
I walked out on our little hurdle and went into the forest, leaving Jeremy with Floki and ivar. I had no idea why she would suggest something of that nature; I didn't want anyone else to have my power. I was the only one of my kind for a reason; even if I didn't know what it was, I was not going to share what made me special with the world, ever.

But, we had to find a way to get Iris and Jennifer out of Navami. There were a lot of obstacles in the way; apart from it being his home turf filled with his men, it was an island, so there was no way for us to go in undetected. And let's face it, an island filled with vampires would always be guarded; the creatures didn't need any time to sleep. Except we somehow found ourselves at their gate and tore apart anything in our way until we got to them, and if we were lucky enough, they wouldn't be dead before we got to them.