Chapter 5

"What is that beeping sound? It's so damn annoying," I said, sounding like shit as I rubbed my eyes.

"Your final awake," said a voice as I tried to make my eyes focus, "how do you feel."

"I feel okay," I said as my sight came back. I could see that I was in a white room with blue around the trim of the wall, "where am I."

"You're at the sick wing at the Richardson Estate," said a nurse as I finally could see where the voice was coming from, "you were brought here by the young master."

"Who?" I said as I started to move myself up from where I was lying.

"Don't rush your still recovering from being badly beaten," said the nurse as she helped me sit up.

God damn, my body hurts. This is the first time uncle Conner has gone this far. Mostly he just pushes me around, but this time he did not let go. I hope he fucking dies, or someone just runs him over. I hate how my mom allows him to come to the house whenever he feels like he has to be there.

"Is he awake," said another voice that was more man-like and familiar as he opened the door to the room I was in.

"Yes, he is. He just woke up," said the nurse.

"Thank god," said Riden. This time I could see who the voice was when he walked into the room.

He was not in the typical clothes I see him in. Instead, he had a hoodie and sweatpants on this time, looking like an average person, not a wealthy person, all dressed for every occasion. I really thought he only knew how to dress in fancy clothes.

"Why am I here?" Then, as Riden came closer to me, I said, "and how long have I been sleeping?"

"Well, you have been asleep for a good 12 hours or so. I called you last night, and someone answered telling me you were busy, but I could hear someone crying when he said hello. So I told my driver to turn around. When I got to the door, I rang the bell," Riden murmured, having anger in his eyes before looking at me and resting his hands on mine, "When the door opened, a man opened and asked why I was there. He told me you just left, but before he closed the door, I smelled your pheromones, and I knew something was wrong, So I forced myself inside the house to find you."

"What happened to my uncle?" I said as I started to squeeze his hand. I get so mad just thinking about him.

"I grabbed him and threw him across the room," Riden snarled as he looked down and put his head on my lap, "I should have killed him for hurting you, let alone touch you like that, but I just what'd to get you out of that house. So you could be safe and not near that fucking piece of shit."

"Thank you for coming back. If it was not for you, it would have gotten a lot worse," I smiled as I lifted Riden's head so I could look at him. I could see that he was about to cry from frustration, but all I could do was smile at him more warmly because he looked so cute, making me think of a puppy again.

After a few minutes of looking at each other, the nurse finally spoke, "So since Master Dearil is awake, he can leave the sick wing if he feels like he can move."

"I can?" I said, sounding happy when they said I could leave the room because I hate hearing that damn beeping noise from the machine. Also, what the hell. Why is this nurse calling me master? I will ask Riden later when no one is around.

"Yes, you can just let us know if you have any problems later," smiled the nurse as she helped me out of bed.

When I got out of the bed, Riden kept looking at me the whole time, not letting his eyes off of me. I know he is only doing it because of what happened, but I'm not that hurt where I would fall over and die at any moment. So I should tell him I'm fine, maybe he will let loose a little bit.

"Riden?" I smiled as I looked at him, seeing that his silver eyes were a little darker the last time I saw them when we first met.

"Yes, what is it?" murmured Riden as he continued to look at me, not letting his eyes leave.

"I am fine. Know you dont need to stare into my soul. Just so you know," I laughed a little, trying to make it sound like I was not mad at him for staring.

"Are you sure," said Riden as he scratched the back of his head, this time blushing as he did it, "I'm just making sure."

"Ya, I'm fine, so let's get going," I laughed as we continued to walk.

When we left the room, we started to walk down a hallway that looked all fancy, with every place perfectly placed like the photo frames on both sides of the walls. There were fancy lights on the walls. Looking at the hallway was like walking down a royal palace. I could see that there were only three doors on the side we walked away from, and there were only two doors on the other end of the hall. Some stairs were in the middle making the hallway look perfectly even on both sides. There were two sets of stairs, one going up and the other down.

"Where are we going," I said as we got to the stairs hoping to see more of this place.

"We are going up to my room," Ridden said as we started to walk up the stairs.

"We are," I murmured as my face started to turn red as my mind started to go dirty on me. Why the hell is your thing of Riden with his shirt off, you fucking pervert. If he only knew what my mind was thinking, he would think differently of me.

"You need to change your clothes," Ridden laughed as he looked at me.

Fuck he might know what I was thinking. I need to calm down before I get really excited and my pheromones go crazy, "Why do I need to change clothes?"

"Because you are wearing all white, and I know how much you hate white. Also, you smell like the sick room, and it does not suit you," Riden laughed as we got to the end of the stairs and onto the next floor.

"Oh," I laughed as I looked down to see my clothes. I could see that I was wearing all white. The shirt was all white that matched the pants that making look like snow, "I did not notice."

After we got to the floor, I could see that the floor looked the same as the floor I was on. The only difference was that there were only four doors on this floor, two on each end of the hall, one on each wall. Also, this floor did not have a lot of photos on the wall, just one panting in the middle that you can notice when you get on the floor. The painting is a family photo. There were six people in the picture. All of them looked like they were from a wealthy family, the why they were dressed.

"So, this is your family," I said as I looked at the painting.

"Yes, the two people next to each other are my parents," Riden said, not showing any emotion as he spoke, "and the others are my three older brothers."

I could see that all the people in the photo looked happy together. Except for the one on the left side, not closest to his family looked sad but did not show it. Also, each family member except the woman and the one that looked sad had bright golden hair. The woman had light brown hair and light green eyes; she looked beautiful. The three boys with golden hair also had green eyes like the woman. The man and the boy that looked sad both had silver eyes. The only thing that made my eyes go back to the boy on the left was that his hair was black, making him look a lot different from the rest.

"Let's go to my room. It's right over here," said Riden as he grabbed my hand and took me to the door on the right of use.

When we got to the door, I could see that the door was more significant than the door that the sick room had. It was also a double door making it look like I was going into a fantasy room. The door was wooden with carved swirls on the edges of the door. Why does it look so magical, like if I could touch it and the door would talk me to a different world?

"So I see little brother is home," said a voice behind us, making me forget about the door that I was about to touch.