Chapter 8

After an hour or so in the shower getting cleaned by Riden. Finally, we got dressed and left the closet room. Before I got into the room, Riden hugged me from behind. I swear he is like a puppy.

"Are you okay," I smiled as I turned my head to look at him as he hugged me.

"Nothing, I just really like you," Ridden mumbled from having his head on my shoulder.

"Okay, let's got to the room and talk," I laughed at how he really reminds me of a puppy.

As I grabbed his hand, we walked into the room straight for the bed. Okay, I just need to tell him a bit of my past and hope he does not ask more because I'm not ready to tell him everything. Mainly because they are not that may dominant omegas anymore. So if anyone finds out the truth, it will be a pain. People will start to mess with me to make my heat come out to blackmail me into doing stuff with them.

"So the thing I did to you, brother," I said as I looked down at my legs, "I can only tell you is that I come from a strong line on omegas."

"That makes some sense," murmured Riden as he lifted my head, "when you're ready to tell me everything, I will be right by your side."

"Thank you," I smiled as I looked at him, holding back my tears because he is the only alpha male that has not forced me to do what they want.

"So are you hangry," Riden smiled as he got off the bed and to the nightstand next to his bed, "Let's get you some food."

Right, when Riden got to the nightstand, he grabbed a small circler device. When he walked back, he sat down next to. I could see that the device has four color buttons on it. I wonder what the colors mean?

"Your wonder what the colors are right," Riden laughed as he looked at me with a smile.

"How could you tell?" I mumbled as I looked away from him.

"Because I could see your face was so focused on the buttons," laughed Riden again as he put the device closer to me, "okay, the red button means an emergency. Funny, I know because it's red. The yellow button turns on the lights. It helps a lot. Also, the blue button is to turn on the ac in the room, and the green button lets the kitchen that I'm requesting food."

"Oh, that's cool," I smiled as Riden clicked the green button.

After two minutes after Riden clicked the green button, there was a knock on the door. Damn, that was fast. Did they get the food as well? If they did, how the hell would they know what to get?

Before I could ask, Riden said, "You can come in."

When the door opened, I could see that it was a woman. She looked like she was in her late twenties to early thirties. The woman was dressed in a maid's outfit with light brown hair up in a bun. Also, a piece of her hair on both sides of her face was down, making her face look younger. When she walked closer to us, I could see that she had really light grey eyes. If I had only glanced at her, I would have thought her eyes were hazel.

"Hello, young master, how may I help you," said the maid as she bowed in front of Riden.

What the hell is he fucking royalty to make someone bow down to him. If I was her, I would not be taking this job. To make someone bow to me that's just too cruel. I hope she does not turn to me and bow. I would be uncomfortable because no one should do that.

"We would like to get food sent to my room," smiled Riden as he looked at the maid.

"Is there anything specific you would like to have to eat, young master," the maid said with no expression went she spoke.

"Is there anything you would like?" said Riden as he looked at me when he spoke.

"If you have any banana cream pie, that would be cool, but if you down it, no biggie," I smiled as I looked at the maid.

"Also, bring some sandwiches, too," Riden murmured as he turned to the maid.

"As you wish, young master," said the maid as she turned to walk.

When the maid left, I turned to look at Riden wanted to know why she had to bow. Also, I really what to learn more about this damn house with a maid that calls him young master. I also remember the people in the sick room called him young master.

"Can I ask you something?" I quietly said, hoping that he would not get mad at me for asking more questions about him.

"Ask me anything," smiled Riden as he grabbed my hand.

"Can you tell me why everyone calls you young master? I thought your family was just normal rich people. Also, why does the maid bow when she first comes into the room? I felt very uncomfortable when she did," I said as I poured out all my questions like a sink faucet.

"Well, It's because my father is the brother to Kraven Richerson. Also known as The Man of Silver Mist River," said Riden as he stopped smiling when he talked about his father.

"You're telling me that your uncle is mayor and owner of this town," I said with shock in my tone.

"Yes, he is, and that is why every person that works in this house calls me young master," Riden laughed as he looked at me with a smile.

"What is so funny," I smiled as I looked at him.

"It's just you're the first person to ask me that question," Riden continued to laugh.

I can't believe that I just did naughty things with the mayor's nephew in the bathroom. Fuck why does it have to be me? But he is the one how came to me and confest to me as well. Oh god, and I used my dominates on his older brother. I'm so fucked this will be the end of my life. If my uncle does not kill me, it would definitely be the mayor of the damn town.

"Are you okay? Your face is ashen like your losing blood," said Riden as he put his hand on my face.

"Ya, I'm all good. Let's just take about something else like the maid," I said shakily, hoping he would not notice my voice being scared.

"Well, the maid that you saw is Ellie Sanderson. She has been a maid since I can remember. Her mother is a maid too. Ellie's mother is my mother's main maid," Riden smiled as he talked about something else.

"Are there a lot of people that work here that are family members?" I smiled as I wanted to know more.

"Yes, there are a few that are related from daughters and sons to siblings," Riden smiled as he got off the bed.

"Where are you going," I looked as I saw him walk to his dresser.

"I have something for you," Riden said as he stopped in front of the dresser and opened the top drawer.

After Riden closed the drawer, he walked back and sat down next to me with a tine box in his right hand. When I looked closely at the box, I could see that it was black with tint gold words on the top.

"What's this," I looked at Riden, hoping that he would just tell me what it was quicker.

"Well, you know that I have liked you for a very long time," murmured Riden as he scratched the back of his head.

"Yes, I do. That's why I said I like you too," I laughed as Riden started to turn red a little.

"Well, I wanted to give you something for a very long time," Riden said, continuing to still turn redder the before.

"Okay," I said, looking at him and how cute he looked as he tried to say his words.

"Well, here this is for you. I hope you really like it," Riden laughed as he handed me the tiny box.

When I looked at the box closely this time. I could see that the tiny gold words on the box were my name. I can't believe he put my name on the box as well. This makes him even cuter. Okay, let's see what this tine box is. As I opened the box, I could see a thin silver ring with gold on the edge of it. Holy fucking god, this was not what I was expecting.

"Do you like it," Riden said as he smiled at me with a huge grin.

"Yes, I do. It's stunning. I was not expecting that to be in the box. I thought there was like a pin or something," I said as I took it out of the box.

"That's good. Also, there is a silver chain on the bottom of the box to put it on so you can wear it. I thought you might not want what to wear on your finger at school," smiled Riden as he grabbed the box and took out the silver chain.

"Thank you. I really love it," I laughed as Riden put the ring on the chain and put it around my neck.

"After we graduate, you can put it on your hand. Also, I have a matching one as well that I will put on my hand after graduation, too," laughed Riden as he took out a silver chain with the same ring as mine out of the front pocket of his pants.

"I will definitely do that," I said as I leaned over and kissed Riden.