
The servant announced their arrival and the large door opened. The first thing Aiden saw was a large crowd wearing luxurious clothes.

Women were wearing gorgeous dress and expensive accessories. While men were wearing suits and most of them have shining brooch. His father and him was also wearing one.

He was almost blinded by the sparkling hall.

Richard spotted his father walking to them so he smiled and also walked forward while holding Aiden's hand.

"Greetings to the Duke." he gave a light bow to him.

Aiden also gave a bow even though he didn't understand why his father would call grandpa by his title. It must be some noble etiquette again.

The Duke was together with his grandmother as a representative of the Orvana household. He could also see his aunt and her wife, she's wearing her military uniform. The only one not seem to be present in this party is his uncle.

Aiden also saw Riley. He almost laughed when he saw his bored expression. He tugged his father's sleeves, interrupting their conversation.

"Dad. Can I go chat with Riley?" he softly asked.

Richard glanced at him before saying. "Clear your throat, bow, and say 'I'll be leaving first, father and grandfather'." Aiden was shocked silly at his father's stern words. When he was about to say sorry, his father return his warm smile. "But I'll let it go for now. Go and have fun."

Aiden breathe a sigh of relief almost immediately.

He shyly walked to Riley who was waving his hand towards him.

"You're finally here! I was waiting for you to come." Riley said with a smile.

His smile was contagious and Aiden was also smiling.

"Why? Do you have anything to say to me?"

"Yes!" he look around then whisper in his ear in a low voice.

"I heard that Your Majesty wanted to find the third prince a fiancé in this party."

Aiden was shocked. "Now? Isn't it too early? He's the same age as me."

Riley nodded his head. "I know right? But since the third prince has the highest qualifications for the throne. He wajste to choose the perfect partner for him..."

Aiden felt weird when Riley's words suddenly trailed off then look at him as if he realized something.

"Oh my god! You should be careful." he suddenly shouted in a low voice.

He frowned. "Why?"

"You're grade is 8.5! The highest among our generation! Look at me, I'm only 7 and is definitely safe since the lowest they can go is only 8."

Aiden's frowned deepened. This statement seem to held some truth. Even if the King wouldn't choose now, in the future, he'll definitely be a candidate to be partnered with the Imperial family even if not the third prince specifically.

Since 8.5 is really a highest someone can go and there's only seven living people who have this grade.

The Emperor, him, his grandfather, his father, the remaining three came from the other Ducal Household. While the only existing Grade 9 is the third prince.

"Ah right. Aside from that, can you help me with my homework tomorrow? I'll come to your house. I don't have school tomorrow." Riley changed the subject.

Unlike him, Riley go to school. For novels, first born should be home-schooled since they will inherit their title and should be taught of the family's tradition and other things he must know. So twice a week, Aiden will be taught by his father.

But the rest of the children should be send to a school.

Riley go to Imperial Academy. Attending this school meant you have talent. Riley seem silly but he's very good in arts.

"What kind of homework is it?"

"The teacher asked us to paint about our bestfriend so I want you to be my model." he said, full of smile.

Aiden chuckled. "I'll just send you a picture." he teased.

Riley frowned. Although 3d pictures can be received this days, artists prefer to meet their muse in person. It felt uncomfortable for them to paint when they were using a photo. Riley felt the same.

"Oh come on. I'll give you my share of desserts?" he tried to negotiate.

Aiden burst into laughter. The two chatted for awhile before Aiden was called by his father to their table. He waved goodbye to Riley who wave back at him with a smile.

Just as he sat down to his seat, the sound of trumpet suddenly rang, startling him.

"Your Majesty, Conour De Vallen and Empress Xyreen De Vallen has arrived!"

"Your Highness the third prince, Caleb Xyrus De Vallen is now entering the hall!"

Everyone bowed their heads as they make way for the Imperial family.

Duke Richard look at them for a moment before giving an imperial bow. 'Seems like the first and second prince wasn't coming? The reactionof thrtwo princes seem worse than I imagine.' Duke Richard thought.

