Chapter 12

The sky filled with blue, completely cloudless and calming to the mind. Bu stares into the blue as he finds himself lost in thought.

The world is vast; maybe there's an ability out there that could help me in my conquest to rid my father of his power and position. He thought as his Vice Guildmaster was playing with his daughter at the playground.

"That's it, Mi-ho! Come down the slide!"

Si-ho holds out his hands for his daughter as she slides down the red-colored tube slide. As her laugh filled the tube, it snapped Bu back into reality. Watch as Si-ho pulls Mi-ho from the slide and swings her around in the air. She was causing a smile to appear on Bu's face.

"This is all because of you, Mr. Park; my family is very thankful for what you've done for my husband and daughter."

Broadly Si-ho's wife Yu-ho appeared to thank Bu Park sincerely.

"This world can be a cruel place; I just want to make it a better one. Where wealth and power aren't all that's needed to get people to recognize you."

"That's such an admirable thing to do. It can't be as easy as it sounds."

"It isn't; it takes a lot of hard choices. Ones that curdle your blood at the thought of them."

"That must be stressful, especially on you."

"It has its perks and its downsides... But I'll never stop no matter how bad it gets."

"How do you do it? How do you keep the stress from truly eating at you?"

Bu Park looks over at Yu-ho and smiles.

"That's the secret; I don't. There are always days that eat at me and others where I can't bear it. But I have people like your husband to pull me back if I ever need to be retrieved."

From behind, Bu could hear a loud cry. As he turns, he sees a young boy holding his badly scraped knee. With no one helping him. So without hesitation, he got up and grabbed his briefcase. Quickly rushing to the young boy. As he approached, he kneeled to level with him.

"Hey, hey, are you okay?"

The young boy shook his head as tears shed from his eyes.

"What happened?"

"I-I-I fell off my bike, a-a-and I hurt my knee."

"That's horrible; what happened? Did you lose control, or did something get in your way?"

"T-There was a couple of high school kids, w-who picked on me, and they shoved me off my bike and took it."

Bu looked around, noticing the bike was gone. He thought that made sense as he set his briefcase down and opened it.

"What's your name?"


"Well, Chi-soo, my name is Bu. As in the scary sound, a ghost makes when he scares you. But don't worry, I'm not scary like those meany ghosts."

Bu pulls out a handkerchief and a small bottle of water.

"This might sting a little, but I'm gonna clean up your wound and get you home, okay?'

"O-O-Okay, t-thank you."

"It's okay; you don't have to cry anymore."

"I-I'll try not to cry anymore."

"That's good, Chi-soo; you're strong. That's an excellent thing."


Bu begins cleaning the wound as he dumps some cool water on the red handkerchief and applies pressure to the scrap.

"Not everyone can only get a minor scrape against some stronger people and be able to tell others about it instantly. To me, that means you are a strong boy."

"I don't like bullies; they're mean for no reason."

"I wouldn't say no reason; everyone has their reasons. It's just your goal to figure out why and try to see things from their eyes."

"But they're so much taller than me; how can I see from their eyes?"

Bu laughed as he wiped around the abrasion on Chi-soo's knee.

"You're a silly one, that's for sure."

Bu sets aside the handkerchief and pulls out a box of different bandaids finding the ones for more significant areas.

"Why do you have so many bandaids, Mr. Bu?"

"Well, you see, I deal with a lot of paperwork, which means a lot of papercuts. Have you ever gotten a papercut?"

"Yeah, papercuts are painful; they hurt my hands."

"Exactly, and having them uncovered is never a good idea, so I have these on hand. So I can place them over my fingers when I accidentally cut myself."

Bu places the knee bandaid over the scrape and begins packing everything up.

"But Chi-soo, what I was saying earlier was..."

"Don't worry, Mr. Bu, I understood everything!"

Chi-soo was a bit more energetic now that Bu had patched up his injury.

"Did you now? Well, I'm glad."

Bu stood up after packing everything away and smiled at Chi-soo.

"Do you know how to get home?"

"Yes, Mr. Bu! I don't live too far from the park."

"Well, that's even better; make sure your parents look at that and get it cleaned up better, okay?"

Chi-soo nodded as he stuck out his tiny right hand.

"Thank you, Mr. Bu."

"What's this now?"

"I want to shake your hand; my papa always shakes hands with people."

"I see now; then, it was a pleasure to help you today, Chi-soo."

Bu gently shook Chi-soo's hand before watching him head off home.

As Bu turned to look at the park, he noticed allured eyes from single women staring at him.

"My oh my, I better get going."

Bu turned and rushed away from the park, walking towards his guild's building.

The streets were mildly full of people as Bu slithered through people. Sometimes getting bumped into, and other times people step in front of him.

As he passes and approaches an alleyway, he turns into it to get off the busy sidewalks and walks through it till he comes to a stop after hearing so voices.

"Did you see that kid cry! I mean, what a baby!"

Bu held his back against the wall to hear the rest of what they were saying.

"How do you guys like my new bike?"

"Like taking candy from a baby!"

"That kid is such an easy target; new things each week!"

"Kid must be in a rich family!"

"Tell me about it; the kid is nothing but a goldmine."

Bu heard enough as he rounded the corner and stood before the three high schoolers.

"You think it's funny, don't you? Stealing from a little kid."

"Who the hell are you?"

The blonde-headed high school attempts to approach Bu but is stopped by the one with black hair.

"Shi-o, wait up a minute. This clown doesn't know what he's stepping into."

"Why are you stopping me, Kai-ma!"

"Just stop for a moment. It's been a minute since Sang-go has gotten a chance to fight someone."

"You want him to fight? Not me?! What the hell's up with that?"

"Sang-go, why don't you make up for what happened yesterday and teach this guy a lesson."

A kid with black hair was pulled out in front.

"Go on then! Beat his ass!"

Kai-ma and Shi-o pushed Sang-oh to his knees.

Bu stared him down with a murderous aura emitting from his eyes, causing Sang-oh to get up and bash through Kai and Shi instantly, running away in fear. As he heard them scream his name, the world went silent. Till Sang-oh find himself lying on the ground bleeding, with scrapes and blood covering different parts of his body.

"Look what you did; you killed one of your friends. Over some stupid pride. People like you need to be disciplined. Better yet, I think you need to be saved."

The energy of blue and yellow started emitting from Bu's chest as he unbuttoned the top part of his button-up. He reveals his scar, a giant vertical gash between his pectorals. He slowly begins pulling out his weapon as he reaches into his scar.

The high schoolers look at Bu with boredness in their eyes.

"Rain down the light of heaven from this divinely crafted blade; unleash yourself! Reckoning!"

A sleek and sharp katana was unleashed from Bu's scar with a golden slash of release. Its blade is a golden metal, with an overlay of blue reinforcing it. Its handle is wrapped in a light blue ribbon that droops at the bottom of the handle.

"This guy thinks he's some kind of powerhouse! Ha! Let's show him what we're all about, Shi-."

Kai looked over at his friend, whose head was missing.

With fear immediately creeping in, Kai-ma screams fill the air for seconds before, poof. It was gone in an instant.

Blood filled the alley's walls as Bu quickly cleaned himself up and picked up his briefcase. He was walking over to the road where people had gathered—quickly getting a glimpse of the accident that had occurred.

"Out of the way, everyone! Out of the way!"

Paramedics rushed to the dying boy who was hit by a car—trying to get him out of the road and into the ambulance.

Bu sighs and continues walking towards his guild's building, with the sidewalks slightly lessened and the number of people lowered. An Instant smile appeared on his face as he thought of all the good he did today.