Wish 18 : Purification

After that competition...

And after the winner was determined...

The third princess slaughtered all those who participated in the competition and didn't win.

Under a new law, she added to herself.

"Judge with fairness and justice?

We don't joke here...

We are here to rule over the weak and make them live...

So why don't we take a reward for our good work!"

After the competition ended and the king heard about what happened...

He asked her for the reason behind it.

"The weak are just toys for us, the rulers...

But there is one good thing about them...

Their suffering becomes a constant pleasure for me~"

The king was furious with Eirlina's words and shouted that what she was doing was wrong...

But the queen interrupted.

"Your Majesty, Eirlina is still only sixty years old, and she is still young.

I hope you can forgive her as she did nothing wrong; isn't that right, dear Eirlina?"

For the first time...

Princess Eirlina had her mother's approval, the queen of the fairies...

Her happiness at that moment was indescribable...

To the point that I started to feel it...

A disgusting feeling.


Since that time...

Eirlina calmed down her actions for a while...

The king thought she had returned to her senses after hearing the queen's words...

But he was mistaken...

In secret, Eirlina started an auction...

An auction to sell slaves...

She was selling the fairies to various races who came to the Lost Kingdom.

And not just any fairies...

But the fairies who became orphans because of Eirlina herself...

In the morning, she would perform her duties as a knight...

And at night, she would enjoy the suffering of the weak...

Under her mother's eyes, where she only admitted her bad treatment towards the weak...

Under the excuse, "It's obvious because I feel deadly bored~!"

And this continued until the long-awaited day arrived...

The day she met a stranger, but a kind one...

Harsh, but merciful...

Desperate, yet happy...


What am I doing there?

Moreover, this form...

Isn't this my appearance in this world before the stage of despair?!

I have never met any fairies in this world...

So how ?

Could there really be someone so similar to me to such an extent?"

"Allow me to introduce myself, Your Majesty. I am the leader of the revolutionists in this kingdom, and

my name is 'Pride.' I came specifically to have a long conversation with you."

The pride again?

What was he doing there?

No, but why did he take my shape?


These memories are from the time when Eirlina was a hundred years old...

About 1150 years ago...

How did he know exactly what form he would take in the distant future?

Is this one of the virtues powers?

If that's really part of his power...

Then I greatly underestimated the virtues...

And this will have a very dangerous result.

After the pride finished his meeting with the third princess...

Her expressions changed...


Fear, she was scared beyond words...

Because of fear, she lost awareness of her surroundings...

And she sat trembling in her room for a whole day and night.

Just what could scare her to such a degree?

After Eirlina calmed down...

She returned to her daily work...

But what differed this time was what she did at night...

She stopped selling and torturing the fairies...

Instead, she started collecting the wings of the fairies before killing them...

And she even kept this hidden from her mother...

And occasionally, she met with Pride in secret...

"Everything is ready... When will we start this enjoyable plan~?"

An enjoyable plan?

Wasn't Pride the leader of the revolutionists?


I smell the scent of despair coming to this kingdom!

The peaceful times ended...

And the revolutionists started the war because of the cruel rule caused by Eirlina...

The king had no choice but to fight the revolutionaries to restore things to what they were before.

Is he foolish?

The war against the revolutionaries lasted for five years...

Where the leader of the revolutionists was Pride, of course...

As for the leader of the royal army, it was Princess Eirlina...


Apparently, the queen and her two daughters had escaped from the kingdom...

So there was no choice for the king but to make Eirlina the head of the royal army, as she was the

king's knight.

Then, after a few weeks, a great tragedy occurred...

A very massive tragedy...

Causing a sea of blood to cover the plains of the kingdom...

The kingdom itself drowned in blood...

All this happened because of Eirlina!

Those wings she collected from the fairies throughout the years...

She used them to create an extremely powerful magic...

That magic circle covered the entire kingdom...

And targeted anyone who had the blood of souls in their bodies...

Among the three million fairies, around 900,000 had the blood of souls race...

Which means one-third of the kingdom was slaughtered!

At the top of the kingdom's palace, Eirlina danced under that rain of blood...

With joy and delight...

Around the king's corpse, she sang.

"Boring king? No!

King enjoyable and scary? Yes!~"

That incident was supposed to anger the Great Spirits...

But for some reason, it didn't happen, and none of them interfered...

And the same reason that made Eirlina, who has the blood of souls, remain alive...

This terrible incident was concealed in the darkness of the long history...

Of the Lost Kingdom.


I woke up...

I felt a lot of emotions in these memories...

But the best thing I gained...

Was the despair of 900,000 fairies...

It was truly delicious...

But it wasn't real for me since a very long time had passed.

However, this has inspired me for the empire plan...

I must complete it quickly!