Chapter 15

The Last Generation of Werewolves

Chapter 15.

"I'm sorry, honey. I forgot to leave some food for you," regretted Fanny, stroking Lars' cheek.

Lars smiled warmly, "You don't need to apologize. I should have learned to be more independent again..."

Lars understood that in fact he had to be independent, he shouldn't have to depend on his parents all the time.

Fanny nodded slowly while stroking the top of her son's hair, "My son is already big, he can think maturely. I'm very proud of you, honey."

Fanny glanced at the ingredients Lars had placed on the table, "How about we cook together, surely it will turn out better?"

Lars nodded enthusiastically, cooking alone had been his first experience and now, he was going to cook together with his mother of course Lars wouldn't refuse it again.

Without further ado, Lars immediately grabbed Fanny's hand and brought all the food ingredients. Fanny even gasped because Lars was so excited than usual.

However, before Fanny started cooking, she first washed her face with water, thoroughly rinsing the face mask she was wearing.

After everything was clean, then Fanny entered the kitchen. There was already Lars who had put on his apron and started cleaning the potato skins.

Lars looked very serious as one hand gripped the knife and he slowly started cleaning the potato skins one by one.

Fanny smiled gently, her heart was so peaceful when she saw the happy Lars, full of smiles.

"Do you need help?"

"No, Mom, let me clean up the potatoes and you'd better do something else," replied Lars with his trademark smile.

Fanny who was ready with a knife in her right hand, then in the other hand was about to take a potato to clean the skin. However, Lars forbade it and asked him to do something else.

Fanny nodded, she was not going to disobey Lars' orders and put the knife on the table. Next, Fanny took a packet of pasta that was on the table as well.

"Okay, Mom will cook this first, then the vegetables, honey."

Lars agreed and Fanny immediately swung her legs into the kitchen and started cooking there. Before that, Fanny first heated the water to boil the pasta, then while waiting for the pasta to expand, Fanny began to stir-fry the spices.

Boiling the pasta only takes five minutes, then Fanny lifts the pasta and sets it aside first, only after that Fanny puts the pasta into the prepared seasonings.

While Fanny was churning out her pasta, it wasn't long before Lars came in with the vegetables he'd managed to clean. Lars first washed it with running water, he felt it was clean and then he gave the vegetables to Fanny.

A smile adorns the face, the woman who looks youthful. Lars was very happy when his nose began to smell the aroma of the dishes made by his special woman's hands.

"Mom, I'm very hungry. This really arouses my appetite, Mom. You are really an extraordinary chef, even the food in the restaurant is less delicious than the food that you make," said Lars, who sounded mod.

Fanny removed one hand from the handle of the frying pan, she patted Lars hard enough on the shoulder. "You are always good at making Mother embarrassed. Your cooking is not as good as you say, honey. I only make ordinary food, different from the one in the restaurant. The food is made by a skilled chef there.

Lars didn't want to understand either. For him, food made from his mother's hands is the most delicious and nothing can match it.

Fanny shook her head, looked at the owner of her beloved bead, before finally returning her focus to finishing her cooking.

The strong aroma of spices, mixed with vegetables and pasta filled the room, Lars was increasingly impatient to quickly taste the food. Even if it's just pasta, Lars can't wait to wet his tongue with homemade food from the woman who became his first love.

However, before the pasta was cooked. Fanny, asked Lars to taste it first. He took a spoonful of pasta along with the spices and vegetables, so Lars could taste the food.

"How about it, is there something missing? How does it taste, is it appropriate? How is the salt, is it still lacking or is it appropriate? Do you need to add salt, sugar or flavoring?"

Fanny also wanted to know how her cooking turned out, so she asked Lars' opinion first. Even though she often cooks in the kitchen, Fanny doesn't feel confident if she doesn't try her cooking first.

Lars also put all the pasta in the spoon into his mouth. Slowly he started to chew it, although there was still an arrow in his mouth, but Lars could taste the deliciousness of the food. Instantly Lars tongue was made to wiggle and did not stop to continue chewing.

The taste of the pasta is neither too spicy nor too sweet, the taste is so age-old to the taste buds.

"Yes Mom, this is already very delicious. Wow, I've never even tasted pasta this good," said Lars without making up.

Fanny immediately pinched her son's waist. Lars was shocked, "Mom ..." He grumbled and found his mother's attitude really funny.

"Come on, don't tease Mom anymore. Quick, get the plate over there and put it on the table!" he ordered, turning off the stove and immediately lifting the pan containing the pasta.

Lars also hurriedly took a plate that was quite large in size. Then, she placed it on the table as her mother ordered.

Not long after, Fanny also poured pasta containing vegetables onto a plate. Lars also swallowed his saliva many times because he couldn't wait to taste the food.

It's not just the aroma that is appetizing, but the appearance and color of the spices that add to Lars' desire to finish the meal.

Without further ado, Lars immediately sat down. He had brought cutlery and another plate.

"Au, it's hot..." Lars squealed who couldn't take the pasta with his hands.

He had already brought a spoon and fork, but because he was too excited Lars tried to take a piece of pasta with his hands, as a result his fingers felt hot.

"Slow down, honey. You're just like a child." Fanny shook her head at her son's behavior.

Lars smiled awkwardly, scratching his head which didn't itch. Fanny, immediately took the pasta using the spoon previously brought by Lars and placed it on the young man's plate.

"Thank you mom."

"Equally love."

Fanny stroked the top of Lars's head first, before he finally walked away carrying the empty frying pan.

"Where do you want to go? Come on, let's eat together!" asked Lars, looking at his mother who was behind him.

"You eat first, I'll be right back after putting this," Fanny replied, showing the frying pan she was holding.

Lars also understood what his mother meant, he nodded slowly, "Okay, but hurry up or I will finish all this pasta."

Fanny also smiled, not long after walking towards the kitchen and intending to wash her face first. When, already at the sink, Fanny was silent, contemplating and wailing full of dilemmas.

His smile slowly began to fade, replaced with an expression of fear and anxiety. Water ran from the sink, but there was nothing Fanny could do there. He let the water wet the pan and his hands.

His body was there, but his mind seemed to have been taken somewhere. A place that reminded him of a past that was so terrible to remember.