Chapter 18

"Hello, young master," Law said when he walked into the room.

"Hello Law," Riden smiled when he looked at the kids, "and hello to you guys too."

"Hey, master Riden," smiled Halsey as she ran up and hugged Riden.

"What you guys up to," Raylon said as he left the couch he was lying on.

"Well, Coran and I what sir Dearil to meet Robby since he is going to be a part of the family after graduation," Law said when Coran walked into the room.

"Good evening, young master," Coran said with a bow.

"Good evening to you too, Coran," Riden said as little Robby hugged him.

They were not lying when they said Robby looks like Coran. He is adorable with his curly red hair that looks like fire and dark brown eyes. The only difference is that his freckles are all over his face, and Coran's are just under his eyes and across his nose.

"Nice to meet you," I smiled as I kneeled down to be on the same level as him, "what your name. I think I know it, but I what you to tell me, so I know that they did not give me a fake name."

"Hello, my name is Robby August Cinder. I'm four years old. Also, I go to Lake River," Robby shyly said as he looked at me from behind Riden.

"Sorry, he just learned his full name and how to greet people. Still trying to tell him he does not need to give his bio as a greeting," laughed Coran with his face turning little red from embarrassment.

"It's all good. It's cute," I said as I turned to look at Coran, then at Robby, "Nice to meet you Robby may name is Dearil Ziggy Cooper. I'm eighteen years old. Also, I'm in 12th grade at Lake River High School."

"It's nice to meet you,," Robby said, trying to say my name.

"Let's go with this. You can just call me by my middle name. Know one else calls me that it will just be between you and me," I laughed as I put my hand on his head and ruffled his curls, "So try again but use my middle name Ziggy."

"It's nice to meet you, Ziggy," smiled Robby as he got the name right.

"Look, we are best friends, know," I smiled as I stood back up.

It looks like he is not shy anymore, so that's good. He is defiantly going to be handsome when he gets older. I wonder who our child will look like. I hope he talks after Riden. He is the perfect person I have ever seen with his silver eyes and dark hair.

"So your middle name is Ziggy," Raylon giggled as he sat down on a chair next to us.

"Yes, it is. My father gave me that name because it was the name of his closes friend," I said, looking at Raylon as he sat down.

"Are you talking about Ziggy Klein," said Trixi, who came in with a stake of books in her hand.

"I think so," I said, looking at the books she had in her hands.

"Ziggy Klein was a close friend to Roger and your father, Andrew," smiled Trixi as she walked over to the bookshelves.

"What happened to him," Raylon said, "I have never heard of him before."

"Well," Trixi said as she looked around the room, "you did not hear it from me, but Ziggy fell in love with your mother Olivia, but she was in love with Roger."

"Why did father never tell us this story," Raylon said, looking at Trixi, who was not grabbing new books.

"Well, Ziggy confest to Oliva but got turned down. She told him that she was in love with Roger and thought of him as a good friend," Trixi said, now holding three new books, "on the day he confest he got hit by a car on his way back home. He died before making it to the hospital. The next day they found a letter that was addressed to roger that said he was in love with oliva and that if they end up together, he would still love them both and would support them both."

"I remember that day," said Coran, who was holding Robby, "I remember that the guy who was driving was drunk. He ended up in prison, but he was released five years ago. Roger was really not in his right mind when he found out."

"Ya, it was tough for him when that happened," Trixi said as she started to walk to the door, she walked in from, "well, I'm leaving, so have fun."

"It looked like everyone is having a party in here," Roger said as he opened a door that I did not see next to the bookshelves, "why was I not invited?"

"Well, it was just us three, but everyone else came in and had here we know," laughed Raylon, "So it looks like Dearil is leaving us."

"I will be here waiting for ya," Riden smiled as he grabbed my hand a squeezed it, "I wish I could go with ya, but father said it's just between you too."

"I promise it's nothing bad I just what to have a son and father talk because your father would do the same thing in my shoes if he was here," smiled Roger, still standing at the door.

As I started to walk to the door where roger was, Robby said, "See ya later, Ziggy." with a smile as he waved at me.

Damn, he is so cute. I wish I could spend more time with him, but Roger needs me.

"Ziggy that a good name," Roger said, looking at me with a curious look.

"Ya, it's my middle name my father gave me," I said, still walking to him.

I hope he will not be mad since he heard that name. I just what to not feel more nervous than I am right now. I always thought his father was mean, but he showed me a charming side. I feel like he has a more evil side if you piss him off. So let's just forget about it and get this over with so I can be next to Riden. That makes me calm when I'm near is pheromones.