Chapter 52

Chapter 52

"Why? Why did you stop? Don't you want children? Then just do as you please!" Baby barked annoyed.

"Yes, yes, but you are not ready," Hendar shouted, confirming.

Baby is stunned. His round eyes instantly withered like a rose that was about to die.

"I told you. I will wait for you for it. I will not touch you until you are really ready," concluded Hendar.

The mood has changed again. Baby feels awkward and uncomfortable at the same time.

"You should rest. You must be tired. I won't bother you," said Hendar, walking away.

Baby was really made guilty. Plus Hendar who left him without that certainty.

"Hey, where do you want to go? Isn't it still night?"

Baby's shout did not shake Hendar's decision, "Don't worry. I just want to go for a walk," Hendar replied, waving his hand.

Hendar really went. Baby pondered for some reason?