Aiden watched the three of them pass by, only looking at their shoes. They weren't allowed to meet any Imperial family members without permission.

After arriving on the platform designated for them. The Emperor's voice rang inside the large hall.

"Raise your heads."

One-by-one, the nobles raise their heads from bowing and look up to the Imperial family.

"Today, we celebrate my dearest son's sixth birthday, Caleb. I am very happy to see you all come in here with us for a large feast. I hope you like the food and have a good evening." the Emperor said with a smile.

A round of applause ensued and Aiden almost rolled his eyes.

The crowd sat down their seat and food start to be delivered by the servants, placing different kind of foods on their table.

It looks appetizing and when Aiden have a taste. He almost moaned in pleasure.

He's not insulting his mother's cooking but the people in the this era don't really pay attention to the taste of food. They look at nutrition instead.

So his mother who have average cooking in earth can be regarded as a five-star cook in this era.

But this one is simply delicious. The dissatisfaction in his heart disappeared in a poof. The way to a man's heart is really the stomach.

While eating, the Orvana family talk here and then. It was very peaceful at first.

Duke Richard wiped his mouth and stood up. Immediately, everyone also put down their utensils and stood up. Aiden was startled but he was quick to follow their actions.

"Let's go greet Your Highness and Your Majesty."

Their seat was closed to the platform in front where the Imperial family ate. This seating position may seem casual but it actually talk about a household's power. The closer you are to the Imperial family, the powerful your family is.

However, it's not only their seat that was close.

Soon after, they met with people from other Ducal Households and the atmosphere became tense.


Meanwhile, in the Orvana mansion. The triplets who was supposed to be sleeping woke up in the middle of the night.

The triplets slept in the same room but three different beds.

Holding their tablets, Zilla and Rebecca were confused. After flipping it upside down, they still can't find what they wanted and finally asked for help.

-Leah, where can I download games?

-Or watch idol videos. I wanted to see how idols were in this era

Leah who was reading something in her tablet stare weirdly at her sisters.

-Don't tell me... you guys don't know how tablets worked?

Zilla and Rebecca look at each other. Both equally puzzled as the other. Then glance back at Leah.

Seeing their dumb face, Leah sighed.

-You can't play games nor can you watched idol videos with that tablet.

This statement immediately cause uproar.

-What do you mean by that! I stole brother's tablet before and I was able to play games!

-That's right! Mom let me used her tablet before. I watched music videos and variety shows!

Leah shook her head.

-Well, you can't do those things with that version.

She didn't wait for them to speak and explained the function of the tablet.

-Tablets were given after you turned one years old. It was a necessity for every citizen since it's what they use for transaction. There are three versions. The primary, secondary, and final version. The primary is what we have right now, it has limited uses and authority. The tablets can be access by our parents and it can be monitored by them so I advise you not to do any kind of weird stuff in there.

-As we aged, we will be able to upgrade it to secondary next year on our birthday. The secondary will be slowly unlocked every year and new functions will appear. The content in entertainment will slowly mature and games option will also be unlocked. There's only one and only social media platform called 'Rainbow'. It was mixed of every social media platforms we used before. Everything you can think of.

-Then when we turned sixteen, it will be upgraded to final version where it will not be monitored anymore and can't be easily access by the parents. However, we may onky use it until we're eighteen since after we come-of-age, we will be given terminals that have the same function as tablets but was more advanced.

The two's brains seem to malfunctioned as they listened to their sister's ramblings.

-I think we shouldn't have asked.

Rebecca voiced out their thoughts. Zilla rolled her eyes.

-And how do you know this?

-From the News and Books app in the tablet

-So they expect one year old children to read this kind of thing but didn't let them play games? How about our childhood?!

The more Zilla thought about this, the angrier she become. Rebecca was also dissatisfied and pouted her lips.

Leah sighed.

-Whatever. The tablet can't be used after 9 o'clock in the evening so you better hurry up.

This is so stressful.
