Chapter 16

The Last Generation of Werewolves

Chapter 16.

"Mother!" reprimanded Lars, suddenly made Fanny wake up from her daydream. Her gasped in surprise the three Lars lightly touched his shoulder.

"Yes dear." Fanny tried to regain consciousness after being silent for a long time, then she stared at her beloved bead intently.

Lars frowned, "Mom why? Why is the sink water left on?"

Fanny opened her mouth and formed a big O. The first thing that made Lars wonder, was that the sink water was left on and made the water soak into the floor. Then, another thing, when Lars was waiting in the dining room and Fanny didn't come, Lars went to check on him.

Fanny chuckled, trying to come up with a sentence that would satisfy her son's question. "I'm fine, honey," he admitted, stroking Lars' cheek.

"Lies! Mother lied!" Lars leaned closer to Fanny. However, his steps turned and at the same time his hand grabbed the handle of the water on the sink, with one movement the water that was originally flooding the floor finally stopped. Only then did Fanny realize that she had been negligent.

"What's all right, Mom? Look, the water is coming out and making the floor wet," Lars pointed out with emphasis.

Fanny also realized that she had made a mistake and could no longer avoid the truth now. Lars drew closer to his mother and hugged Fanny lovingly.

"I'm here. You can tell me all the problems you're feeling. Don't keep it to yourself like this," said Lars trying to calm his frantic mother.

Fanny didn't even move, her lips just trembled, but she couldn't say a single word.

Lars wanted to say something else and before Fanny could answer, Baron Magnus suddenly came and greeted the two of them.

"What are you doing here?"

Baron Magnus stood with a questioning expression, he stepped closer to the two who were standing in front of the sink.

Lars also released his embrace, Fanny seemed to wipe her sweat which was actually tears. Fanny, tried so hard not to cry, but the tears kept falling.

"What are you doing, honey?" asked Baron Magnus in surprise, but he was also worried when he saw Fanny's reddened eyes.

"I'm fine, honey," Fanny lied. Lars also noticed the change in his mother's different attitude when he was cooking earlier.

"Mum must have been crying, Dad," Lars snapped, confirming that his mother wasn't all right.

They could already guess that there was something Fanny was trying to cover up, but no matter how hard Fanny tried, it was in vain.

Lars and Baron Magnus, in fact, have realized that there is something that is being kept secret by Fanny. However, the woman was reluctant to say it.

Fanny was silent for a long time, Baron Magnus could guess that his wife was setting his heart and Lars felt the same way.

"You'd better get some sleep, honey. It's getting late and tomorrow you have to go to school too," Fanny pleaded, having managed to regain consciousness.

Lars frowned, "But..." he refused. However, Fanny immediately answered. "You need to rest, honey. At least think about your health because you'll definitely have a hard time resting later, honey."

"It's true what your mother said, Lars. You should rest and not worry about anything else. Tomorrow, you have to go to school. So get some rest now!" Baron Magnus command added.

Lars wanted to reject it, but out of respect for his parents, Lars accepted.

"Okay, I'll take a break now," Lars replied trying to accept it.

Before Lars left the place, he first hugged Fanny and kissed her mother's forehead, "Good night Mom… Dad." It wasn't long before Lars did the same to the Baron, but he didn't kiss his father's forehead.

"Good night, honey. Sweet dreams. Remember, go to sleep and don't stay up late," Fanny ordered. Lars nodded slowly.

"Good night, Hero. Listen to your mother's words, don't trade and go straight to bed. Got it!"

Baron Magnus joined in with the message and emphasized to Lars not to think about Fanny because that would be his business, later.

Lars nodded and did not want to argue with what his parents said. He quickly stepped away from them, walked up to the children and headed for his room.

After Lars was no longer visible to their eyes, then Fanny hugged Baron Magnus so tightly.

Instantly Fanny's tears broke in the embrace, previously Fanny didn't want to show her tears in front of Lars because it would raise big questions in his son's mind.

Baron Magnus stroked Fanny's shoulder to calm his wife down. After a few minutes and Fanny started to regain her composure, she started talking.

Baron Magnus immediately frowned. Fanny noticed the change in her husband's facial expression. Baron Magnus opened his mouth wide, but not a single word came out of his mouth.


The morning. Baron Magnus immediately met Nicu somewhere and only they knew about it.

Baron Magnus told everything Fanny had told Nicu and at that moment Nicu immediately confirmed it.

"What? So that's right, last night some people from the Vampire nation were about to attack the Prince?"

Nicu nodded and confirmed this and he also added, that when people cover their aura very well, so that no one will notice their arrival.

Baron Magnus was even more surprised, it was only natural that he didn't know that his house had been visited by uninvited guests.

"Apparently, they've found a way to hide the aura of their existence from me. How good they are," thought Baron Magnus, stroking his chin.

Nicu also thought the same thing, because when it happened he was there. Nicu was always at Baron Magnus' residence at all times, almost twenty four hours he was there just to protect Lars from a distance, of course it was all without Lars knowing.

Baron Magnus circled the room, pacing like an iron. He was thinking about how to keep the Vampires from getting close to Lars.

"They have actually known for a long time that Prince Lars is here," said Nicu, suddenly waking Baron Magnus from his daydream.

His body turned, quick steps he immediately took and drew closer to Nicu, "Since when did you know this? Why didn't I notice before?"

Baron Magnus couldn't hide his curiosity, Nicu took a deep breath and smiled bitterly. It is difficult for him to explain where and how he started this story.

Baron Magnus was still waiting for an answer from Nicu, meanwhile Nicu tried to gain his senses before he finally started to tell his story.

"They've known of the Prince's existence in the Human Realm, ever since Lord Baron came out of the forest of Eternity."

Little by little, Nicu started telling stories. Baron Magnus was increasingly unable to control his emotions.

"They put someone in the Cloud Armor Kingdom to spy there. When the Cloud Armor was destroyed and His Majesty King Claudio died, that was when Luciano ordered his spies to go after Master."

Nicu closed his explanation. Baron Magnus could no longer contain his anger. He was furious, angry and resentful. Then, Baron Magnus uncontrollably broke a flower vase that was there.


As soon as the vase shattered into pieces, Nicu gasped and chose not to continue his story.