chapter 51

Chapter 51


One shot was fired by a man at Baby.


It wasn't Baby who fell down, it was the shooter who died.

Baby and Ferdi turned around to see who had released the gun.

"Commander," said Baby, astonished and pleased to see the man she knew was there.

Not only one bodyguard died, but all of them suddenly went to heaven as a congregation.

The man who was called by the commander stepped closer to Baby and Ferdi, "Are you all right?" he asked Baby and Ferdi.

"Of course commander. I'm fine. Thank you for coming at the right time. It's a good thing the commander came, if not?" Baby said smiling faintly.

"I don't know what my fate will be," added Baby again.

"Then how about you Ferdi? Are you hurt too?" he asked a little panicked. The two pairs of eyes continued to look around.

Ferdi's turn to get questions. Ferdi wanted to answer, Baby's edge immediately cut him off.