Chapter 6

The person behind us was the same height as Riden, but when I looked at him, he had this dark expression when he looked at me. He was defiantly trying to show his dominant alpha side as his pheromones became stronger. I could smell the scent of grass as his pheromones surrounded me. Why do alphas have to shoot out their pheromones like it's a cock fight? Can't they just have a normal conversation?

"What do you what Rainer," glared Riden with anger in his eyes

"Can't I say hello to my baby brother," smiled Rainer as he laughed, "also, I heard you brought an omega home as well."

When his brother said omega, he looked at me as his pheromones became stronger. So this is what he is doing. He's trying to make me want him if he makes his pheromones stronger. Good luck with that.

"Stop shooting out your pheromones. Are you in a rut?" growled Riden as he crossed his arms.

"No, I'm just showing that I'm better than you, with how my pheromones can make any omega feel good. Unlike you with you," Rainer laughed, making his pheromones even stronger than before.

"I'm sorry, but your pheromones are not making me feel anything. Also, good luck on trying to make me go into heat too," I smirked as I grabbed Riden's hand and started to move to Riden's room.

"So you think you have the power to resistant my alpha pheromones. Your just an omega," laughed Rainer making his pheromones shoot out faster and more robust than before.

Right as Rainer's pheromones started to get stronger. I could see that Riden's eyes began to turn even darker silver, making him look like he was about to lose control with anger. Shit, his alpha instinct is kicking in. If I dont do anything, he will go insane. I just need to stop his brother's pheromones.

"So you like to show how dominant you are," I murmured as I turned to face him, "I'm getting so sick of people thinking that if they are dominant or stronger than others. They can just bully them because they can."

"Oh look, little omega thinks he is better than me," Laughed Rainer with a smirk, "No one is better than me."

"Is that so," I smiled as I walked over to him, "Let's see how good you are."

"Good luck with that," smiled Rainer as I got closer to him.

I put my hand on his shoulder when I got next to him. So he thinks that all because is pheromones are more potent. I can't do anything to him. I hate when I do this because it hurts and tires me out. My father told me that we come from a line of dominant omegas that have the strength to overpower a powerful, dominant alpha. He showed me how to overcome one, but he told me that it showed not to be used unless you have to. So let's get this over with.

"What are you doing," Rainer growled as his pheromones started to weaken.

"I told you I'm done with all of this," I murmured as I shot my pheromones around him, making it more dents than his, "so be a good alpha and leave us be."

Before Rainer could talk, I made my pheromones so think that it started to make his whole body shake. I could also see that his legs began to buckle, making him fall to his knees. This will teach him to not fuck with my mate or me again. I should just make him cry and beg me to stop.

"Dearil stopped, you made your point!" yelled a voice making my head feel dizzy, "Lisen to me, Dearil, stop!"

Why does this voice sound familiar I like how the voice makes me feel happy? But I what to make this person break and feel how power feels. I what this bastard to feel how pissed I am because he made my mate look, but I can't tell this pleasant voice that other whys he will stop me.

"Please, Dearil," cried the voice this time, "Just stop before you lose control."

When I turned my head, I could see a man standing next to me smiling at me. Why does this man look so familiar? Also, why does he look so sad as he smiles at me? It makes me feel sad. Also makes me want to run to him, hug him, and not let go of the man. I need to stop and run to him before it's too late, just run and not let go of him.

"It's going to be fine. Just stop and remember," the man said with a smile, making me feel warm, "remember, you can control this anger. You're stronger than you think. So stop and remember"

Remember? How can I remember? When all I want is for people to stop hurting me. I want them to feel how I feel when they break me every time because I'm an omega. They think I'm weak with no strength like them. So why should I remember?

"Because you're my son, and you stronger than anyone I know," smiled the man as he walked over to me and hugged me.

When the man hugged me, I fell into his embrace, making me feel warm, happy, sad, and loved. Also, who does he know what I'm thinking? Can he read my mind? It's confusing me. I feel tired. I'm just going to stop and just sleep. I hope Riden is fine. I hope he does not have the looked of anger anymore. I what him to just be happy.

"Dearil, are you okay," said another voice as I opened my eyes to see how it was. This one also sounds familiar but different from the other one.

"What happened," I said as I opened my eyes to see that I was in Ridens's arms.

"One moment, you were next to my brother, and both of you fell to the floor," Murmured Riden as he looked at me as started to smile at me.

"Oh, is everything good now," I smiled back at him. But, God damn, his eyes make you not leave his sight of vision.

"Yes, my brother is in his room on his bed. He was out-cooled when I took him back into his room," Riden said as he lifted me up from where I was, "let's go to my room so you can rest some more."

"Okay. Are you feeling okay?" I whispered so only he could hear me.

"Yes, thanks to you. I feel my alpha instinct is back to normal," Riden whispered to me as he opened the door to his room, "also after you are done resting, you need to tell me what you did. To my brother?"

"I will tell you," I smiled sadly as I looked away from him, "you are the first person except my family to know what I did."

"Then I feel honored to know," smiled Riden as he shut the door behind him with his foot, "but first, let's talk you to the bed so you can rest. You looked pale and drained."