Zilla is Bored

While on the nursery, the triplets were on another day of being a baby. They only sleep, cry, eat, cry, sleep, and play. Oh, did they mention cry and sleep?

Today is a special day. They heard that their brother became the third prince's official playmate. And they are currently on Aiden's room.

The triplets were curious but they couldn't do anything. Their parents were both inside the room.

Rebecca were playing with the cat robot happily. The robot really resemble a living cat. It even purrs. She's about to die from cuteness.

Zilla watched it with a disgusted expression on her face. She find the cat robot creepy as hell. Whenever she look at the cat's eyes, it was dull.

She looked away after just a few seconds, turning towards Leah but Zilla realized that she's gone!

Her gaze roamed around and saw her sister on her father's lap. Leah was holding a book, they seemed to he talking about mechas again. It gained another disgusted expression from her.

-Aren't you guys enjoying this too much?! I'm so bored!

When the two heard this, they internally sighed.

Rebecca is very satisfied with her life. It's peaceful. Also, she found out that her mother is a singer before so the two of them sometimes sing and dance together.

Leah is in the same situation. She's very satisfied by how much she was learning. Her eyes had been shining and she's been full of energy lately.

However, Zilla who was a shut-in gamer before, couldn't do the things that she like. She can't play games at all. Aside from childish games like color match or educational games. She's about to get crazy.

-What do you want us to do then?

-We're still babies so we can't really do much.

Zilla understand this making her more frustrated.

-Ugh! I hate this. We've been stucked here for years.

Leah subconsciously correct her.

-It's only been over a year.

-But it feels like a decade to me! I haven't played for a year. Oh my god.

Zilla felt like her whole life were meaningless. She fell on her back to the soft carpet with a soft thud. Followed by an ear-shattering cry.

"Waaaahhhh! Waaaahhhh!"

"Zilla?!" Lilian was shocked and she immediately run over to her youngest to carry her in her arms.

"My baby. Are you okay?" she softly asked, tapping Zilla gently. Her brows were furrowed from worry.

"Why did she suddenly fall?" she wondered.

Rebecca and Leah saw this. The former burst into laughter at her sister's stupidity while thr other sighed. She couldn't be bothered by these idiots.

-How can one cry so loudly like that? How embarrassing!

Rebecca mercilessly atracked Zilla who receuved a critical damage. She's just so frustrated that she forgot that she wasn't on her bed or someone with fully developed body. No matter how soft the carpet is, she was sittinh up at that time. The fall was pretty high for a baby like her so the impact caused her pain.

"What happened?" Richard heard Zilla's cry and immediately walked over.

Lilian saw his useless husband and immediately slapped his arm angrily.

"Ow! Why?" he was confused by her wife's sudden violence.

"I told you to look after them! I was only peeing at the bathroom. When I came back Zilla fell! I told you to pay attention!" the more she thought about it, the angrier she become.

She continue to hit her husband. "Useless! Why are you even here?"

Richard wanted to cry. He was too absorbed with Leah that he wasn't able to pay attention to the other babies. He also didn't hear his wife leaving the room.

It was his fault so he just let himself be hit.

When she's finally satisfied, Lilian shoo her husband away. Zilla wasn't crying anymore but were watching her beat up hee husband.

She brought her down beside Rebecca who was still petting the cat, rubbing the fur on it's ear. She continuously giggle everytime the cat will tilt it's head and wiggle.

Lilian watched this as she sat beside them.

"Should we get a cat for Rebecca? She seemed to have fallen inlove with the cat robot." she suggested.

Richard who was chatting with Leah, turned his head at his wife's words. He thought for a second.

"It's not impossible. But if the cat scratched or bite them..." he only need to imagine for 0.5 seconds before refusing it.

"Let's not. They're still babies." he keep shaking his head, trying to erased his daughters' bloodied appearance in his mind.

Lilian narrowed her eyes. This bastard's probably thinking something weird.

She sighed. "I'm here anyway. How about we visit an animal shelter?"

Although she asked for his opinion, she already opened her terminal to search for some animal shelter near their house. Then after that, she also searched for some tourist attraction that they can go to.

If they're going to go out anyway, why not have a family date? It's going to be their first.

Richard watched his wife busy herself as he let out a sigh. Whatever. She know what she's doing.

He turned his gaze back to Leah who was patiently wiating for him. "Should we continue?" he asked with a smile.

While their parents were having a conversation, the triplets were having one too.

-Stop scowling like that. There's nothing we can do.

