Chapter 14

The Last Generation Of Werewolves

Chapter 14.

The atmosphere that night was so different from usual. The scorching day has now turned into night mixed with a breezy wind that blows quite hard.

A young man with a fast pace, no he ran a little and continued to increase his speed. The young man ran towards the middle of the forest. Then, behind him there were several people who were also running fast.

They didn't just run for a few meters, but tens maybe even hundreds of thousands of kilometers without stopping. It's been through several regions, cities maybe even countries.

Right in front of several towering trees, the age of the trees is around tens of years, maybe even hundreds of years.

These young men kept running, they even climbed the trees by running. Their steps remained stable even though the conditions were not as flat as on the ground.

When they reached the top of each tree, they jumped as high as they could. At the same time, an orange light appeared from the air. The youths immediately smiled when the light shone brightly in their eyes.

The light that radiated was getting brighter, at that moment they were racing to be able to reach the light. At the same time, the five youths disappeared in the light of the orange light.

Where are they?


In a different place, Lars suddenly woke up from his sleep and felt something strange was trying to attack him. Lars grabbed the water glass that was on the table, Lars hastily drank the water in the glass until it was finished.

"Who are they, why do I feel that they have bad intentions towards me? Then, why are they emitting a black aura that makes me uncomfortable? What is this?"

Lars was even more scared because it wasn't the first time he'd seen someone with an evil aura. Previously, Lars had seen it when he accidentally saw a student who was also emitting an evil aura, just like the one in his dream earlier.

Lars removed the blanket that wrapped his body. His feet immediately landed on the floor, Lars positioned himself to stand up, then he walked towards the window which was still not closed by the curtain.

Even though he had curtains, Lars rarely closed the windows. He preferred the window open as that way, he could see the stars through the window.

"Five men with the same aura. Both of their eyes emit a terrifying red light. Each of them has marks on their right and left arms, cheeks, forehead, and chest."

Little by little Lars tried to recall his dream. "I've never seen anyone with their markings and glowing eyes. Could they be humans or monsters?" thought Lars, sitting down in the chair at the front of his room.

Lars took a deep breath. His mind seemed to be transported to a fantasy world. True, what he saw certainly did not exist in the real world, but humans who existed in the fairy tale world if you looked at their characteristics.

Lars frowned, for some reason he felt his head hurt so much and seemed to feel their presence in his dream, like a sign and Lars also felt that their arrival had something to do with him. Who knows.

Lars got up from where he was, his steps leading him out of the room, trying to trace every step of the stairs. Lars glanced briefly at the clock hanging on the wall.

The time is still showing. 23:45 minutes, it's not midnight yet. However, Lars had already woken up. Lars usually wakes up around three in the morning and he doesn't go back to sleep until dawn.

However, tonight somehow he woke up and that too was caused by a dream.

Lars went into the dining room, he tried to find something to fill his stomach. Without Lars knowing, he was really hungry. "Could it be because I'm hungry that I can't sleep?" thought Lars, opening the refrigerator over there.

Lars discovered there was a wide variety of groceries available in the fridge. Lars mumbled, confused as to what kind of food he wanted to make, according to his taste buds.

"Do I just make pasta? There's pasta, vegetables and seasonings already available. Should I just make that?"

Lars was still sorting and thinking about what kind of food to make because actually, he wasn't very good at cooking.

However, before Lars made his choice he first looked in another storage cupboard or at least on the dining table, because usually there were leftovers there. When Lars opened the cover on the table, he found no food there. Finally, Lars looked elsewhere.

"Why is it so hard for me to find food today, usually Mother always leaves food for me, but it's very different from today?" thought Lars, opening one by one the storage cupboards used to store food ingredients, such as salt, seasonings and others.

"Looks like I should just make some pasta."

Lars finally gave up, he couldn't find any food there and couldn't help but have to cook pasta. In fact, there are many foodstuffs stored in the refrigerator, but none of them can be processed into food, only pasta that Lars can make.

Lars opened the refrigerator again, his hands immediately took a packet of unfinished pasta and he also took several types of vegetables, which are usually cooked together with pasta. Not to forget, Lars also took out the ready-to-eat lumpu which he usually uses to cook pasta.

When Lars was about to go into the kitchen, at that time he was surprised by the presence of someone who made him immediately scream.

"Dear, are you ok?"

A familiar voice in Lars' ears, made him open his eyes immediately. Lars also heaved a sigh of relief, "Mom ... Mother almost gave me a heart attack, luckily my heart is fine," he grumbled while pushing his lips.

Fanny's sudden arrival took Lars by surprise, plus Fanny came wearing a mask all over her face, leaving only her eyes, nose and mouth.

"What are you talking about, honey? Don't talk like that you can't. You're a healthy kid, so there's no way you have a disease like that," Fanny retorted, touching Lars' left shoulder.

Lars smiled awkwardly, scratching his non-itchy head. "Then what are you doing here? Why aren't you sleeping? Isn't it still the middle of the night?" he asked, placing the vegetables that had been removed from the refrigerator on the table first.

Fanny glanced at the ingredients Lars had brought, "What do you want to make, honey? Are you hungry?"

Fanny could guess that what Lars was doing here with some of the ingredients he had in his hands, he would use to cook.

Lars nodded slowly, he also added that he couldn't find food here, so he intended to cook something that suits his taste buds and is also easy to cook.

Fanny chuckled, she also just remembered that Lars used to wake up at night because he was hungry. However, Fanny forgot to leave food for Lars tonight.