Chapter 8

Lars shared a story about the person he met at school. He was student just like Lars, but a quite strange to be considered as normal person. His stare was so deadly that it scared out of Lars when he looked into this person's eyes. Unlike the other students in general, he radiated an aura that made Lars uncomfortable.

Hearing this, Fanny could only frowned and fell silent the whole time. this person gave her a bad feeling, like something she was not expect had happened. At this moment, she was a bit confused about the action she should take after realizing that the person Lars talking about was none other than Nicu. She knew someday that Nicu would definitely come for Lars. However it never crossed her mind that he had showed himself in front of Lars this sooner. 

Fanny was aware that Nicu was one of the protector of Luna clan and used to be under the leadership of Contessa's father. It was a fact only known by her and her husband after their first encounter a few years ago, when Fanny and Baron had crossed the border of the human realm and started living their life as normal human being for quite a while. 

It occurred when Lars barely ten years old. The little Lars and Baron were playing outside not far from their house. And then all of sudden, Lars lost his consciousness and did not wake up for a long time. 

He took little Lars to the nearest hospital immediately to get a treatment. However, even doctor could not explain the symptom of the sickness that Lars was experiencing and no one know what happened to him. Even until now Lars still unconscious so Baron had to wait and stayed at the hospital until his 'son' woke up.

He left the hospital room for a minute to bring water and when he got back to the room, he saw a someone unfamiliar had already standing next to Lars's bed. Later after this, Baron Magnus learned that this stranger was none other than Nicu himself. He quickly activated his killing aura and kept his guard up while entering the room.

"What do you want with Lars? He's just a normal kid who doesn't even that special!" said Baron Magnus, his voice a menacing rumble.

At this current moment, he thought that Nicu was one of Vampire folks or underling of Luciano who had been tailed him and his family since long time ago, intending to hurt Lars. 

However, Nicu quickly denied the accusation. "Please, calm yourself first, lord Baron. I don't have any ill intention and I don't come here to hurt young master Lars.  This is only a misunderstanding." Nicu explained his intention, choosing words carefully as not to make any further misunderstanding.

Baron Magnus raised his eyebrow, feeling skeptical. Even after hearing the explanation, he had not fully trusted the person who was standing near the bed where Lars was lying down. 

"How did you know my name? And why did you call my son as a young master? Who are you exactly? Explain yourself now!" Baron Magnus asked with a sharp tone and surprisingly scary expression on his face.

He released his killing aura greater than before in order to make Nicu stay away from Lars but it did not work that well. Nicu kept standing there without activated his power and did not intend to return what Baron Magnus did to him.

And surprisingly, Nicu was able to neutralize Baron Magnus's killing aura with his own ability. However he was unable to hide his fear when he faced him. He could not bring himself to act recklessly. 

"You saw it yourself. Don't you, lord Baron? I didn't activate my killing aura in the first place. Isn't that enough to show you that I am not a bad person. At least listen to what I have to say before you judge me." 


Baron Magnus still surrounded by his killing aura and still didn't want to let his guard down even after hearing what Nicu had said. Judging by Nicu's appearance, it seemed like he was indeed a good man but Baron could not get rid of his suspiciousness toward him yet. Especially after knowing that the man in front of him recognized Lars and even called him as 'young master'.

All the years he spent in human realm, he never once met someone who called his son as 'young master' except for the one who came from the realm of eternity and knew Lars since he was a baby. 

"Who are you? I don't remember anything about meeting you. Do we know each other?" Staring from the corners of his eyes, Baron questioned Nicu.

Nicu tried to stay calm facing this tense situation even though deep down, he was at breaking point and wanted to release his killing area just as much as Baron Magnus did. He tried his best to get a hold of himself so as not to cause any trouble and make Baron upset even more.

"All right, then. I'll tell you who I am. My name is Nicu, and am an envoy from Luna Clan. Contessa's father, or in other words, the grandfather of young master Lars had sent me here to protect him. Of course you really know the leader of Luna's clan well, aren't you?" Nicu introduced himself.

Having heard Nicu's statement for the first time, Baron Magnus could not hide the surprise on his face any longer. His mouth hung open for a moment and was unable to say any single word. He fell silent, seemingly deep in thought. there was mixed feeling inside of him at the moment.

It turned out thing was not exactly what he thought it was but only a misunderstanding on his side. Nicu did not intend to hurt Lars and if he had such an intention, he would have done it sooner when Baron Magnus was away from Lars a while ago. 

"If my explanation wasn't enough and you still don't want to trust me, maybe this will do. I'm sure lord Baron will recognize it immediately." Nicu said once again while taking out a badge from behind his dress coat. 

Nicu walked a few steps toward Baron Magnus and showed the badge to him. He raised the badge up high so Baron Magnus would see it clearly. However, his action could only make the situation worst. Baron kept increasing his killing aura as he kept approaching him. 

Soon after he realized it, he stopped when he was fifteen inches away from Baron Magnus. Despite the fear of unable to win Baron's trust and not knowing what would Baron did to him after this, Nicu still did not intend to activate his killing aura and calmly waited for his reaction.

Baron quickly snatched away the badge from Nicu's hand and looked at it carefully. "Is it true? that the leader of Luna folks is the one who gave you this?" he asked with a serious expression, demanding an answer right away.

Nicu slowly nod while giving serious expression to Baron. He did not intend to hide his identity as Luna folks from him. Every clan from werewolves folks had distinctive feature that differed from each clan, including Luna clan. He thought that Baron would immediately recognize him by looking at his feature but he was wrong. 

"If what you have said is true, then my apologies, this old man had belittled you and caused you all troubles from the start." he said, feeling regret.

His killing aura soon dissipated into thin air. Nicu finally could breath a sigh of relief. The killing aura that Baron Magnus released a while ago had caused Nicu difficult to breath, thus making him unable to talk much.

"So your leader had heard the news about the assault of Cloud Armor kingdom and that's why he ordered you to tail us even when we are in the human realm, is that what this is all about?"

Nicu gave a faint nod and then started to tell his story, "That's right. The moment they heard about the assault of Cloud Armor Kingdom, our leader immediately sent me to watch over prince Lars. As soon as I got the order, I flew to the Cloud Armor quickly and I saw you running away with prince Lars further from the castle. So I made up my mind to follow you into the human realm. I have been tailing you and your family since the beginning and I thought it's time to show up and tell my identity so we can avoid any trouble in the future. Now I finally had the change to meet you personally. "

Baron Magnus reached his hand and stroked his white beard, his typical attitude when he was thinking. "I see. I'm deeply sorry for mistaken you as bad person. It's my fault, so please forgive this reckless old man, here. I just want to protect Lars, so whoever try to approach him must be suspected. Even more when the enemy is everywhere that I can't tell which one is our ally and which one is the enemy. I hope you understand this old man."

Baron stated while bowing his head sincerely, seemingly lost for words. Never once crossed his mind that he would come across with one of Luna clan in human realm.