

"Mom..." he said in a helpless voice.

Lilian laughed and there was chuckle from behind. It was his father, holding Leah who was the only awake one.

"Oh my! Isn't this baby Leah? Are you here to send your father and brother off?"

Lilian took Leah out from Richard's arms. Leah was already feeling sleepy but she still managed to wave her hands to her family before dozing off.

The three giggled at this lovely sight.

Richard look at the time before speaking.

"We need to go now, hon. Take care." he kissed Lilian's lips before gently kissing Leah's head.

Aiden also kissed his mom's and Leah's cheek before heading out with Richard.

Lilian see them off while still holding the sleeping Leah.

"Take care. I love you!"

"I love you more!"

"Love you too, mom!"

They bid farewell and the two finally enter the limousine and driving all the way to the imperial grounds.

Aiden step out of the car. His father and him were stoic and didn't seem friendly, very different on how they usually is.

Richard hold Aiden's hand, his hand has gloves so he doesn't know if Aiden's hand is sweating or cold in nervousness.

But looking at Aiden's poker face he can only say, "Don't be nervous. Dad and the whole Orvana family is with you."

Aiden was confused but nodded his head in silence. 'Nervous my ass! I'm angry!'

With curses filling his mind, the two finally walked toward the large door of the banquet hall.

It's time to meet the imperial family.
