Chapter 11

"I have power, wealth, and virtue. Due to my father's actions, people believe I'd follow in his footsteps. But those who think such a thing are simple-minded. They can't see the bigger picture, no. They'll never see the bigger picture. As of today, you great souls will lead a new generation, one where those born without powers can be given a chance! The poor, the weak! Sons, daughters! They will be given an opportunity to reign above those fortunate enough to be given powers during the Red Mist's appearance. This is the destiny you've chosen! The path you will walk for the rest of your lives! See to it that you succeed at all costs! Bring this unfair world to an end! As you stand together for a new empire!"

The crowd uproars with applause and cheering as Bu Park's speech reaches the ears of his guild members. His guild, known as Desire, is ranked fifth out of the seven guilds in Seoul. Though being so close to the bottom, they've managed to stand their ground due to the heinous methods they've produced.

"Those who don't understand our ideals see us as villains! A terrorist group known as Surgeons! What do you think of that name! Isn't it fitting?!"

Once again, the crowd cheers as Bu Park speaks powerfully.

"But it's all for a good cause. Do you remember the main reason we've joined together like this? Gotten as strong as we are now?!"

The crowd shouted together as they answered Bu Park.

"To take your father out of commission and gain his recognition!"

"That's correct! My father is nothing but a power-hungry scumbag! He deserves to be turned into a corpse, but only after he finally understands the hell he's put the people through! Along with his own family! He's nothing but a filthy excuse of a human being, and we will be the ones to end his reign!"

Bu Park began walking off the stage as his guild cheered for him. Even with the noise, no one could hear a peep on the outside. That's because their base of operation was set underground, and the only way there was with a Surgeon Mask. A shard-like mask covering half of the wearer's face after entering the elevator will scan for the mask after a specific button is pressed. If the mask is present, the elevator will descend to the underground; if not, the elevator will alert security for preventive methods.

Bu Park and his Vice Guild Master Su Si-ho were standing in the elevator.

"That was a marvelous speech, sir. You had the members brimming with fire and resolve from such inspiration. We are prepared to follow you through thick and thin!"

"I appreciate it, Si-ho... It's good to know I've got a dedicated group with me. People with determination and resolve are people you can trust with all your heart."

Bu Park smiles at the thought of his members and how they've changed his life for the better.

"Ah, I've been meaning to ask Si-ho. How is your family doing?"

Si-ho was shocked to be asked such a question, but it also made him happy.

"They're doing great, ever since you gave us such a new place to live. My wife and daughter have been nothing but in awe at all the new things we can experience. It truly is a blessing from such a great Guild Master."

"I'm grateful you and your family are enjoying your luxurious lives, and in return, all I ask is you continue to live that way."

"Absolutely! Guild Master Bu! I will do that just for you!"


Si-ho looks at Bu in confusion.

"Do it for yourself."

Bu smiled, giving Si-ho relief. As the elevator stops and opens, Bu Park steps out and begins walking toward his office.

"Keep me updated on the guild's recent events."

Bu said as he waved goodbye to Si-ho before the elevator's doors closed.

As Bu enters his office, he quickly reaches his chair and falls into it. He was undoing his tie before letting out a relieved sigh. Before realizing a shadow in his room had morphed into someone.

"Ah, Duri-Sung... How is the report coming along?"

"The Head Guilds Seer is currently moving strangely; compared to her routine; she attempts to gather information about your father."

"Is that all? Was I worried about nothing then..."

Bu Park sat with his hand crossed and pressed against his face.

"That's not all; I caught wind of some other important news."

"Lay it on me."

"About a year ago, a group of ten entered the tower. Apparently, within the group was one S2 Rank D, One S2 Rank C, Two S1 Rank B's, Two S1 Rank A's, One S1 Rank S, and Two S2 Rank S's. Then an S1 Rank F."

"An S1 Rank F? Why were they with that group?"

"It was never made clear, from what I heard, they had brought them along for training. Or so they believe."

"It's bizarre but not unlikely. Was that all you caught wind of?"

"No, actually, there's more."

"Go on."

"After clearing the floor and defeating the body that had slaughtered them. The total body count was nine, not ten."

"Did an S rank survive, or perhaps they were slaughtered by one of the S ranks?"

"No, sir... The body of the Rank F was never found. But they believe it fell into the lava below the boss room's arena."

"That's entirely possible; even the pressure from a boss C rank or higher would be like a forceful push... Is there anything else?"

"Just the names of the ones who died that day."

"I see... I'm not too interested in the dead. So continue your observations and make sure our plans don't reach the ears of the Head Guilds Seer."

"At once, Guild Master Bu."

Duri-Sung vanishes within the shadows once again, leaving Bu Park alone in his office.

"It's good to know things are going as planned. I can continue peacefully. As long as Nari-Seo isn't onto us."

Suddenly, the television that was mounted to the wall in front of his desk changed to the news at the press of a button. Bu watched with great intent as they talked about the group known as Surgeons.

"As of yesterday, four new bodies were discovered with a piece of their body missing. According to the authorities, these four individuals were Scar Bearers. Targets of the recently spiking terrorist group known as Surgeons. This group is notorious for carving scars off of Bearers. We're unaware of what they could be doing this for, but we can assure it. It can't be good. This is news channel twelve, relaying the news to you and only you, signing off."

Bu Park mutes his television and resumes working on paperwork for his guild. Reviewing new applications and old members who had either died or left. However, as he's looking over his papers. A thought crosses his mind.

"What if the F Rank killed them all?"

He thought it preposterous as he shook his head and continued reading through his papers. Then something else clicked.

"Could he have been hiding his rank? Usually, people who tend to hide their rank do it for numerous reasons..."

Instantly he phoned his secretary and ordered a list of the ten people that were involved in the massacre a year ago.

Within minutes the secretary sent the list, and Bu Park began looking through it.

"S1 Rank F, S1 Rank F... Where is he?"

As he scrolled through the extensive profiles, he instantly stopped on the Rank F and began reading.

"Mori Si-Woo, Severity one Rank F... Weapon-type dagger. Ability: Astral Grip... What an impressive ability."

Then he saw a written note within the profile, and his eyes immediately widened.

*Mori's Scar Bearer Tree is under some kind of lock. The reason is unknown as to what could've done such a thing. More research is required.

"A Scar Bearer with a lock on their tree? I've never heard of such a thing... It's unnatural, unorthodox; he could be known as the Weakest Scar Bearer known to humanity."

Bu Park looked through the rest of the profile and began putting pieces together.

"So you have a sister, mister Si-Woo... That could very well be why you tried to take on a floor of the tower with your powers. Yet it proved inconclusive as to how your body isn't found."

Bu Park leaned back with his thinking face on and began brainstorming ideas.

"...Why am I thinking so hard on this? He's dead or missing; it doesn't matter if he is to appear in the next ten days. He'd contribute nothing to society or himself. He's too weak of a Scar Bearer to be of any use."

As Bu looks out his window to see the sun setting, a shadow of the tower is formed onto his building. At the same time, he stares directly at it. As he thought long and hard about his own family and the reason for his sudden goals against his own father.