Rebecca tried to comfort her little sister but the latter just blankly stared at her. Her eyes were listless. Then she mechanically opened her tablet and started playing the game in her tablet.

"Perfect! You chose all the numbers right!"

She could hear a woman's voice coming from the tablet. In the end, she decided to take matters on her own.

Rebecca stopped playing with a cat and clumsily walked towards her mother who immediately noticed her.

Lilian welcomed Rebecca with open arms, she couldn't help but giggle after seeing her daughter's smiling face.

"Oh my. Did you need something, hm?" holding her carefully as Rebecca sat on her lap, she asked her gently.

"Mama." Rebecca tapped her leg twice as if trying to get her attention. "Bwuder?" she asked cutely while looking around.

Lilian quickly understand what she meant.

"Brother isn't here. He's playing with other kids so you won't be able to see him for now. Maybe later?" she explained.

Rebecca wasn't really supposed to understand such complex words. "Pwaying?"

Instead, she paid attention to that word. She tried to appeared excited.

"Pwaying? Bwuder!" she turned her head, seemingly trying to find her brother.

Lilian realized she made a mistake and pour cold water on her daughter. "No playing. Your brother is busy."

"Noh pwaying?" tears started to gather in her big eyes. An aggrieved looked soon appeared in her face. Her nose and cheeks turned red and her lips pouted.

Her mother almost cursed when she saw that. As expected, Rebecca soon bawled her eyes out.

"Waaahhhh! Bwuder! Bwuder! Waaaahhhh! Bad! Waaahhhh!"

Lilian became scared when her whole body turned red from crying. She pick her up and stood up to comfort her.

"My baby, stop crying, okay? How about mama play with you?" but as if Rebecca couldn't hear anything, she just kept crying while asking for her brother.

Zilla frowned.

-What are you doing?

-I'm trying to get brother in here so you can borrow his tablet.

Leah didn't like her plan so her eyes became sharp.

-If our brother got in trouble because of this...

She purposely dragged her words. The two immediately shuddered.

-Rebecca stop it now!

-Eh? W-Won't they be suspicious if I suddenly stopped crying?

She gulped and was at lost on what to do.

However, it's already too late. Richard had also run over as soon as he heard the first cry.

"Oh my god! What should we do? She's crying! Oh my god. Is this okay? Oh my god. What's happening?!"

Lilian who trying to console Rebecca hot pissed and push him away. "Go asked Aiden to come here for a second!"

Richard was so anxious that his eyes became red. He's also on the verge of crying. When he heard his wife's shout, he couldn't understand it immediately.

"Huh? Ask 'Second'? Who's 'Second'?"

Lilian who have to worry about two babies now couldn't help it anymore. "GET AIDEN RIGHT NOW! HURRY!" she gave a kick to her husband's leg whow as shocked.

"Ah- ye-yes?" he run out of the room and immediately opened the door to the room beside them.

He's breathing heavily as he opened the door without knocking. He just realized what he had done after seeing the empty room.

Thank god, it's the wrong room. He breathe a sigh of relief before fixing his clothes.

With hurried footsteps, he knocked thrice on Aidne's room.

"It's me."

The door opened revealing his son who seemed puzzled by his presence. Richard bowed to his son's guest whowas lookibg at him as a sign of greeting.

"May I borrow Aiden for a moment? His sisters were trying were asking for him so I'm gonna need him for a moment."

"Eh, why?" Aiden is really confused right now. Is it an emergency?

Richard leaned down to whisper in his ears.

"Rebecca is crying right now. Your mother will kill us both if you didn't go there so hutry and agree." his voice sound anxious.

Aiden's eyes widened in surprised. Just what happened?


Rebecca immediately calmed down after seeing Aiden. She hugged him tight and comfortably settle on his arms.

She cling to him like a leech. The penetrating glsre from behind were making her tremble in fear. She subconsciously hugged his brother tighter.

"Did you miss me?" Aiden giggled while hugging his sister gently, tapping her back to comfort her.

Lilian and Richard were watching them with loving eyes. They're both happy knowing that their children love each other. Although the triplets might not remember when they grew up. These moments made their hearts soft and warm.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door. The two adults met each other gazes and Lilian volunteered to opened the door.

The only one who could knock om their door like this, aside from their trusted subordinates, are the guests next door.

She opened the door, and sure enough, "It's nice too see my son's guests. Are you here to see Aiden?"



Aftee Aiden left the room, there was an awkward silence.

Caleb: W-What should I say? Should I even say something?

Xie Mingyue: He's panicking. Hehe.

Riley: Hurry and come back, Aiden! T_T
