Chapter 4 2V2

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"Yo, are you three up for a game of doubles?" I shouted at the three guys on the other half of the court who were casually shooting around the ball.

"Yeah, why not let's shoot for teams, call me CJ," a white dude said to me as he waved me over to their side of the court. He looks to be around 18 years or something and is standing at around 5'9. His two friends are around the same height with one of them being a head taller than the rest easily six feet tall.

"What's up Lil guy? you any good?" the only dark skin guy spoke up to me as he held his hand out for a fist bump.

"I'm the best bro you'll see soon enough," I answered him as I reciprocated his fistbump. He was the tallest guy here so to me he looked like a giant.

"This here is Big mike and over there is Jon, Cmon let's get started," CJ hollered at us as he lined up at the free throw line and sunk his shot. Jon went next, he's a white guy like CJ but unlike him, he's got a massive curly afro going on. Maybe it was the hair but his shot bricked hitting off the iron and then the backboard.

"Damm dude that's just embarrassing, try aiming next time" Big Mike commented using his hands to amplify his voice like some type of cheer squad leader. He almost fell over laughing at the guy much to his displeasure.

"You are not any better, just hurry up and miss already," He shouted at mike as he blasted the ball at him as if he was trying to kill him. He on the other hand took it in stride catching the ball as he walked up to the line. His shooting motion was almost in slow motion as he bent his knees and finally got up to release his shot. Just like Jon said the man bricked his shot not even hitting the basket.

"Haha my mojo must be off, Lil guy your up next" He simply laughed off his miss as he tossed me the ball. Following his toss, I stepped up to the line going into my shooting motion and shortly after it swished into the net. I've always been fairly decent at free throws so it was not a surprise but it still feels good to hit a perfect shot.

CJ went up to the line without wasting any time and went on to take his next shot. We did this three more times until I finally ended up missing it by hitting it off the iron. It was a heartbreaking sight honestly but as soon as it left my hand it just felt off. Once you get good enough at taking shots you can just tell when it feels off.

"I choose Jon let's check up," He said as he stood with his back to the basket ready to start the match. Mike stood across from him, Jon and I were on the side ready to start the game but Mike was too busy trash-talking instead of starting the game.


Mike finally checked up with CJ palming the ball with both hands. Running to his right side I called for the ball and he tossed it my way. Catching the ball I started bouncing it on my right and started sizing Jon up. Jabbing my left foot to the side I hit him with a slow hesitation move before I tried s few crossovers on him.

He didn't seem to appreciate my crossovers and attempted a steal when I crossed him to the right. Seeing his move I did a behind-the-back dribble getting by his left side and dashed for the basket. Since Mike kept CJ out of the paint I had a free lane to the hoop easily laying it up for a point.

"That's cold Lil bro, you left him questioning life," Mike cheered hyping me up as he gave me a high five. He must not like the other guy as he takes every opportunity to clown the guy for every little mistake he makes.

"Told you I was like that bro," I hollered back at him as I got ready to check for the ball. Jon seemed to be mad at me giving me the stink eye and looking ready to kill me at any moment. Choosing to meet his gaze I glared back at him as he checked up the ball with me.

It was their turn with the ball so I simply passed it back and immediately started playing defence. Jon's dribble style was sloppy at best but the thing that made it work for him is the fact his long arms made up for it. He lowered his body slightly as he started doing a few crossovers in an attempt to get by me. But by how sloppy his control of the ball as he almost lost it twice without me doing anything.

"Bro you should have just handed me the ball instead of this bs," I told him as I poked the ball loose as he attempted another crossover. Leaving the guy behind I dashed for the ball and quickly got a hold of it before it went out of bounds.

As soon as I caught it he decided to smother me trying to strip me of the ball. By how desperate he looked it seems he was trying to make up for his mistake. Doing a simple star step I turned my back to him before sending the ball to Mike who had just gotten free from his coverage.

The big guy caught the ball with both hands taking two steps before taking off for a dunk in CJ's face. Although the boy tried to contest with him but the strength difference was simply too wide, thus allowing Mike to easily score the dunk.

"I'm the man bro, that's 2:0 now" Mike Hollard loudly hyping himself up as he started drumming his chest to emphasise his strength.

"Just check up and Jon hurry up and play some defence," CJ spoke up as he got ready to restart the game. Judging by the look on his face he was getting serious and just wanted to play.

Shortly after Mike checked up with him and sent a quick pass to me. controlling the ball easily I started dribbling it on my right side. Jon was right in my face with his arms spread wide looking for the slightest mistake to poke the ball loose.

Taking a step back I created a little space between us and got into my dribbling motion. Doing a quick crossover I forced Jon to take a step back so I wouldn't rush past him.

Using the space I created I transitioned into a slow spin move towards the top of the key. Mike seemingly sensing my Idea cheeked CJ away and set a quick screen.

Utilising his screen I quickly dribbled past him dropping a shoulder as I brushed past him. A beat later I heard the muffled sound of Jon crashing into Big Mike.

"My bad didn't see u down there," Mike commented as Jon crashed to the ground just as CJ switched onto me. His defensive pressure was definitely better than Jon's. However, the miss-match in height and speed gave me some breathing Rome before he could lock me down.

Performing a quick hesitation trying to force him to step back was unsuccessful. So before he could close the distance I bounced the ball through my legs and transitioned into a long stepped back with a behind-the-back dribble.

Seeing that I could quickly get past him since he was in a league above Jon regarding defence, I scanned Mike's position. Seeing that Jon was just getting up from the ground a sudden Idea pooped into my head.

