Chapter 13

chapter 13

Hearing that Ludra doesn't have a girlfriend, let alone a wife, makes the cashiers look busy. Among them, there are those who straighten their hair, clothes and apply makeup, to make them look more beautiful than before.

This they did, in order to attract Ludra's attention from the Vamalia family. Alisa who witnessed this, could only smile mockingly at her sister. The smile began to fade from Ludra's face, as he felt that this situation was very bad. If possible, choose he wants to quickly pay for all his purchases and leave from there. However, it looks like this will take quite a while.

"Look, Sis. They're trying to get your attention. So, what are you waiting for, quickly choose one of them, Sis," whispered Alisa, with a mocking smile.

Ludra, who had not known this for a long time, was irritated by his sister's attitude, which always got him in trouble.

Ludra smiled bitterly, as he glanced at the three cashiers. If asked to choose, it's better for Ludra to choose kittens instead of women who act as if they are beautiful.

They are beautiful. Ludra also did not deny that the three maids had beautiful faces, but still for Ludra, there was no woman as beautiful as Alisa. At least that's what Ludra told them.

"Sorry ladies, I appreciate your attitude towards me, but for me there is no more beautiful woman, than my sister," said Ludra gently with his baritone voice.

Lundra put one hand on Alisa's shoulder, pulling her sister's body closer. A smile graced Ludra's lips, when his and Alisa's eyes met.

"No one can match your beauty, Alisa. So, please don't ever make other women jealous with your charm. Got it!"

Alisa's brows obeyed, her eyebrows rose and fell when she heard Ludra's words. Meanwhile, the three women who were at the cashier's desk rolled their eyes.

Their mouths opened, but no words came out of them. Ludra's words, as if to break their hopes, to side with him.

Prior to this, they had thought they would be able to get Ludra's attention, but all that thought was crushed at once. Flying so high, and finally being dropped back with reality.

"Have you guys finished calculating the price? How much is it all?" Ludra asked and broke the silence between them.

Every servant's daydream disappeared, turning into a sad look when he looked at the figure of the man he had been yearning for.

One of the maids muttered. He's still confused what to do? Ludra's warm and affectionate gaze, he couldn't just let go. His hands tried to work, as usual, but his eyes couldn't cooperate. He hastily rearranged his heart, so as not to arise feelings in him in the future.

His gaze always fell on Ludra's face full of charm, and also Ludra's chest covered by the shirt. Not only the maid, but the other two comrades felt the same way.

The two were busy putting the clothes that Alisa had bought into the bag, which would make it easier for Alisa to carry them later.

"What are you guys doing? Why are you so nervous? Have you never seen a handsome man, like my brother? He is handsome, but he is mine. So keep your eyes on you. Got it!"

Previously, Alisa herself said that Ludra did not have a lover, and he was currently looking for a companion. Every woman deserves her love, but why now? It was as if Alisa didn't want any woman to have a sister.

Ludra sighed. While the three maids, increasingly unable to calm down. Their hearts seemed to be racing, speeding like a rollercoaster at high speed.

A few minutes later, finally everything is ready to take home. Ludra finished the payment, while Alisa carried all her groceries.

"Come on, sis!" asked Alisa, who immediately took Ludra's hand, showing an attitude as if no one was allowed to touch her brother.

The two of them walked towards the exit of the shop, smiling mischievously. Alisa was satisfied, when she saw the expression of each maid, which she thought was very funny and not to be missed.

It was only when Ludra and Alisa began to disappear from sight that the three maids breathed a sigh of relief. Just because of Ludra's sharp gaze, made their world diverted. They couldn't resist the charm of a Ludra Fon Vamalia, but it was Alisa's own words, which made their guts go aimlessly.

While the servants were still trying to organize their hearts, Alisa and Ludra were already in the parking lot, right in front of Alisa's car.

"Next time, don't act like that again. You saw it, didn't you, because your childish attitude made the cashiers uncomfortable. So, don't do it again next time," reminded Ludra.

Alisa narrowed her eyes, feeling something strange at this moment. "Didn't I hear wrong? Didn't you say before, that I am the most beautiful woman and no one can match my beauty. Then why are you now saying that my attitude is childish?"

Ludra pulled the car door, but he refused to do so. "You do talk a lot, Yes. Very like to deny. In the first place, who started it? You were the first to tell them that I'm currently looking for a lover."

Ludra took a deep breath. The smile slowly faded from his handsome face, "Anyway, Big Brother asks that you don't repeat that attitude. You know what the consequences will be?"

Ludra deliberately hung his words, so that Alisa could understand his words. However, Alisa is like an innocent person.

The look on his face showed that he didn't seem to have heard Ludra's words. Instead, without saying a word he got into the car and honked the horn.

"How long are you going to stand there, Sis? Come on, hurry!" snapped Alisa, honking her horn again.

Ludra sighed, now his head was starting to hurt. He really wanted to swear, but if you think about it this would be a waste of time. Arguing with Alisa is like talking to a rock that won't find the answer.

Ludra finally got into the car, then fastened the seat belt. Meanwhile, Alisa continues to look at her brother, who is like a Prince in the fairy tale.

"Why are you doing this again? You've always liked looking at me. Please, don't look at me like that, it really makes me uncomfortable," Ludra grumbled, as he took out a Gawai from his trouser pocket.

Alisa was silent for a moment, continuously giving Ludra a glare, which made Ludra uncomfortable, before finally laughing.

"Hahaha, what did you say? I kept staring at you? Don't be too confident, okay? I'm not looking at you, but I saw the shop over there."

Alisa pointed out the window, Ludra hurriedly looked in the direction his sister was referring to.

Alisa put on a meaningful face. There was a sense of satisfaction that tickled his heart. "My brother is really bad," he thought, covering his mouth with one hand.

Ludra looked around for the shop his sister was referring to. However, as far as his eyes could see, he did not find any shops along this street.

Ludra turned his gaze towards Alisa, who seemed to be enjoying her victory. Even though Alisa is silent, Ludra knows that at this time his sister is playing a prank on him.
