Very Interested

Just ten minutes before Caleb arrived, Xie Mingyue was the first one to arrive.

"Oh my god. That's an A-class mecha!" Riley excitedly whispered.

Even Aiden was a little surprised. He never rode mecha before because he had only gone as guest of the Imperial Family. Any flying vehicles can't enter as a sign of respect to the Imperial family, unless it's an emergency or was given permission.

But his mother informed him that the third prince and young lady were given permission to rode a flying vehicle to their house. After all, even though they're part of Orvana Family, his father, the owner of this house is only a Count.

The door slowly opened.

A young girl on a full black outfit confidently, and elegantly stepped out of the mecha. Behind her is her personal attendant and numerous bodyguards that is highly trained.

Aiden remembered their first meeting at the party. When he left the balcony, he was shocked to find a young girl standing there with book on her hand.

The book's name is [101 Ways to Hide a Corpse]. He was frozen in place. The girl noticed her, their gaze met and there's only silence between them.

Suddenly, the young girl's lips slowly curled up. She closed the book she was holding before opening her mouth to speak.

"I'm Xie Mingyue of the Xie Family. It's an honor to meet Young Master Aiden here."

Aiden just snapped out of his daze. He also hurriedly gave his greetings.

Xie Mingyue stared at him. Those big golden eyes were shining brightly under the moonlight coming from the balcony.

"Do you find it strange?" she nonchalantly asked.


Xie Mingyue raised the book she was holding. "That I'm reading this."

Her straightforward personality stunned him for a second before he awkwardly responded.

"Well, it is weird to see a young girl read such a book. The strangest of this all is probably the reason why you're reading that book." he honestly answered.

Being stared by those eyes made him think that he's as open book to Xie Mingyue. That's the reason why he didn't lie to her.

In the end, Xie Mingyue closed her eyes. She could feel it sting from overusing her esper ability.

"Your senses is good." when she opened her eyes again, she already stopped using her ability. Aiden was confused by her words. But before he could gather his thoughts, Xie Mibgyue spoke once again.

"By the way, the third prince immediately run away to that direction. He didn't even noticed me." leaving those words, she left.

By the time, he realized what happened, he couldn't see Xie Mingyue's figure anymore.

This one interaction made him unable to forget Xie Mingyue.

After her feet touched the ground, the bodyguards saluted to the three of them before walking back to the mecha. Watching them walk neatly is very pleasant to the eyes.

Soon, the mecha left and there's only the three children.

Xie Mingyue grecefully bowed her head, performing the etiquette flawlessly.

"A pleasant afternoon to you Young Master Aiden..." she then turned towards Riley. "...and Young Master Riley."

Riley was instantly frozen in place. S-she knew his name! She actually know his name! Oh my god.

"A pleasant afternoon to you too!" he couldn't help but greet her with so much enthusiasm. Aiden gave his greetings too.

Xie Mingue stared at them with her big golden eyes. She could see their swirling emotions.

Aiden was nervous at first but he's now calm. While Riley were shining in her eyes, his emotions were rich and vast.

She closed her eyes, calmly walking to Aiden side. There's still ten minutes before the third prince arrived. Her personal attendant followed her, standing behind Xie Mingyue.

The three of them stood there, waiting for the arrival of the third prince. It was supposed to be hot outside since it's only one o'clock in the afternoon but there's an invisible glass-like portection. They could see the bright surroundings but the kids only felt warm.

Lilian was watching them from the third floor where the nursery is. It's right beside the master bedroom.

"Will they be okay?" his husband asked, his voice has hint of worry taht he couldn't conceal.

She glared at his husband. "Don't you trust Aiden?"

Count Richard immediately shook his head. "I trust him, okay? But this is so sudden, don't you think so? Besides, he's currently thinking that this is 'just playing' with kids of his age!"

The more Count Richard thought of it, the more anxious he become. But Lilian just rolled her eyes. "Calm down. He's not gonna die or something. Let him handle this."

"He can really die if he said something wrong! This is the Imperial Family we're talking about! And he's even a SSR Grade 9!" just imagining about it made him shuddered.

But Lilian was just annoyed. "What SSR?! In the first place, do you think mother will let the Emperor cut your son's neck? She'll cut the Emperor's neck first." she reminded him.

After hearing that, Count Richard instantly relaxed. That's right. He, of course, know about the relationship between his mother, the Head of Xie Family, and the current Emperor.

The Emperor even attended his first birthday party in the main residence. This just proves how deep their friendship is.

As the Emperor who can't show even an ounce of favor to the any Ducal Households, or else it will cause a major backlash. Add of the fact that their family didn't even support him.

He did the same to the first daughter of the Xie Family.

While he was immersed in his own thoughts, Lilian spotted an approaching Eagle Mecha so she quickly pulled his husband away from the window.

"The third prince is coming. Let's go. You still need to help me feed the babies."

Thinking of his cute little babies, Count Richard followed his wife obediently.


"We greet Your Royal Highness a pleasant afternoon." the four of them, including Xie Mingyue's attendant, greeted at the same time.

Bowing their heads, respectfully. Caleb was surprised by their sudden formality.

"You can raised you head. Be comfortable. You can call just call me Caleb." he muttered, a little embarrassed.

The four of them instantly raised their head. Aiden smiled at the silly prince when their gaze met.

"It's been awhile, Caleb. Welcome to my home." he took the initiative to open a conversation so it wouldn't be awkward.

Caleb was flustered and didn't know how to respond for a moment. In the end, he just nodded his head, his ears red.

Xie Mingyue narrowed her eyes, watching them with great interest. "Shall we enter first? I wanted to see Aiden's room." she suggested.

Aiden smiled at them before guiding them inside.

They walked in a slow pace, Aiden told them the numerous stories in their house, introducing their furnitures history, or what kind of things happened in there.

They listened quietly, sometimes asking some question.

"Where's your room, by the way?" Xie Mingyue asked.

"It's on the third floor. Do you want to take the elevator or climbed the stairs?" he asked.

His room is beside the master bedroom like his sisters'. Although their room is on the right while his swere on the left. The nursery were actually bigger than the master bedroom. But the reason for this is that it will be the triplets room until they wanted a separate room.

"Let's just take the elevator, I wanted to quickly look around your room." she wasn't interested at their house since the Xie Family mansion is way bigger than this.

Well, of course, this is not the main residence of the Orvana Family. This is actually already bigger than most Count.

This house is already luxurious enough, especially since Count Richard's title is non-hereditary and he didn't have any territory. He acquired it after he passed the A-class Mecha Engineering Examination.

There's no complaints so Aiden walked to the elevator. It's actually transparent so they could still see the surroundings.

On the back was the garden, while in front of them is the mansion. It gave a surreal feeling of being stuck between two different worlds. It also have a capacity of thirty people so there's enough space for them.

Also, there's almost no shaking. If not for the view in front of them changing, they would've thought that they're not moving at all.

When they reached the third floor, the six of them stepped out of the elevator.

The whole third floor is just oneaster bedroom, Aiden's room, the nursery, a library, and the playroom.

"Let's go to my room?" the three nodded their heads.

They're all very interested.
