Chapter 9

I can't believe that Riden gave me a ring. I was definitely not seeing that coming. I just hope that no one at school will find out. Especially, Sabrina, she will do anything to have Riden even start roomers about me. I just can't have that happen.

"Hey, Riden?" I said as I looked at him still sitting on his bed.

"Yes," Riden smiled as he looked at me with his silver eyes. God, those eyes.

"When we are at school, can we pretend that we don't know each other? I don't want everyone to start stuff, especially Sabrina, and one at school will do not need to know," I murmured.

"Oh, okay, I can do that, but promise me when we are not at school, your mine, and we are together," signed Riden as he grabbed my hand.

"I promise," I smiled as I squeezed his hand.

When we both let go of our hand, there was a knock at the door. I hope to god that is the food. All this is making me hangry.

"Come in," Riden said with a stern voice.

"I have your food, young master," Ellie said as she opened the door.

"Thank you," Riden smiled a little as Ellie brought a cart full of food.

After Ellie came in with food. I could see that everything we asked for, even the banana cream pie I asked for, was there. Damn, even if I asked for everything, I only got one of the things, but here I am, seeing someone ask and get everything.

"Anything else I can get you, young master," Ellie said till showing no emotion.

"That will be all thanks," Riden said as he grabbed a sandwich.

"Hey Ellie," I said as I looked at her.

"Yes, young master friend," said Ellie as she turned to look at me.

"Thank you very much. Also, you can just call me Dearil. We are going to be good friends," I smiled as she started to turn a little red.

"Oh," blushed Ellie as she turned her face away from me, "you're welcome. have a nice day, Dearil."

When Ellie turned to leave, I could see that she turned redder. I can't believe she finally showed emotion. I thought she was secretly a robot bata, but she got flustered. I definitely hope to see her again.

"I did not know you gout make a woman blush," Riden laughed as he grabbed another sandwich.

"Who said I couldn't," I glared at him.

"No one, I just that since you never talk to any girls except for Kathrine and Selena," Riden smiled, not looking away from me.

"I just wanted to be friends with Ellie," I smiled, leaning to grab a sandwich.

"It looked like she likes you," Riden said as he leaned closer to me.

"It's fine. I just like here as a friend," I laughed as I leaned close to his too.

"What about me. Do you like me just as a friend?" Riden smiled as his eyes darkened a little.

"I what you to figure that out on your own," I smiled as I kissed him on the lips.

"I think I know," Riden Laughed as he kissed me back.

After eating all the food, Ellie brought us. I got off the bed and walked over to the phone that I left on the charger. Why did I leave it on the floor? I should of put it on the nightstand. I dont know why I left my phone on the flood to charge. It would be easier to grab on the nightstand. I need to call my mom and tell her I'm staying the night with a friend.

After three rings, when the phone connected, I said, "Hello, mom."

"Hello, honey. What do you need? I'm still at work right now," my mother said through the phone.

"I just what'd to let you know I'm going to stay the night at my friend's house," I said, hoping it will end there. But, most of the time, she will say, 'okay, have fun, sweety' and then just hang up.

"Okay, tell Kathrine I said hello for me. Also, remember you have a doctor's appointment tomorrow after school for your routine checkup," my mother said as someone called her name, "I'm coming. Love you, honey. Have a good night. See you tomorrow."

When my mother hung up the phone, I dialed Kathrine's number, hoping that I could tell her to lie for me. But, if not, then I don't know what to do.

"Hello, Dearil, what's up," said Kathrine as she quickly answered the phone.

"Can you do me a favor, please," I murmured because I really just needed to tell her the truth. She has been my friend sent I can remember. So she must help.

"What the favor. It better not be about your dirty comic books," Kathrine said, sounding angry on the phone.

"No, it's just I told my mom I'm staying at a friend's house, and she thinks it's your house," I said quietly through the phone.

"What? Friend? Who's house are you at?" Kathrine said really quick with confusion in her tone.

"Conner went at me again two days ago," I said, trying to not get mad at how I let him hurt me.

"What the fuck are you okay?! How did you get away," Kathrine yelled through the phone.

"Friday, I went to a cafe with Riden, and then he dropped me home," I said before Kathrine Cut me off.

"Riden, what the fuck. You went with sexy terminator god to a cafe. Dearil, my man," Kathrine laughed. I sometimes don't know why I'm friends with this woman.

"do you what to know are not!" I yelled at her.

"Yes, yes. Sorry go one," Katherine signed before going quiet.

"After the cafe, he dropped me off at home. When I got in the house, Conner was there, and he went at me. Before I got nocked out, I worked out my phone wrang." I said, trying to remember everything that happened that night, "Well, after that, I woke up at a sick room in Riden's house, and I have bin here sents. Mother is on a business trip till tomorrow, so she does not know I have been here for two days."

"Damn, I'm sorry. I will say you stayed at my house it comes up. Also, tell me all the good stuff at school tomorrow," laughed Kathrine. This woman will be the death of me, but I still love her like a sister.

"Thanks, Kathrine, your the best," I laughed with happiness, knowing that she would help with my mom.

"Okay, I'm going to talk a bath. I will talk to you later. If you see Mrs. Haliey before, I tell her hello as well," said Kathrine. I really don't know why mom told her to call her by her first name and not her last, but that's a mom for ya.

"Okay, will do. Have a good day," I said before hanging up.

Okay, I'm done with all the phone calls. Know that it's all clear I really don't know what to do now. I have never been to someone's house except for Kathrine's. So I will just ask Riden and see what he whats to do. Hopefully, he knows.

After putting the one and the nightstand, I walked over to Riden, who was lying on the bed looking at the ceiling, pretending that he did not hear the conversation I had on the phone. Your lucky your hot and cute while acting like you did not listen to my discussion. I would have given you crap for listening.

"So all done with your calls," Riden smiled as he turned his head to look at me.

"Yes, I am. so what do you what to do," I smiled as I hopped onto the bed and laid next to him.

"Well, we can wat a movie if you what?" Riden murmured, hoping that he knew what to do.

"That's fine with me. What movie?" I said, hoping he was not into scary movies like most men are.

"We can watch Grease or West Side Story," Riden smiled as he moved over to the bedboard where the pillows were.

"We can watch both if you what," I laughed as I too moved.

"Okay, let's watch West Side Story first, then Grease," Riden said as he grabbed the tv remote.

"Where is the tv at? I did not see one when I woke up in your room," I said, looking around, not seeing the tv or a tv stand.

Right, when I finished talking, Riden pushed a button next to his head that was on the wall. When he did. The sealing started to move next at the end of the bed showing a tv hanging from the ceiling as the tv came down.

"That's fucking awesome. I did not see that coming at all," I gasped as the tv came down.

"Ya, it's really cool. It also helps with space in my room," laughed Riden as he turned the tv on.

After turning on the tv, Riden grabbed the colored remote device at turned off the light leaving only the tv light lighting up the room.