The Ice

{Please head over to the Plaza}

How many stars do I have? Ah, 15.

I'm so broke. I sighed. Even in this game, I'm broke?

Okay, let's just go to the plaza and end this. After walking for a while, I finally meet Amarok.


Monster Level: 5

Difficulty: Medium

Must: Defeat the Level 5 Amarok

Reward: Level up, stamina, 7 stars

Time limit: 1 hour


I sigh and take it out of my pocket, I took the ice core and put it in my hand. In this game, if you want to use power, you must put it in your hand and let your hand absorb the power. It's been 20 seconds. This should be enough, I let out a deep breath and smoke came out.

Oh, it worked alright. I'm feeling a little bit cold myself.

I can't jump so high yet. Should I just run towards it?


Suddenly, Amarok runs towards me. Shit, hold on!

{Use Ice Breath?}


Suddenly, my finger pointed at Amarok and a very large smoke came out of it. What's this?! I didn't even raise my finger?!

I put my finger down, and see Amarok frozen. It looks like it was struggling. I should get this chance. I took out the ogre weapon earlier and started to hit it. When I was hitting it for the 10th time. The Amarok unfrozen and started attacking me, luckily, my stamina was enough to dodge his action and slammed him down.

{Use Ice Spear?}


Out of nowhere, many pieces of ice shards came out of the ground and started going through the Amarok's body. I jumped away, not wanting to get hurt too.


It screamed in pain, the last shard went through the Amarok's heart, causing the point of the shard to have the Amarok's heart.

{Naim quest done}

"Hah, good God. Why is it so detailed?"

{Skill obtained!}

{Ice spear, and Ice breath}

{Would you like to level up Ice spear?}

{Yes}. {No}√

"Gah, not now. I'm too broke." Now, where's my reward?

{Reward received!}

{Reward: Level up, stamina, 7 stars}


{Name: Jeong-Hoon}

{Age: 17}

{Level: 7}

{Gender: Male}

{Species: Human}

{Power: None}

{Stars: 22}

{Occupation: Student}

{Weapon: 2}

{Specialty: None}

{Strength: 5/100}

{Stamina: 20/100}

{Knowledge: 75/100}


"I need more stars..." the Naim quest only contains 5-10 stars. The Arch Quests contains a hundred or a hundred thousand stars.

"Hah, am I ever gonna survive here?" I sighed, I should go to the grocery market here. I need food.

As I start to walk, realization is hitting me. This is not the real world but it looks like one. Killing is everywhere here. This world became gloomy because of Myeong Ho, normally, I like villains in video games but a certain main character here made me realize it.

I finally arrived. It's so hollow and dark in here, I grabbed the flashlight on the floor and opened it. To my surprise, there's graffiti on the wall.

"All hail....".

"It's not continued? Who did this?" Suddenly, there was someone who grabbed my hand and pulled me down.

"Woah!" I tried to squirm but they put their hand over my mouth and said, "If you wanna live, shut it. Turn off your flashlight" He pointed his fingers at the ceiling which made me almost throw up. I hurriedly turned off the flashlight. He removed his hand, letting me breathe.

"Who are you?" I whispered.

"Kim Song-Won, you?" A man with black hair and brown eyes, sharp jaws, arms filled with scars, answered me.

"Jeong-Hoon" I smiled, "That's an ugly name" He spat out as he stands up.

This asshole.

"Tch. What do you want?"

"Where's my thank you? I just saved your life"

"Well, thank you." I rolled my eyes. To my surprise, he laughed.

{Your friendship with Kim Song-Won has leveled up}

Huh, it's easy as that?

"So, what're you doing here?" He smiled.

"I'm hungry, I just killed an Amarok." My stomach grumbles. This is so embarrassing.

"I saw, this market is not so far from the Plaza" Is everyone stalking me now?

"Do you wanna come with me?" He extends his hand out. Does he trust me already?

"I'm a stranger you just met" He put his hand down and laughs.

"You're right. But where are you gonna go at this rate? You haven't even eaten yet."

"I'm gonna do just fine," I replied, I already learned my lesson in the real world if you easily trust someone you just end up getting stabbed in the back.

"Are you sure?--''

" Enough already." I glared at him.

"Then at least take this." He grabbed his one bag full of food and handed it out to me.

"What's this for?"

"For you."


"Is it bad that I wanna help someone?"

"..Thanks." I grabbed the shopping bag. He laughs and said, "we'll meet again, Jeong-Hoon." He went out of the market.

"I don't wanna meet you again" I sigh. Well, at least I have food now. Sweet. I licked my lips in hunger.


"My word, Myeong Ho. You are getting weak"

"Bastard, just wait and see.." Myeong Ho spat out blood.

"See what?" They chuckled, "Someone in this world is gonna beat you. Someone just came in."

"Is it the little hero, Seol Han-Bin?" They laughed and stepped on Myeong Ho.

"No, someone stronger than him" Myeong Ho smirked. "You bastard, I hate that smug of yours." They kicked Myeong Ho until he passed out.

"Someone just came in, eh? What does Myeong Ho mean by that?"






"Come in, come in" He smiled.

"I'm pretty sure I just rejected your offer!"

"Now, now. Jeong-Hoon. No need to be so cruel. Feel at home."

Is this a base or what? I don't think I can ever feel at home, and this bastard is just smiling at me. I sigh.