"Yo Big Mike spread your wings," I hollered out to him as I pointed my free hand to the rim. Seemingly understand what I meant both Mike and CJ sprung into action. CJ took a quick leap forward his massive hand spread high trying to block my vision.

Not bothered by this though I picked up the ball with my right before lobbing it towards the rim. Both CJ and I watch as the ball sails past his fingertips only to hang in the air in the area around the rim in the next second. Just as I thought the play was going to be wasted a black figure in a Jordan jersey appeared in the air.

The ball was still around a meter away from him but he simply spread his right hand displaying his impressive wing span. At this very moment, I truly believed that he took my words of spreading his wings seriously. He seemed to have defied gravity at this moment as he scooped up the ball in the air.

The next moment gravity seemed to have remembered its job as it started impacting him again. At this moment it was too late though as he slammed the ball into the box performing a one-handed Tomahawk remaining hanging on the rim. Not believing what I had just witnessed, I sent a disbelieving look to CJ in front of me who returned the same look.

"I can feel the Mojo" Mike exclaimed as he started drumming his chest upon descending the rim which was left shaking slightly. His energy was infectious as I quickly headed to his side going in for an improvised handshake that ended with us riding an imaginary wave. surprisingly CJ joined in the celebration showing support for his friend's feats.

"Dang bro I didn't know you were like that," CJ hollered as he fist-bumped his friend with a bright smile. Looking at him I understood why guys like Mike and Jon followed his lead. He's got quite a bit of charisma around him and the fact that he is able to keep someone as unpredictable as Mike in check speaks for his leadership skills.

"I need me some of that mojo if I can fly like you," I commented as I went to pick up the ball. Hearing my question Mike just burst out laughing and started advertising some weird green herbal mixture he drinks. Apparently, its something his mom prepares for him a recipe from her village back in Nigeria.

"Are we gonna play or what," The annoyed voice of Jon broke the atmosphere as he stomped over to join the group. His gloomy mood only intensified when he noticed that his teammate wasn't bothered by the fact that they were losing.

"Bro you might as well not be playing," Mike unceremoniously commented showing no care for the boy's ego. His words achieved their goal as the boy angrily walked up to him but upon noticing the disadvantageous height difference he quickly stepped back.

"He's not wrong though, the kids got you looking stupid if you play like this there's no chance of you making varsity his year," CJ commented as he snatched the ball from my hand ready to restart the game. Upon hearing his leader's words Jon proceeded to glare at me as if I was the one at fault for his poor skills.



Mike quickly started off the match again throwing me a pass, I tried to create a little separation from Jon but he wasn't having it. in what I hope is the result of his eagerness to prove himself and not his way of trying to express his sexuality he started smothering.

Turning my back to him he proceeded to stretch his hands out from my side in an attempt to block me in. Using my body to push him back I created a little separation from him but he quickly closed the gap and smothered me even more. Seeing no way out I could only bail out of the situation by lobbing the ball In Mike's direction.

Unlucky for me though CJ managed to use his body to block Mike and intercepted the ball. Not even waiting for us to react and switch onto defence he sped off towards the basket and laid it up into the basket. The scenes of him intercepting my pass and him scoring were so smooth and fast that it baffled me.

With the opposing team finally on the board, the game started getting interesting. They went on a seven-point run before we managed to regain possession of the ball. It was mainly due to CJ just going wild and the mismatch of the big guy who is obviously more of a centre. Utilising his speed and change of direction he managed to outmanoeuvre the big guy. When I decided to double him he would pass to Jon who was open.

It was only when Jon missed an open mid-range shot that we regained possession of the ball. CJ wasn't outwardly angry at him but judging by the icy look he shot the boy you could tell he wasn't too happy.

The game continued just like before Mike and I used a combination of pick and rolls to make Jon switch on to him so he could bully him in the paint. It was only when he stopped smothering me that I went back to trying to break his ankles with my dribbling. However, he remained resilient and even managed to steal the ball from me once.

Twenty minutes later the game was quite close at 10-9 with us in the lead. We managed to regain possession when Mike blocked Jon's attempt at scoring a layup. Quickly reacting to it I managed to grab the ball first tossing it to Mike before CJ could lock me down.


"Match point," I said to CJ across from me as I tried to get open so Mike could pass to me. With a quick feint, I managed to get free so and promptly received the ball from Big Mike.

"Don't choke now," CJ said to me as I started bouncing the ball on my right side. He spread his arms wide in front of me covering any escape route in front of me as he stared me down.

"Let me show you some magic then," I told him as I decided to face him head-on and not shy away from the challenge. Hearing my words he proceeded to smirk as he proceeded to lower his stance lightly to give him that extra spring.

Dribbling the ball back and forth from my right to left I lowered my stance lightly as I started breathing deeply to calm down. A second later I felt a calm sensation as my now improved senses started spreading more locking my fully on the opponent in front of me.

Seeing that CJ was reaching in for a steal I dribbled the ball through my crotch as I transition into a step-back. Using the separation I created from him I performed a quick spin move to his left. A second later CJ quickly regained his footing as he scrambled in front of me trying to block my way forward.

Seeing this I dragged the ball back to my right side with a behind-the-back dribble finally freeing myself from his mark. Not hesitating as I spotted the free lane to the basket I dashed forward heading straight for the basket. Two meters away from the basket I picked up the ball with my right and softly dunked it.

Not being tall enough to be able to reach high enough to hang on the rim I landed softly on the ground. Exhilarated by my manoeuvre I started dancing lightly shaking off the excitement as I was quickly joined by BIg MIke.





To Be Continued...