Chapter 3 Goodbye Old Life

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I demand your power stones as I was deemed worthy by the singularity to present you with its hero's tale, so motivate me to write more and upload chapters faster.} 


'Hey System thing what else can you do?' I asked the system as I finished looking over all the system tabs. The missions tab was empty but it is pretty much self-explanatory what a missions tab would do.

[Ding: Affirmative the host was given a one-time chance to draw three random talents] The system's pleasant female voice rang out.

'Alright let's draw those talents then' I said as the screen in front of me flickered with a golden light as a black basketball with a crown in the middle appeared in front of me.

The basketball started spinning rapidly as what seemed like a TeeRex appeared clawing the ball open. Out of the basketball came a bunch of confetti as what seemed like words came bursting out of it. Upon closer inspection, the words seemed to be character traits ranging from aerial combat to Defensive magnet.

[Ding: S Rank Aerial Mornach aquired]

- The talent to reign supreme in aerial combat and confrontations.

- Allows host to easily learn and perform moves in the air.

(The world looks a lot better from the sky)

'Dang that's an amazing talent can't wait till I can start dunking' I mused to myself as I read through the first talent. It will defiantly make me a threat.

[Dind: A Rank Sixth Sense acquired]

-The talent gives the host an intuitive awareness of your surroundings.

(There is more than one way to perseve the world around you)

'that one is not bad either it's probably more useful than the first talent.' That is all I could think about when checking the explanation of the talent. I have to develop this skill in all ways to make the most of it.

[Ding: Unique Rank Kings Body]

- Body granted by the system so the host will be able to adapt to his growth.

(An insurance policy so the host doesn't die due to the systems)

Well, as long as I don't have to pay for the insurance it's fine to have one. I'm gonna have to try out these skills as soon as possible. I don't really feel any different though maybe I'm just getting scammed by the system. Lifting my hand in the air I don't feel any different from the way I felt when I woke up earlier.

[Ding: host needs to go to a park with a basketball in order to receive his talents from the system] The system rang out in a calm voice.

Hmm, alright I might as well go to the park right now for one last time for old time's sake. After all, It will probably be a long time before I'll be back in Atlanta again. Looks like mom is busy getting everything planned so I might as well get out of her hair.

quickly getting up from my chair I went into my room to change into an Iverson jersey and some Nike's bottoms. Looking through my closet I fished out the dirty LeBrons that have suffered through a lot with me. I put on my Red Lebrons on my right foot and the black one on my left as both shoes looked the least damaged.

On the other red shoes there is a hole poking through the toe and the black one has a cut running through it due to wear and tear. I honestly feel sorry for how badly I abused my basketball sneakers in my past life. Once I get new ones I'll give it my all to take care of them no more wearing them on outside courts. I practically abused them in my past life wearing them everywhere and anywhere.

Looking into the mirror I finally got to have a good look at myself. Standing at five foot seven a light-skinned boy with a medium fade and dreads hanging down to his ears could be seen looking back at me. My turquoise-coloured eyes were staring back at me with a glow of youthfulness untouched by the harsh world. My facial features luckily were mostly inherited from, my mom, making me handsome if I do say so myself. With a symmetric bone structure and no skin abnormalities that are caused due to puberty.

"Hey mom I'm gonna go down to the park I'll start packing my things tonight," I shouted as I exited my room and made a beeline for the front door. Making sure to grab my headphones and basketball I opened the door to exit the house.

"That's fine make sure to stay safe son" I heard her yell as I made it out of the house. Connecting my headphone to my phone I put on a fifty-cent playlist as I started dribbling along the sidewalk. The feeling of my younger body manoeuvring a basketball just felt a lot more natural than when I was in my late thirties. It felt like I was lighter now that I didn't have weight from the muscles and fat I had built up over the years.


[May Pov]

"Hi Mom we decided to move to Jacksonville I just booked a flight on Friday, that's two days from now I'm just finalising everything here," I told my father over the phone whilst I started packing up the little things in the house.

