Chapter 55

Chapter 55

Baby is in a skyscraper owned by the Batubara Group. The largest entertainment company in the country.

The company is led by someone named Jayusman Batubara. Usually familiarly called Mr. Ajay.

Jayusman Batubara is no stranger to Baby. He is the father of Baby's husband, in the sense that Jayusman is her father-in-law.

Baby is eye to eye with Jayusman in his study.

"Sir." Baby greets Jayusman with all respect. The glasses that originally adorned the face were removed.

"Oh, you've finally come too."

Jayusman turned his chair, so he could look directly at his son-in-law.

"Sit down." Ajay invited Baby to sit on the chair that was already available there.

Baby sits with mixed feelings. He felt nervous, anxious and nervous at the same time.

"Relax. Looks like you are very nervous today," said Jayusman, who also felt Baby's nervousness.

He served a cup of hot coffee for his son-in-law.