How Exhilarating

The room finally settled down. Marcella indifferently handed a change of clothes to Conour who immediately accepted it. On the other hand, Xie Jia Li was carefully brushing her hair.

The furnitures were back and it finally resembled a proper office once again.

After the two finished, they started chatting about the important matter.

"So, why are you guys here?" Conour initiated the conversation.

Xie Jia Li sneered. "You can't even figure why? How did you even become the Emperor?"

"I was being polite!"

Seeing that, they might start arguing once again, Marcella answered. "It's about becoming the official playmate of your son, Caleb."

"It was mentioned in the letter that the Orvana Family accept, am I correct?"


"And the Xie Family was willing to send their granddaughter, Xie Mingyue, as the third prince's official playmate?"


Conour leaned back, crossing his arms around his chest. "Why?" he seriously asked.

The two Duchess' gaze met.

"Well, my grandson is quite fond of the third prince."

"My granddaughter is interested to your son."

Conour who was waiting for a ground breaking reason: "...that's all?"

The two nodded nonchalantly.

"What the-?" he suddenly felt frustrated. He pointed at Xie Jia Li with so much hatred.

"Hey, Xie Jia Li! We were close before but your mother refused to support me! Did you kmow how heartbroken I am at that time?! I cried for three days and three nights!"

Xie Jia Li shrugged her shoulders. "My mother fought with your father in a duel and your father lost. Mother was so disgusted that she refused to acknowledge you." she explained sleepily, yawning right after.

Conour gritted his teeth then swiftly turned his head to Marcella who blinked her eyes innocently. "How can I know that I'll end up marrying Richard?" she also shrugged her shoulders.

Conour let out a heavy sighed, clicking his tongue. He questioned his self for days, wondering what's wrong about him.

When he first heard the two Ducal Households wanted to support Caleb, he thought that maybe he's son is the only on worthy in these people's eyes.

He can't believe the reason was this. I guess they value their family quite a bit?

In the end, he just waved his hand dismissively. He doesn't care anymore. Nevermind. It's already been decades.

"Whatever. I'll appoint the two of them. My son seemed to like Aiden a lot so I'll send him to Count Richard's residence." he then glances at Xie Jia Li who looked like she never wnat to be in here. "You can send little Mingyue there. My son will be happy that someone was willing to make friends with him."

His mood that went down liek a rocket after seeing Xie Jia Li's face, instantly improved.

His silly son who always try hard to hide his expression from him, he'd be excited after knowing these news.

As the Emperor, he can't really show his love to his sons. He can't favor anyone to give a fair competition.

Thinking of his two son who have no interest in the throne but is pretending to be against their youngest, he shook his head.

Being a member of an Imperial Family, hs didn't know whether it's a blessing or a curse.


[After a week]

At the Orvana mansion, Aiden welcomed Riley. His friend just got back from the Imperial Academy. They were currently on a two-month break.

Riley immediately came here after hearing the news. Aiden together with Young Lady Xie Mingyue is actually the third prince's official playmate!

And today, they will come over to the Orvana Mansion. Oh my god. He almost couldn't believe it.

"Oh my god! Are they really coming today? Are you sure?!" he eagerly asked, jumping up and down on Aiden's bed.

His friend was comfortably sitting on the couch, playing with his tablet. "Yep."

Seeing his nonchalant behavior, he pouted before he walked over Aiden and turned off his tablet. His friend who was playing a popular Mobile Mecha Battle game, was shocked.

"Nooo!" he watched the tablet turned back into it's original form before snapping at Riley. "I was in the middle of a match!" he shouted in frustration.

But Riley didn't care. "How could you still play games right now?! Your Royal Highness, the third prince who was the only Gade 9 to ever existed, and Young Lady Xie Mingyue, the granddaughter of Marshal Xie Jia Li is coming! They're coming in an hour! You should be preparing how to greet them politely but not too formal since you're supposed to be their playmate!"

He continued to nagged for twenty minutes that Aiden was already melting in the sofa. He grew drowsy while hearing Riley's soft nagging voice.

After realizing that Aiden wasn't paying attention to him, he pouted, angrily stomping his foot to the ground.

"Aiden! Stand up! You need to practice."

Aiden groaned as he rolled in the wide and soft couch. "I don't wanna! I don't wanna!"

Riley was so frustrated he hit Aiden's arms before running away and falling to the bed on his stomach. He didn't forgot to shout, "I hate you!"

Aiden rolled his eyes before sitting up and glancing at his sulking friend. He watched him try to tear his pillows, punching it repeatedly. He's probably imagining that he's the pillow.

But... the pillow cover is made from stones. Although it's soft and comfortable, it's made of stones. It's especially tear-resistant and water proof. Forget about Riley, even his father will have a hard time destroying that pillow.

It's stronger than his will to live.

He swallowed, seeing his usually gentle friend's ferocious look.

So after a few minutes, Riley's eyes and nose became red making him sighed. He closed his eyes, looking at his friend who's biting his lower lip. He's about to cry.

Aiden stood up, walking towards Riley but the other noticed him and threw the pillow to him which he easily catched. "Don't come near me! I hate you! Leave!"

His lips parted. There's a hint of laughter in his eyes. "This is my room."

Riley frozed before he fall to the bed with a poof. He covered his face with the other pillow, kicking the air.

He couldn't help it anymore. Aiden burst into laughter. He walked towards him to stopped his actions. "Come on now. Your idols will be coming in less than thrity minutes."

With that, Riley didn't struggle anymore. He shyly removed the pillow. His whole face to his neck and ears were bright red, but his eyes were bright.

An excited gleam could be seen making Aiden smile.



Inside a flying mecha, sat a young boy with a nervous expression on his face. He kept checking his face in the mirror, fixing his hair and dusting his clothes.

"I look okay right?" he asked himself fiddling his thumb anxiously.

He kept breathing heavily. He stood up and walked back and fourth inside his cabin.

Caleb badly wanted to exercised right now to eased his nervousness.

Time seem to passed slowly but soon after, the time to leave the mecha arrived. There was a knock on the door, instantly alerting him.

He subconsciously stand up.

"Your Royal Highness, we've arrived." his personal attendant's voice could be heard.

He closed his eyes, a heavy sighed came out of his mouth.

"I'm ready." he said with a determined expression, like he's about to go to war. He slowly unlocked the door. sliding it in a nail's pace.

The attendant, Ollen, maintained a stoic expression but he's already laughing inside. His little master is so adorable.

He thought that the third prince will be a cold prince based on the rumors. But there's a reason why it's a rumor.

The door opened, revealing Prince Caleb who couldn't control his expression.

"Let's go." he solemnly said, with a very serious expression on his face.

The two of them walked towards the exit, the mecha already landed inside the Orvana Family's gates.

The door of the mecha slowly opened as Caleb stepped out.

He immediately saw Aiden, beside him is the Xie Mingyue. He also took noticed of the other kid beside Aiden, looking at him with enthusiasm. His eyes brightened noticeably.

He sighed for the nth time.

Although they already met at his birthday party, this is their first meeting after they become his official playmate.

Caleb's heart is beating so fast right now.

It's exhilarating.