"It's about time you did, I don't know why it took you so long to finally decide to move here, If you had waited a day longer I wouldn't have let you come anymore" I heard my mother berate me over the phone sounding annoyed but I could tell that she was happy that we were moving back.

"I know we are coming and that is all that matters Mom." I pleaded with her trying to appease her a little.

"I know, good thing you finally managed to get that grandson of mine to agree, I know that is why it took you so long to decide." She said again sounding more unhappy than before. She hates the fact that my life got derailed because I met Hakim's father so she blames him a little for what happened.

That's partly the reason why I never moved back home again when Hakim was young. The other reason is that I was embarrassed by the fact I let them down and I just couldn't muster up the courage to ask for help. The thing that convinced me to move back wasn't the job but it was when my dad accidentally phoned me when he was drunk one night. He doesn't drink much like ever but when he phoned me I could tell that he had drunk quite a bit by the fact he was talkative. He's a great man and an even greater father but he is a man of few words.

That night he told me how much he missed me and most importantly how much they loved me. All the years I had assumed that they were disappointed in me it turned out that they were just worried about me. He told me that the initial shock of my pregnancy and my baby fathers disappearance was handled wrong. We spent that night talking till early in the morning until he made me promise to move back once he had everything settled for me.

It didn't take my father more than a week to get me a job at the local high school. This made me remember how well-connected he is within our town. He has been building houses since he left high school. His grandfather's father started the business after the war and ever since it has been in the family. He doesn't physically build them himself but is involved in the planning of every project.

"Mom let's not argue about this again, he's my son and your grandson as well," I told her defending my baby. Even if it's my mother I can't stand it when someone badmouths my son, that is probably why he doesn't want me to watch his basketball games. I remember in one of his little league games I almost got into a fight with another kid's mom because she was complaining about him hogging the ball.

"I know but you haven't visited us for like four years now and every time it's because of something Hakim is doing," She answered me not willing to let go of the topic so easily. She has never been one to lose an argument so that must be where I get it from.

"He said he overheard you saying to your friends, that it's all his fault that my life went off the rails, so he didn't really feel welcomed back home anymore," I told her in a stern tone feeling like I was getting ready for a fight. There was silence on the other side of the line for a while which almost made me think that she had hung up the call.

"Oh God, he overheard that, I was just venting my frustration, I don't actually blame him for anything, after all, he is also innocent, I blame myself more than anything," She told me sounding flustered and panicky about what I had told her. She seemed genuinely distraught about the whole situation.

"It's all in the past now let's just try to move on from here on mom," Is all that I could tell her. Taking out my large suitcases I started to pack some of the things that I wanted to take with us to Jacksonville.


[Mc Pov]

Standing on the halfway court I saw a few guys having a shoot-around on one side so I went to the empty basket. There is just something calming about a court in the open free air, It gives you a sense of freedom when you feel the wind when you dribble. Those that can effectively shoot on courts like this are real snipers as the wind has a massive impact on the ball out here.

'system I'm on the court now you can transfer talents now' I spoke up in my head wanting to finally get my talents transferred.

[Afirmative talent transferring in three, two, one] I heard the female voice say as a tingling sensation started travelling all throughout my body.

[Ding: Unique Rank Kings body successfully transferred]

[Ding: S Rank Aerial Mornach talent assimilated]

[Dind: A Rank Sixth Sense assimilated]

I heard the system's voice speak out rapidly as I felt a small electric current travel through my body. I could vaguely sense the area around me as if I had a sort of radar through my senses. The bouncing of the ball now had a more rhythmic feel to it creating waves in my body. My feeling for the ball felt a lot more natural than it was before.

It felt weird to be able to sense the area around me with a lot more clarity almost like I unlocked a new sense and in a way I did. It gave me the same feeling when I have an adrenaline rush in the middle of a game only this time my body isn't in hyperdrive.

Bouncing the ball around my body I started increasing the rhythm of my dribble. Dashing towards the basket I picked up the ball as I got into the euro step before tossing the ball into the basket. The release of the ball felt just right and a second later it swished through the net.

"Oh I want to play so bad" I murmured to myself as my eyes inadvertently travelled towards the other side of the court.





To Be Continued...