"You can't kill me. You need me to find Iris and that stupid Princess." Jeremy said weakly.

"Are you still able to talk?" I asked.

He groaned back in response. I pushed the knife deeper into his leg, and the pain was so much that he couldn't even muster enough strength to shout.

Meanwhile, Floki and Ivar returned with a giant deer. Ivar hung it over his neck, which gave me the impression that he was the one who made the kill.

"What do you think?" He asked proudly.

"That's a nice kill," I admitted. "I have never been this lucky." He smiled back in response.

Floki and Patrick gathered wood and began a fire to cook the food. They prepared the meat, and in no time, we were eating and telling stories around the fire. Patrick was interested in anything anyone had to say that was war-related, and Floki was happy to oblige.