Chapter 25

"I don't understand why you are here, uncle?" I said, trying to hide my shock but why, out of all the people, it had to be him.

"Well, nephew, I really don't like people messing with stuff that is mine," Conner smiled.

God, I hate when he smiles like that. Like I'm a chew toy he can play with and spit out whenever he's bored with it.

"I met your uncle at the cafe they call Brew & Wolf where we talked about this one person that we did not find out it was the same person," laughed Sabrina, finally back to her bitchy self.

"We talked about how I had this omega nephew that would never listen even when it came to an alpha," Conner said as he walked over to the table with stuff I still could not see.

What the hell is over there on the table, and why is it so hard to see? My brain is fuzzy, but I don't remember them injecting me with something.

"Well, I told him about this omega trying to steal my alpha. Even though I tried everything to stop him, my alpha only sees the other omega's side even when I try to use my pheromones," said Sabrina as she walked over to the table.

"So, we told each other the name of the omega and found out it was you," said Conner, grabbing something off the table, "So we came up with a plan that would help us both, you see. I would teach my omega a lesson to disobey me, and she gets her alpha back."

Shit, this is not good. First, I can't see that well for god knows what, and second, I don't what to be with two psychopaths. Crap, what should I do?

"Let's see what we should do first?" laughed Conner as he walked closer to me.

"We can work on his legs so he can't run that fast," smiled Sabrina as she took something off the table.

"What are you going to do to my legs," I murmured, hoping they could tell me because I really wanted to know what was in their hands. For fuck's sake, why are my eyes starting to make everything blurry?

"First of all, we are going to put cuts in your legs really slowly so you can feel every cut we do," said Conner as he got closer to me.

"Before you do that can you tell me one thing, please," I blurted out before they started to cut my legs?

"What would that be?" growled Sabrina

"Well, can you tell me why I can't see that well?" I said, still trying to focus on what was in their hands. If I live through this, I will tell myself never to let myself get caught. Especially if they are two psychos like these two.

"Well, I mixed a pill that makes omegas go into heat and a drug that helps you sleep," smiled Sabrina, "when you mix the two, you pass out, but don't remember doing so, and it makes your vision blurry."

"So, if that's all, let's get back to what we plan on doing because I really don't have the patience for all this talking," growled Conner.

He was always the let's get shit down and talk later guy. It always drove me crazy growing up, hitting me all the time, not letting me take or tell him why he should not get mad at me, but he never listened to me no matter how hard I tried.

Let's just say there is nothing I could say to stop my uncle's mind. Not even my mother, she stopped trying, even though she is an alpha. She always worked, so I can't blame her for not trying.

I hope Riden does not find me all bruised and bleeding. Also, I hope the baby is strong enough to stay alive through all of this. I hope he's a survivor and not like me, who can't even get out of this damn chair.

"What the hell do you think you're doing with my mate," said Ridan's voice, making me cry without even seeing his face.

How did he find me?

"What the fuck are you doing here," growled Conner, "how did you find us here."

"I didn't see Dearil after school got out and then asked around the school. Someone told me they saw a weird van around the school and then sped off," murmured Ridan, "then I asked my uncle to let me see the school and street footage and found where you guys were."

"This is not going to stop us," said Sabrina as she ran toward me.

Before she got close, someone tackled her so fast that I did not see it coming. That had to hurt.

"Nice one, babe," said Kathrine as she walked up from behind me.

"Thanks, all that time watching the boys train on the football field played off," said Selena

"I don't think that's how it works," laughed Kathrine.

"You never know, though," laughed Selena as she lifted up Sabrina as he got up.

"Kathrine!" I cried out happily.

"Damn, Dearil, you look like shit," smiled Kathrine.

"I don't care; I'm so happy that you guys are here," I smiled, looking at my friends saving me.

Before I could say another word, Ridan and Conner started to fight.

All I could see was fist after fist and growling like two dogs fighting over territory. Also, the blood on their faces made them look more intense.

"Both of you, stop!" I yelled, hoping they would stop, "get me out of this chair, please."

"Stay still, Dearil," said Kathrine as she pulled out a pocketknife and started to cut the zip ties from my hands.

"Dearil, there is nothing you can do to stop it," murmured Selena

"Okay, all done," Kathrine smiled as she put her pocketknife away.

I need to stop them before they kill each other. Come on, think, Dearil, what would make them stop? Crap, this is going to hurt.

"Dearil, what are you going to do," glared Kathrine like she knew what I'm thinking all the time.

Can I blame her? She knows me better than anyone. She is the only family that knows me better than my own mother does.

"I have to do it," I smiled as I ran into the fight.

"Damn it, Dearil," said Kathrine

"Well, he is a dumbass," laughed Sabrina, who was tied up by Selena

"Shut the hell up," glared Selena

Before I knew it, Conner hit me in the face, making me fall back and onto the ground hard.

Well, I'm definitely going to feel that in the morning.

"Dearil, are you okay," said Riden lifting me into his arms, "Is the baby okay? You got hit really hard and hit the ground hard."

"Baby?" said Conner and Sabrina at the same time.

"What the hell? You're pregnant!" yelled Conner, who had blood on his nose.

"When did this happen," growled Sabrina, trying to get through her restraint.

"It's fine, I'm fine, the baby is fine," I smiled, "I Just want you guys to stop fighting and to go home."

Thank god they stopped fighting even though my face hurts like hell. Definitely feel my left eye starting to swell. The black eye here I come.

"I will not let this happen," said Conner as he walked over to the table where he was before all this shit happened and picked up a gun from the table, "I will kill you before you have that child."

Everything happened so fast when the sound of gunfire echoed through the warehouse. Conner screamed as he fell to the ground, lifting his leg to his chest. Ryker lifted me up as he handed Riden the gun so he could lift me up because Ridens hands were all beat up.

Cop cars and an ambulance came right after, putting Sabrina in the back of the cop car and Conner in the ambulance.

Ryker, Riden, Selena, and Kathrine all gave statements to the cops. Leaving me in Rykers SUV with Law and Coran, who looked at me like they were worried.

Before I knew it, I fell asleep from the shock.