chapter 11

Chapter 11.

The Fon Vamalia family, was a family that was famous for its business. Ludra's father, was a world-famous coal, oil and hotel entrepreneur

There wasn't a single person in Ignea who didn't know about the Fon Vamalia family. The business they had built was incredibly huge, and had created millions of jobs for those in need.

The Fon Vamalia company operated in fifty well-known countries. That's why, every month they generated revenue of around 100 trillion, which made them become, the largest giant company in the world.

A year had gone by since Ludra lived in Dubai. He was there to supervise the crude coal company there. During his stay at that country, he rarely got in touch with his sister, Alisa which apparently made the girl often feel very anxious.

They always ended up in quarrel every time Ludra called Alisa over the phone. But deep down, Alisa was relieved knowing that her big brother was safe and sound.

After waiting for a year, today Ludra finally returned home to Ignea. How happy it must be for Alisa when she was finally able to see Ludra's again and hug him. She had been waiting these whole year to embrace him and scold him. She didn't want to hold back again and would lecture her big brother every day.

Alisa could not stop smiling. She looked like she was overflowing with joy when she stared at herself in the mirror. It took a great time to choose the right gown. Just like a lover, Alisa tried to look as good-looking as possible and did not want to let her big brother down. She did not want to be looked down upon by other people, but more importantly, her own big brother.

After spending nearly thirty minutes dressing up, she came out of her own room with a flawless appearance. Ludra, who was waiting for her in the sofa, was captivated by his sister's appearance. She just like a royal princess. 

Ludra kept staring at Alisa as she went down the stairs gracefully.  He even unconsciously dropped the magazine to the table the moment he looked at her. And now, he did not want to take his eyes off her. He continued to be amazed by Alisa who was currently had a different aura like a queen.

The dress she was wearing was knee length, and it was pinkish color with lotus flower pattern. The necklace wrapped around her neck and ribbon on her collar gave such a charming impression. The bag slung over her shoulder matched the dress she was wearing. She let her hair loose untied, and was only given a wavy touch at the ends of her hair.

Alisa could not help but to glance at her big brother to see his reaction and she found him petrified while gazing toward her with amazed look on his eyes.  Seeing her big brother spacing out like that Alisa fell silent with embarrassment.

"Big brother," she called out to Ludra,

Ludra quickly snapped out of it when Alisa called out his name softly. He somehow felt awkward for a moment and then spoke for the first time,

"What are you doing dressing up like that... we're just going for a walk, and not attending wedding party or anything. Why you dress up so fancy? Just use simple dress, that will be better and you still look good either way."

Ludra harshly scolded Alisa. He was fascinated by his sister's beauty for a while until he realized that his sister went overboard with her appearance today and it made him feel like he had to tell this to her.

Alisa raised her eyebrow, "What's with you. You are supposed to praise me with good words not scold me harshly like that. I hate you for this." 

In reality, Alisa still acted like childish who would get upset over trivial things. She did not received any criticism. Her mood was easily down over time.

Ludra swallowed his own saliva. He softened his expression soon after he realized what he had done. Of course, he did not say anything wrong to her, but Alisa's childish behavior made him have to hold back his emotions so as not to offend his sister even more.


 "Well, then. I take back I have said earlier. I'm sorry for hurting your feeling, my dear little sister. I didn't meant to look down on you. You have to forget everything I said and now you should smile. Your beauty will fade if you don't smile. Come on."

Those words were the only he could muster at the moment. He thought that his sister would buy his sweets words but he was wrong. Even when he had given his best smile he could muster and said flirtiest words, Alisa still looked angry.  

"Come on, my sweet little sister. It's my fault that I'm not good in praising this girl over here. You do realize I never get close with other girls so it's only natural that I can't even act nice in front of girl."  Ludra said, giving his pleading eyes.

This time, those genuine words reached her. Alisa knew pretty well that her big brother was too pure and could not even handle a good conversation with girls, thus making it difficult for him to find a girlfriend until now.  

She gave a faint smile even though she was still angry at her brother. "All right, I forgive you. But don't ever say that again to me. I dress up like this because I don't want to let you down. I expected you to praise me and be proud of me but it turned out the other way around."

Realizing that it was all his fault for hurting his sister's feeling, he fell silent in this sort of occasional anguish. Despite it was the right thing for him to do, he still felt guilty for saying those words out loud.

"So, do you really forgive me, then?" he asked, making sure he didn't mishear his sister's words.

Alisa gave a little nod as a response. A smile resurface on her face. "I can't get angry at my own brother. I will always love you forever." she said, hugging her brother.

She didn't care how many time she had hugged her brother, she would never stop giving her affection toward him.

"It's enough, stop hugging me. Let go off me now. My body felt like it's gonna break because you always hug me." Ludra whined. not long after, she let go of her embrace, chuckling. 

He knew for a fact, that his sister was so sensitive. she would throw a tantrum if she didn't get what she wanted. so when she regained her smile back, Ludra could breath a sigh of relieve. Next time, he had to rack his brain and find a way to cheer up his sister.

"Let's get going!"

Alisa was in high spirit now. She grabbed Ludra's hand and forced him to follow her from behind. Ludra could only chime in wit a sigh, resignation in his voice. He could not blame his sister's spoiled attitude because he had been away from her and lived abroad before this.  

The two of them walked so fast heading to the garage. As soon as Ludra saw what lied in front of him, he opened his mouth to speak - to whine, but closed it without saying a word. He didn't dare to speak his mind for that only made Alisa angry once again.

"We should drive this and let me drive. Is that fine with you?" Alisa said enthusiastically while pointing her finger at the car in front them.

Ludra did not expect that Alisa had a new luxury car from famous company. He was so surprise when he saw it from afar. He never seen that car parked in his house when the last he lived here. He just didn't believe that during one year he lived at Dubai, things had changed drastically in this place.

"So, is this your car? But you're still underage, aren't you? You haven't even get a driving license. You're not supposed to drive this car yet." Ludra finally spoke his mind, but a bit hesitant.

In Ignea, a person was allowed to drive a car when they were over eighteen years old. However Alisa was still seventeen years old, and she didn't have driving license. So, how she was able to get this car in the first place?

Alisa reminded silent. Her gaze was empty like she was trying to understand what her brother said to her. But soon after, her expression changed and cheerfully said,

"Don't think too much about it. Just get inside and stop whining. If you kept lecturing me now, when will we get going? You're wasting time here." said Alisa who patted hard at Ludra's back and then pushed him into the car.

At first, Ludra s worried if his words would offend her again and of course, it would cause more trouble. However, her uneasiness immediately vanished, and was replaced by the confusion that bothered in his mind.