chapter 9

Chapter 9.

The story continued on following the day after Nicu showed up in front of Baron Magnus and revealed his own identity as well as his goal to him.

Ever since their encounter in the hospital, now Nicu was able to watch over Lars freely without feeling afraid of being found out by Baron Magnus.

In the past, when he spotted Baron Magnus and his family in the forest of eternity after an attempt of escape from the enemy's pursuit, he had been tailing them secretly until he showed up himself in front of Baron Magnus the other day. And starting from now on, he was no longer had to disguise and hide his own identity. 

That day, Lars voiced his desire to be a singer. Just when he was fifteen years old, he had showed a sign of his interest in the music world. And it started when he was able to understand the melody tunes and arranged it perfectly. 

One day, he came by one of his friend's house. Inside the house, he saw a piano and found himself mesmerized by the object that could produce beautiful tunes. He played the piano by the chance and that was when his interest in music grew stronger. The first time he tried, pushing down the button of pitches with his ten fingers to work with, he was able to make melody.

When he came back home from his friend's house, Lars told his 'dad' to get him a piano. At first, Baron Magnus refused to buy his son a piano but eventually ended up buying it anyway. His heart grew soft when it came to his son and of course could not say no to his son's request. His love for Lars was too great that he did not have the courage to make Lars cry.

Lars, who was still fifteen years old at that time, showed his great enthusiast when he got a piano as the present for his fifteenth birthday from his 'dad'. He started to indulge himself in playing around with his newly bought piano and created a beautiful melody tunes. He honed his musical skills every day to become what he is today.

However, Lars's career path to become a singer was not as an easy as imagined. Baron Magnus once opposed the idea of his son becoming a singer when Lars told him about this. He had a talk with Nicu about his concern, and it related to Lars safety that could be in danger if he became a singer. 

Without a doubt, his uneasiness was caused by his thought that the enemy from the other side was everywhere and ready to attack Lars whenever they had a chance. it would turn into the worse scenario if Lars's name became known worldwide and that would make the enemy know his exact location. But soon, his doubt was crumbled when Nicu showed his support for Lars and assured him that it would be all right to let Lars do what he wanted the most. 

"Don't you need to worry, lord Baron. I will be the one to keep him safe. He, without a doubt, will meet them soon or later. It is his fate and we cannot do anything about it." Nicu said, reassuring Baron. A meaningful smile formed at the edges of his mouth.

Baron Magnus suddenly felt a great headache. He brought his hands to his head. In his age which no longer youth, Baron often had headache and that was due to the difference of life he was trying to adapt to. He was so used to living in the realm of eternity that he still had hard time adjusting to his life in the realm of human. He had no other choice but to consume special herbs that only grew in the eternal forest in order to prolong his life in the human realm.


"I know that young master will definitely meet Luciano and the leader of Vampire folks, but, I'm still worried about him. He can't put up a fight against them in his current condition. Isn't it a big risk if he becomes an artist and his name spread to other people's ear so quickly? That will just make them know his whereabouts. And that's what has been bugging my mind this whole time."

Baron Magnus voiced his concern about the dark future of his 'son'. There was fear that he felt from behind the words alone could not express. He himself was not sure how to make Nicu understand with what he was trying to tell him.


However, Nicu was able to read inside Baron Magnus's heart. He well knew that Baron Magnus did not want Lars to get hurt when he was still too young and hadn't understand about the situation.

"I understand what you are trying to tell lord Baron. You just want to protect Lars and keep him away from the greatest threat. But will you be able to hide the fact that Luciano and Vampire folks are after the young master and keep it a secret from him?"

His blatant words somehow managed to get Baron Magnus tongue tied. The old man was silent for a quite a while, seemed to be deep in thought until Nicu spoke once more, waking him up from his daze.

"You don't have to worry about this problem, lord Baron. Let's protect young master and watch over him together. I'm so certain that Luciano and Vampire folks won't hurt young master in the near future. Trust me with this they won't dare to show themselves in this world for now. They need to gather their strength on large scale if they really want to attack the young master in the human realm. Of course, lord Baron is aware of this fact, right?"

After hearing those words, Baron Magnus's mouth gaped open. Ever since Lars told him about his desire to become a singer, Baron Magnus started being attack by the anxiousness that he hadn't able to get rid of. He could not sleep well and hadn't gotten a big appetite either. All of the unsettling he felt was solely because of thinking about Lars's safety.

However the more he thought about this, the more anxious he became until Nicu blasted him with vigorous words. And that was made Baron Magnus realized that his anxiousness was useless and nothing more than a burden not only for himself but for Lars too.

He just wanted to protect Lars until the day came. However his excessive love for Lars made him blind and closed his heart. He didn't even see how the enemy would soon come for his 'son' soon or later because it was Lars's destiny to fight and defeat Luciano and Vampire folks. Ever since he was born, his fate had already written and that was to cast down the evil and became the light who guided his people. 

After the long discussion with Nicu, Baron Magnus finally gave his permission and allowed Lars to become a singer, a dream he had wanted for long time. 

Lars then auditioned in a singing contest broadcasted on TV. He quickly became widely known by many people who watched the show. They were mesmerized by his golden voice whenever they listen to him sing the song. 

Every melody he brought when he sang had successfully made the music lover fall in love with him. Four months he spent in singing audition TV show and it was worth it. He ranked first and became the winner of the show. Since that day, his name was always trending in every media social. After becoming the winner, there were many music labels showed their interest in him and wanted to recruit him. 

Lars was a youngest newcomer singer in Ignea and most influential artist as of now. He was always busy and booked. He was always reminded by his parents not to indulge himself with his work. As parents, Baron Magnus and Fanny wanted to keep him in good condition.

Whereas Nicu, he always by Lars's side, watching over him from distant. He was so determined to protect him.



This was in Vamalia's house. A girl with ponytail was lying down on bed in her room. One leg crossed at the knee, wiggling her foot.

She was Alisa. Alisa Vamalia. She was reading her favorite comic about Werewolves and Vampire. She was fond of those kinds of stories. For her, the story line of Werewolves and Vampire was so different from her own life's reality.

"Geez, it finished already. Why so fast?" Alia said in displeased voice, annoyed that the comic she was reading was over. 

She quickly got up and closed the comic. "What should I do now?"


Alisa lived in lavish house with luxurious facility inside, including her room. Her room was so spacious that at glance, it looked like a hall. She kept all the stuffs she liked at her room.

"Why am I so thirsty after reading a comic?"

She narrowed her eyes and scrunched her face. A second later, she got away from the bed and tucked her sandals under her feet. She then walked casually to the desk.

When she was about to pour water to a glass, a chime of her cell phone distracted her. She jogged to her bed and took the cell phone that lied on the blanket. A smile suddenly surfaced – a happy smile. Impatient, she clicked the green button on her phone screen.

"You finally called me. I miss you so much, big brother. When will you return home to Ignea?"

She threw question at the person on the other end of the phone – apparently that person was her big brother. She could not hide her happiness when she was finally able to hear her big brother's voice again after long time. it had been too long since she kept in touch with her big brother.