Chapter 54

Chapter 54

"Your stepsister?"

"Yes, he is the 7th child of the father of his fifth wife," added Hendar.

"Fifth wife? How many wives do you have?" asked surprised Baby.

He was surprised when he learned that his father-in-law did not have one wife but five. However, the exact number is not known.

"My father has 10 wives, and my mother is my father's tenth wife," said Hendar clearly.

"What, ten wives? So you have ten wives. Then where are the others now?" Baby said curiously.

"All of them are not in this country. Each of them live in a different country," said Hendar.

"Then, what is the business of Vina coming here? Sorry to ask. Is your relationship not good?" said Baby curiously.

"Father has never been fair to all his wives. Of all his wives and children, only me and mama he loves. It's just that ….," said Hendar, cutting his words.

"Just what?"