
The Gheon Household patriarch was the first to speak.

"Greetings to Duke Richard. How have you been?" he have a friendly smile on his face.

Duke Richard also gave a smile. "I've been really good. Especially since my granddaughters birthday just passed. My youngest has also been in a good mood lately. I should thank Duke Patricio and Duke Vicentiuz for that."

Duke Vicentiuz Wattson and Duke Patricio Gheon gritted their teeth in anger.

The two Dukes has been targetting Reynold lately but the young boy didn't even flinched. Last time he was even able to win the rights for the Star Crystal mine in the capital making them red in anger.

That's why they made sure that Reynold wouldn't be able to attend the party.

"Is that so? You're very welcome then. But where is he? It seems like I haven't seen your youngest yet?" Duke Patricio asked.

Duke Richard's smile widened. "Oh, he's not here. He wasn't invited."

The two Dukes was about to say something but Duke Richard beat them to it.

"Even if he was, it would probably only get in the way of his work. He had been busy lately helping me take care of the family business and our land. Especially after he got the Star crystal mine. It took a lot of his time and Effort. But it's worth it and he's happy."

He wasn't saying this just to pissed off the two Dukes, his son was really happy these days. He would come home everday to visit them shouting, 'Father, those old bastards is really entertaining!'

The more pressured he is, he happier he become. Duke Richard is worried everyday, not daring to think that his youngest turned out to be a masochist.

The Duchess blankly stared at her husband who seemed to be full of worthless thoughts lately.

Wattson's son narrowed his eyes before patting his father's shoulder who was about to explode in anger. He was invited together with his daughter to the party.

The Star Crystal is a very important gem that is rare and precious. A single one can feed a family of three for fifty years while living lavishly. It can be used by esper to strengthen their abilities and was use as a core in making high-class mecha.

After finding out about the mine in the capital, the six ducal households had been fighting for the rights so they could monopolize it but Reynold snatched it from them. He directly talk to Your Majesty and smoothly carried the transaction.

The Imperial family would have never gave it if not for the fact that they already have 80% monopoly of the star crystal mines in the whole empire. More than that and the six ducal households will target them.

The Emperor is also wise, making the ducal household fight with each other instead.

Duke Vicentiuz gritted his teeth in anger before forcing a smile. "Good for you guys. Then we'll go greet Your Majesty first."

After spitting out those bitter words through gritted teeth, he immediately left. Followed by the Gheons.

Aiden was in awe. Grandfather seemed to have won?

After the six Ducal Households' representatives finished saying their greetings, like a domino effect, guests started walking towards the platform to greet the Imperial Family.

The Orvana family also started to split up. The Duke and Duchess couple started talking with their faction. While Mariel and her wife also mingle with other military personnels in the party.

Count Richard was the same. He brought his son woth him to socialize with other nobles. Most of them is his previous costumer.

"It's been a while, Count Richard." the two of them bumped their wine glasses porducing a 'clink' sound.

This person is Count Argus, he was one of Richard's friends. Both of them are Mecha Engineers and will be taking their exam next year. He's also Riley's uncle.

"You're the one who didn't attend my daughters' birthday party." he jokingly clicked his tongue making Count Arlon laughed.

"I was in the middle of a breakthrough!"

The two of them chatted and Aiden was already getting bored when they finally remembered that he exist.

"So this is your eldest? Aiden Wade, right?"

After hearing his name, Aiden bowed gracefully. "I'm honored to meet Your Excellency."

Count Argus didn't know whether to laugh or cry after seeing his friend's son greeted him so formally. "Raise your head. Don't be so formal..."

"Honor, my ass. Bullshit." Count Richard whispered. Only enough so that the three of them can hear.

Count Argus burst into laughter. "Your son is good. Don't be like your father. He's a lost case."

The two bicker making Aiden fade to the background once again. Seeing them so immersed in chatting with each other, he slipped away, walking towards the closest balcony. It was covered with thick curtains which he closed so no ome won't interrupt him.

As expected of the Imperial family, even their balcony were covered in gold. So luxurious.

"Haaa... Why am I even invited here?" he wondered as he stood there, leaning against the rails.

The party's so boring. He can't understand the point of this. It's a kid's birthday party. So why is the atmosphere so formal and serious?

The view from here were actually good. He could see the city lights. Even flying cars and sea can be clearly seen from here.

This is an interstellar world so why is the Imperial Palace looked like a medieval palace?

The only difference is that the platform where the Imperial family sat were floating.

The roof is glass and they can see the nightsky. This made it seemed like the chandeliers were attached to the sky.

But who cares? The third prince is only six years old. He should be making friends and enjoying his youth.

He sighed. Whatever. It's not like nothing will change if I think about it.

After feeling the night breeze, he felt refreshed and was ready to come back when the curtains suddenly opened.

The kid who entered immediately closed the curtain and breathe a sigh of relief.

"Huuu... finally escaped." his voice that hasn't matured yet sound youthful.

However, that's not important right now.

Based on the kid's clothing, his red hair that is unique to the Imperial Family.

This kid is no doubt... the third prince!

Caleb Xyrus De Vallen!


[Thirty Minutes Ago]

"Your royal highness, how about you go down and entertain your guests? After all, the guest list were especially arranged by you." the Empress, his mother, suggested with a kind smile.

That was their plan. Since his father would definitely want to keep him by his side as a decoration.

His eyes brightened as he tried to calm his excitement.

He bowed to his father, "Then I shall go now, Your Majesty." he then turned toward his mother. "Imperial Mother."

The Emperor stared at his son before nodding his head. "Make sure to choose carefully."

He's talking about the official playmate.

The playmate of a Prince or Princess is usually someome who will support the prince to the fight for the throne. The playmate's family is the most important as they will need to be loyal to the Imperial Family and the Prince.

The best candidate were of course, the children from the Ducal Household.

The Orvana and Xie Household were neutral. Rivian and Ascott supported the First Prince. While Wattson and Gheon supported the Second Prince.

If he wanted to find a playmaye, he can only choose between the Xie and Orvana family.

But Caleb didn't want to think about it. In the end, he just wanted to make some friends not subordinates. He wanted someone equal not someone who will try to gain his favor every single second.

He left the platfrom, full of expectations and hope.

But reality proved to be different.

"Your Royal Highness, do you want a cake? I'll give you mine!"

"What are you talking about? Who would want your cake? Your Royal Highness, how about a salad? Nutritious!"

They all started fighting with one another. Later on some of them even burst into tears and started pulling him from left and right.

"Your Royal Highness is mine!"

"No mine!"

"Waaahhh! Mommy!

"Shut up! Your Royal Highness!"

He didn't know how he managed to slipped away but he was feeling nervous as try to get away from that place. The most frustrating is that he can't just run inside the Imperial Hall with all of the guests in here.

"Huuu... finally escaped." he breathe a sigh of relief as he collapsed in the floor.

It didn't feel cold at all due to the thick but soft carpet.

"Y-Your Royal Highness?"

Caleb frozed when he heard that familiar address that traumatized him. He flinched and mechanically turned his head to look at the person behind him as if he's in a horror movie.

Their gaze met and he was stunned.

A-Aiden Orvana! I got caught by Aiden Orvana!
