Wish 20 : An Experience

The journey to the Saint's Empire takes more than 4 months...


which illustrates the deficiency of magical technology in this world. 


During that time, most of my efforts were spent teaching Kugssa about magic with the aim of making her a magical knight...


It is a rare job in this world, as it is only available to those related to the Church. 


They are adopted by the Church and become the knights of punishment.


However, what matters most to me is not that, but the reason for my desire to make her a magical knight and not a magician due to her great attraction to mana...


which is the virtue of greed memories!


I remember she was the first to get a job after inventing the concept of jobs in this world. 


Initially, that concept fell under the control of pride...


which left the greed in overwhelm. But eventually, after greed became a virtue under the command of pride, greed took control of the job concept once again.


But what I saw in those moments when the concept disappeared from her control...


is what made me decide to make Kugssa a magical knight. I can say I saw a loophole, or maybe an opportunity.


Anyway, teaching Kugssa was easy because of her genius...


She learned everything about offensive and defensive magic, and now, I'm teaching her healing magic.


But there remains a single problem she faces currently...


which is the amount of mana she has...


It is incredibly low! 


Once she uses a medium-level magic skill, her mana is consumed, let alone high-level or legendary skills.


I thought I could teach her at least one legendary skill, but it's useless if she doesn't have enough mana to use it.


After much thinking... 


I decided to make her my first experimental subject...


I will have her apply the theory of magic stars and circles that I learned in the third world...


but this time, I will add some of my theories as well !


If powerful races like the Dryad can easily use holy mana...


Then why can't humans do the same? 


My theory was confirmed when, even after changing my race to a non-sacred and unknown race, I could still use holy mana as before.


However, I'm not sure if my method will succeed...


So Kugssa will be my first test subject for this theory.


"Kugssa, come here."


Oh, she's playing with water magic again. 


She thinks she will gain more mana if she uses it until it runs out. 


Well, that's true...


but it's very slow.


"Master Tell, will you teach me something new?"


"How many times have I told you to stop shortening my name... 


Call me just Master or Telodios."


"Master Tell!"


Ugh, this girl is really stubborn.


"Anyway, let's go to my room... I'll help you develop your mana before we reach the Saint continent."


"Will I have more mana? Really? Really?!"


It seems like her love for learning was more significant than I thought.


After we arrived in my room, 


I prepared several pure gems to serve as mana attractors in case the experiment failed. 


Then I began the process. 


I placed my hand on Kugssa's back and slowly sent my holy mana towards her heart...


I chose her back because it's closer to her heart, not because I'm shy about touching the chest of an immature girl... 




After that, I instructed her to receive the excess mana and keep circulating it within her bloodstream continuously without stopping. 


The purpose was to make her heart able to withstand the mana I would send to it.


After several hundred cycles and her heart being saturated with my mana, she had reached her limits. 


If I continued sending mana to her heart, it would explode.


I took a short break to allow her to adapt to my mana, and eventually, she would make it her own. 


Generally, having foreign mana within one's body would be considered an intruder and expelled. 


It might cause permanent injuries or disability in the worst cases.


Since she is my precious subject rat, I cannot allow her to die.... 


unless this experiment fails.


After the short rest, we began the most critical part of my theory...


forming magical circles around her heart and creating magic stars inside her mana source. 


It was a highly painful process, so she might lose consciousness during the experiment. 


That meant death, of course.


I started collecting the mana I left in her heart and slowly turned it into rings...


approximately enough for three rings only. 


Then I gathered the holy mana she accumulated in her mana source and formed the first magic star. 


It was a complicated process, but it gets rid of boredom.


Even though the procedure was incredibly painful, she endured it and didn't lose consciousness until the end of the process. 


That made me love this girl even more...


I fear the day she falls into great despair.




The experiment was successful, and Kugssa gained holy mana... 


Now she can use holy mana and retrieve it during meditation, just like me. 




The amount of holy mana she possesses is equivalent to only three stars...


To explain this, I have to use the preparation


I discovered in the past that each holy mana is equivalent to a thousand normal mana.


I had half million holy mana in the past, but now I have much more...


Let's forget the normal mana right now; let's talk about the holy mana.


One star of holy mana means that she has 10 holy mana.


Two stars means that she has 20 holy mana...


Three stars means she has 30 holy mana.


And the circles are for increasing the holy mana concentration. 


Three circles means that it's concentrated three times, which means that she has 90 holy mana.


which means 90,000 regular mana...


more than the strongest humans in this world.


Now, I think she's ready to use legendary magical skills at least once!


I'm tired of calculations. Where is Kugssa?






What's happening outside...?


I went to the edge of the ship...


And I saw Kugssa using advanced-level magic on the sea... 


Her small face was filled with happiness.


I think I've created a little monster this time.