Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Alisa just finished reading her favorite comic. When she was about to get a glass of water, a chime of her cell phone distracted her. 

She hastily checked her cell phone lying on the bed. it was Ludra Fon Vamalia who called. He was Alisa big brother who had been lived overseas for a year now, away from his sister.

How happy Alisa was when she found out that the person who called her was Ludra. She had been waiting for him to contact her again.

"When will you come back, big brother? You know I really miss you, but why are you just calling me now?"

That was first thing she asked to her big brother. She scrunched up her face, feeling upset but relieved at the same time. Relieved that her brother finally had the time to get in touch with her. When did the last Ludra call or text her? Alisa didn't even remember. 

In the past, Alisa had tried many times to text and call Ludra, but she never received any response from him. She used other means to contact him via email but still got no response. She could not help but to think that Ludra never wanted to know about his sister's well-being.

"My bad, this cool guy has been too busy with his workload these past few months. He even forgot that he had a beautiful girl waiting for him." Ludra said in manner like he was teasing his sister.

Alisa's cheeks were blushing after hearing that words. She dropped her body onto her bed and then looked up at the ceiling decorated with many stars.

"So, what are you doing now?" 

Alisa raised her right hand above her head, her eyes were drawn out by the ring which wrapped around her ring finger. It was a gold color ring with a green emerald gem in the middle of the ring. It had been there since she was five years old and it was Ludra who gave it to her as a present for her birthday.

"Humph..." Ludra paused for seconds causing Alisa to feel impatient waiting for the answer. "what do you think I am doing now?" he continued, holding his laughter.

Alisa frowned. She turned her body and extended her hand to the nearby penguin plushie. She hugged it tightly. "I'm not a fortune teller who knows a lots of stuff. Are you testing me?"

"What? No, of course not, I'm not testing you or anything and I'm not even saying that you are fortune teller. I am just asking if you can guess what I am doing right now."

Alisa scratched her head reflexively, even though her head didn't feel itchy at all. She didn't mean to make her big brother misunderstand with what she said. All she wanted to do was to hear her brother's voice and know that he was okay.

She was rolling in the bed hugging the teddy bear plushie that was bigger than her this time. Too deep in thought, she somehow ignored her brother who was still waiting for an answer from the other end of the phone. A few seconds later, she sat down, staring at herself in the mirror which was few meters away from her.

She fell silent for a moment and then let out of her voice again, calling out her brother. "Big brother? You still there?"

Ludra quickly replied with, "Yeah?" His voice was quiet, causing Alisa to scrunch up her face.

"Are you okay, big brother? Are you still busy as always? I think it'd better if I end the call now." She asked in worried tone. As she said those words she tucked the sandals under her feet and walked closer to the mirror.

Ludra had not given any response until now even though the phone was still connected. He stayed silent and that made Alisa to feel more worried that before. She looked at her cell phone's screen, checking the phone connection. Then, all of sudden, a voice coming from outside the room startled her.

"So you're here, huh. No wonder you didn't say anything. You're too engrossed looking into the mirror." said Ludra in a high pitch, 

Alisa startled. As soon as she turned around and saw the man who was leaning his body against the panel of the door, her eyes were rounded. She scrunched up her face, unable to hide the surprise. She threw away her cell phone to the bed and immediately ran toward big brother whose his face was good looking.

"Big brother," she exclaimed excitedly. She fell into Ludra's arms and wrapped her hands around Ludra's shoulder. She hugged him tightly. "Why didn't you tell me that you're here in this town. I would have picked you up at the airport if you notify me sooner." she continued, locking onto her brother's eyes.

Ludra reached out to her and gently flicked her forehead. "You're such a spoiled kid!" he said, showing his affection toward his sister whom he loved so much with his own way.

"Ouch, that hurts!" said Alisa, "I'm only act like this when I'm with you. Am I not allowed to do that?" she puffed out her cheeks, pouting.

She quickly took a step back while giving an unsatisfied expression to her brother. With her arms crossed on her chest, she was waiting for an answer.

If he had to point out about this situation, it would be Alisa getting mad at him or there was something she really wanted but hadn't fulfilled. Either way, it made him anxious for a moment.

"Hey, I'm just kidding, you know. Don't get angry so fast. You become so ugly when you show me that face." Ludra stated, still teasing his sister.

Alisa didn't give a response this time. Instead, she was frowning in annoyance. It took few minutes to make Ludra understand his sister's sudden attitude.

"All right, I'm the one at fault. So would you forgive me then?" He said once again, but in regret this time. He somehow felt he was being treated coldly by his sister, as if she didn't want him to be there at all. 

He quickly drove away that thought and continued, "I bought you another present. Wanna know what inside the box this time?"

As he said those words, he took out a small box wrapped in paper and pink ribbon in the middle of it from under his coat.

Alisa's expression changed. The annoyance she felt suddenly vanished, being replaced by sparkling joy that shined in her eyes when she looked at the small box. However, it faded soon after, like she was holding back her feelings.

"I don't want the present. It was too small for me. Anyway, I don't like a gift anymore." Alisa stated while looking away. Her cheeks puffed up once again, the same pouting she had done since she was a kid. 

Seeing his sister sulking like that, he stared at the small box in his hand in silence and then turned his head to look at his sister.

"Oh, I see. So, my little sister no longer accepts gift from big brother, huh? That's good then. I don't feel bother at all, really. It's better if I throw away this gift or give it to someone else." Ludra said, glancing from the corners of his eyes. He was checking on Alisa's expression.

His satirical words caused Alisa to turn her gaze toward him but quickly looked away gain. Ludra put the small box back under his coat again.

"What should I do to make it up to you then?" as he said those words, he approached his sister closer. He reached out to her and squeezed her face. "I'm so sorry for making you worry this whole time. But you should know that I do all of this for your own good. Anything I do is always for your sake, Alisa." He continued.

He showed his biggest regret of letting his sister down. Alisa was taken aback by Ludra's sad expression. She could not stay silent for too longer and made her big brother troubled because of her.

"Enough, stop making that face. You're not at fault here. I'm sorry for making you sad." 

She gripped Ludra's hands that were still on her face. It made Ludra's relieved – relieved that his sister was no longer mad at him. However, she was still in a bad mood.

They were silent enveloping the atmosphere around them since the two of them reluctant to say anything else. Ludra stared at Alisa and found her eyes teary, making his heart skip a bit. 

"All right then, to make it up to you, what about we go out and have fun today. We could take a walk somewhere or go shopping and have lunch outside. What do you think? It isn't bad idea, is it?"

Ludra's words were raising Alisa's spirits. Her anger was no longer lodged in her heart. For a seconds, she let the flower of her smiles blossom. Caught in the tide Ludra smiled. 

The first thing she did after that was to hug her brother and hen excitedly responded, "Of course, that's brilliant idea. Thanks, big brother."

For Alisa, there was no other delightful moment than to spend her time with her big brother. She did not need a gift or luxurious stuff. The only thing she need was to be with her brother and had moments together.

Ludra gently patted the back of Alisa's shoulder while letting out a chuckle. Who would have thought his last attempt to improve Alisa's mood work splendidly?

"I'll change my clothes." She let go off her hug and walked away. 

Ludra did the same. He left and headed to his own room that was not too far from Alisa's room. It was the first time he set his foot again in this country after living abroad for a year. The reason he stayed at other country for long time was not to continue his study but to take care of his family business. In spite of his young age of only eighteen, he was proficient in various business affairs and excelled in negotiations.