Chapter 1

"So you're, Dearil Cooper?" said Sabrina looking pissed off like I took the most prize possession from her when she walked over to me as I was sitting on a bench.

"Yes, how may I help you," I said, knowing why she was pissed at me. Why do girls act like this when they are crazy in love with someone that does not love them.

Okay, before I tell you why this crazy psycho bitch wants to kill me. We need to go back a couple of hours back to when the boy she loves so much stopped to help me with talking papers to the teacher's lounge. First off, let me tell you that I have no feelings for this boy. He's not even in the same atmosphere, not even the same air I breathe. He is the most popular alpha in our school, especially the dominant type. So let's get this shit show going and tell you that this girl just overreacted.

"Okay, class time for lunch," said Mr. Talin as he waved his hand to let our class leave, "also Dearil, can you stay behind really quick."

"Oh, Dear is in trouble," laughed Kathrine as she hit my arm, "meet you outside the classroom."

"Whatever," I laughed as she started to walk to the door, "your lucky I'm friends with you."

Why does the teacher always make me stay behind to help him? There are other students here as well. Is it because my mother told him that if he ever needed help, he should call on me. For christ's sake, I hate my mother that she had to start dating my god damn teacher. Mr. Talin, also known as Daniel Talin when he is not at school looks like a normal beta with brown hair and brown eyes, My mother is an alpha, and she decides to date this man that is not even close to her league. My mother is a wealthy businesswoman that owns all the hotels in Silver Mist River, a city that is the state of Colorado.

"What do you need, Mr. Talin," I said when I got to his desk, which had a stack of papers piled high.

"Can you please take this stack of paper to the teacher's lounge?" Mr. Talin smiled as he tapped his finger on the pile

"Can do," I fated smiled as I grabbed the pile of paper. Fuck, this pile is heavy as hell. Why do they do this every time they make me carry papers?

"Thank you. See you after lunch," murmured Mr. Talin as he grabbed a book out of his desk drawer.

When I walked out of the classroom, Kathrine leaned on the wall next to the door. Even though she is a beta, she was pretty enough to pass as an omega. Kathrine had brown wavy hair that was rested on her shoulders and olive skin that made her green eyes shine brightly. She is the only friend I have and the only childhood friend. We do everything together through elementary and middle school and now through high school. Kathrine has a girlfriend that is an alpha that she has been dating since the end of middle school. Her girlfriend is charming and does not try to make Kathrine leave me as a friend.

"So wants with this pile of paper," laughed Kathrine as she walked next to me, not even trying to help me with this god-forsaken pile.

"I need to talk this to the teacher's lounge," I signed as we walked further down the hallway, passing students and lockers.

"Hey Kathrine," said Selena, Kathrine's girlfriend, as she waved at us. She is as pretty as Kathrine with her blonde hair in a braid down her shoulder. With her white skin and blue eyes. She would look like the princess from the Disney movie Frozen.

"Hey, sexy girl," said Kathrine as she gave Selena the sexy eyes.

"Get a room, you two," I murmured as I rolled my eyes at them both.

"Ready for lunch," Selena smiled as she wrapped her arms around Kathrine and kissed her.

"You know I am," laughed Kathrine as she blushed a little.

"You guys have fun. But, I need to be somewhere," I signed as I started to walk best the two love birds.

"How is it that you can carry the huge pile of papers. You look weak when your not carrying stuff," said Selena as she looked at me with shock.

"Why because I'm an Omega, I can't carry a pile of paper," I glared at her with, do you what to fight me look.

"Ya kind of," signed Selena as she shook her head. "Do you need help?"

"It's fine. I got it. You guys have fun," I smiled as I walked away from them.

"Okay, have fun," they both said at the same time as they ran off.

Girls, why are they crazy? I will just get these papers dropped off and have lunch on the bench outside. Just a little further down this hall, then down the stairs and another long hallway to get to my destination. This damn school is so fucking huge.

"Hey, let me help you," said a voice behind me. Who wants to help me. That voice sounds familiar.

Right when I turned around, a boy with black hair cut to perfection and tan skin with muscles that made him look like a greek god. When he grabbed the pile of paper from me, I could see that the boy was Riden Richardson, the popular dominant alpha in our school.

"Why are you helping me," I said with a tone that said 'why are you helping a low life like me.'

"Because you look like you need help, and I'm not doing anything right now," Riden smiled as he started to walk.

"Thank you for helping me," I murmured as I walked next to him, "everyone will not like you helping me exceptionally the girls."

"Like I care what they think when I see someone that is tiny and cute, I help them," Riden laughed as we got to the staircase. 

"Who are you calling tiny and cute," I glared at him as we started going down the stairs.

"I'm just saying what I see," Riden smiled as he turned a little red on his ears.

When we got to the bottom of the stairs, a group of girls gathered around, laughing and giggling as they showed their phones to each other. They are most likely showing the picture of Riden that they took without him knowing. Know they will stop and glare at me because I'm talking to him and walking with him as well.

"Hello Riden, what you doing," laughed one of the girls in the group. Know that we were talking to each other.

"Just helping Dearil with this stack of papers," smiled Riden as he stopped in front of the group of girls.

"Well, when you're done, what to hang out?" smiled the girl as she glared at me.

"Can't today," Riden said as he turned to start walk away, "I have plans with Dearil after school."

"We do?" I said, shocked by what he said, not knowing what the hell he was talking about.

"Yes, I promised to take you to the cafe that just opened," Riden turned to look at me with a smile.

"Oh, you did maybe next time then," faked smiled the girl as she glared at me again knowing that it meant fuck you.

"Ya maybe," Riden murmured as he walked away from the girls.

When we left the group, we walked past a few classrooms and finally got to the teacher's lounge in silence, not saying a word making it feel hella weird walking next to him.

"Thanks for helping me with the papers Riden," I smiled, trying to break the silence around use.

"No problem anytime," laughed Riden as he put the pile on the desk that had Mr. Talin's name on it.

"How did you know my teacher's name," I said, finally noticing that he had put the paper where it needed to be.

"Because I know you're in his class. Also, you eat lunch by yourself outside on the bench close to the water fountain. That's hidden from everyone," murmured Riden as he started to scratch the back of his head.

"That makes sense," I faked a laugh. I can't believe Riden knows a lot about me, "well, I'm going to get going then see ya later."

"Oh, okay," Riden blushed as he started to leave me in the room.

So know that you know why this bitch is here speaking to me as I have my lunch. Also, she is the president of the Riden fan club. So let's get back to the present where this girl will tell me that I should leave Riden alone.

"What is your relationship with Riden Richardson," glared Sabrina as she stood in front of me.

"He just helped that one, that's it," I faked a smile because I just wanted her to leave me alone.

"Also, why are you going to a cafe after school," Sabrina said with her hands on her hips, trying to make herself look like she is better than everyone.

"We are not. It was just a joke, that's all. So if we are done, can you please leave," I said, making my voice sound like I was tired, hoping that Sabrina would leave.

Sabrina is not as pretty as Kathrine and Selena. She has red hair that was to her ears and way too much makeup on that makes her white skin look like she was pale like a ghost and bright red lipstick that stood out. Also, her brown eyes showed brightly from the mascara she used.

"That's good he is mine, no one else. So not go near him again," fake smiled Sabrina as she turned to walk away.

"Will do," I said sarcastically, not caring what she said to me.

Finally, peace and quiet. That is what I thought as a figure came out from the bushes next to me, scaring the crap out of me. Why the hell is there someone in the bush?

"Finally, she left," said Riden as he appeared in front of me.

"Why the fuck are you in the bushes like a creep!" I yelled at him when he brushed his clothes off.

"Well, I came to see you, and Sabrina appeared, and I hid because I did not want her to see me," Laughed Riden as he sat down next to me.

"Why are you here to see me," I laughed as I grabbed a leaf out of his hair.

"Well, I wanted to have lunch with you and talk some more," blushed Riden when I showed him the leaf I grabbed.

"Well, here I am. What did you need to talk about," I said, taking a deep breath and slouched on the bench listening to the water falling in the fountain as it flowed.

"First off, sorry, I ran off when we were at the teacher's lounge. I need to grab something out of my locker I forgot. Also, I wanted to see if your okay with going with me to the cafe," Riden laughed a little as he scratched the back of his head again like he did last time.

"Well, it's fine that you ran off it's all good and why me," I murmured as I looked at his brown eyes.

"Okay," Riden signed as he took in a deep breath, "I really liked you since middle school but was too scared that you would not like me and that I was not good enough for you. Also, your scent smells like honey tea, and I can't stop thinking about it.

"Oh?" I said, shocked at what he said, "well, um."

"Sorry I missed up. I should not have said anything. Sorry forget what I said and let's just restart and pretend this conversion never had it," Riden shakenly laughed as he fiddled with his finger.

"First off, it's fine. Also, thanks for the compliment about my scent. Second off, let's just take one step at a time. I will go with you to the cafe and see how it goes from there. If I feel a spark or something, I will let you know, and we can go from there. How is that? Does it work for you?" I smiled as I put my hand on his to stop him from fiddling with his fingers.

"Yes, that works for me lets do that; I will meet you outside the school gates when school is out, and we can head straight there," smiled Riden as he fast hugged me.

It was so fast I did not see it coming when I hugged me. Right, when my head was on his shoulders, I could smell the sweet scent of licorice. Damn, his smell is so sweet it makes me not want to let him stop hugging me. Shit, I can't. This is making me what to ponce on him; I need to leave as quickly as possible before he triggers my heat, and then it will worsen.

"Well, see you later," I said as I pushed him away and got up and left him behind on the bench, not wanting to be there any longer than I should be.