Chapter 26 Three Weeks Later

"Dearil," said a male's voice.

Why is someone calling my name? Also, where am I?

"Dearil, wake up," said the male voice.

Wake up? I am awake, right?

"Dearil, please wake up," repeated the male voice, this time sounding scared.

"I'm awake," I said, shocked to hear my voice sound like shit.

"Finally, you're awake," said Ridan as I opened my eyes to look at him.

"You know your voice sounds sexier in my dreams," I laughed before I started to cough.

Damn, my throat is dry. Got I need water, or my throat will hurt even more.

"Funny joke, let's give you water," laughed Riden handing me a glass of water.

"You read my mind," I murmured, grabbing the glass and chugging the water down.

This feels amazing on my throat. Why did it feel like I hadn't had water in years?

"So what happened?" I finally said, putting the glass down.

"Well, first, let's start by saying you have been sleeping for three weeks," Riden said, trying to smile.

"What? Three weeks. Do I hear you right?"

"Yes, you are," smiled Riden this time, "the drugs in your system and getting hit took its tool on ya."

Three weeks have gone by, and I just slept through it all.

"So the day after you got kidnapped, Sabrina was put on meds and in a mental hospital till she can get better. Also, she just snapped and started to sing the same song repeatedly and would change the name or some of the words; it was fucking creepy," murmured Riden.

Definitely sounds like Sabrina. Hope she gets better, "and what about Conner."

"Well, he went to the hospital for the bullet wound in his leg. After that, he went to jail for kidnapping and drugging you with medication that he should not use together," growled Riden when he mentioned the drugs.

Damn, I missed a lot, but thank god it's over, and I can live my life without worrying about my uncle hitting me when he gets the chance.

"Dearil, your awake!" screamed Kathrine as she ran to me.

"This is going to hurt," I said as Kathrine jumped on me and started crying, "Why are you crying?"

"Because you would not walk up," smiled Selena as she walked into the room, "She was scared you were never going to wake up."

"Im awake," I smiled.

"Thank god graduation is in tomorrow," smiled Katherine wiping her eyes.

Graduation I forgot about that, and the wedding is the day after. I can't believe that it's already time for all of that.

"So let's get you home so we can get ready for graduation tomorrow," laughed Kathrine as she got off the bed, "I brought your clothes with me."

"She brought your clothes every day, hoping you'd wake up," said Selena handing me my clothes.

Thats Kathrine, for yeah, always thinking about me. Im happy she is my best friend, "Katherine?"

"Yes?" smiled Kathrine.

"Would you be my best woman for the wedding," I smiled

"Yes to the fucking yes, I would," Kathrine said as she started to cry.

Well, that's done, "and Selena, I want you to be my bridesmaid with Kathrine, of course."

"I would be honored," smiled Selena.

Thats all done; I just need to get out of this sick room and to my bed at home or Riden because knowing him and his, you have to stay with me even if you dont want to admit it.

"What about....," before I could finish, Riden spoke.

"The baby is fine. He is strong just like you," Riden smiled.

"Then I'm ready to go home," I said as I started to get out of bed, I was in for three weeks.

Graduation Day

"So, are you excited?" laughed Kathrine as we looked into the mirror.

"A little bit," I laughed, putting my cap and gown on.

Can't Beleive we are graduating already. No more school, tests, homework, and most importantly, the evil bitches in this cool. Yes, all the high school boys are dicks, but the high school girls were the worst.

Will Sabrina get to graduate still? I know she was crazy, but she did come to school and do all the work too, but if not hope she gets better in that hospital.

"You guys ready," smiled Elizebeth as my mom opened my room door.

My room is nothing special; it has your bed on one side of the room and a desk right next to the foot of the bed. I have a closet that has all my stuff in it, yes, even under my bed as stuff too. Also, I have a bookshelf next to the front of the bed and a mirror.

So yeah, nothing extraordinary like Riden's room with a damn TV coming out from his bed. Also, a walk-in closet with a bathroom connected to it. So yeah, nothing special about my room.

"Yes, we are Mrs. Cooper," Kathrine said as she grabbed my hand.

"So this is the end of this journey?" murmured Selena as Kathrine and I walked to the school gym.

Why do there have to be so many people? I know it's graduation, but still, I hate this many people in one place.

"Let's get this over with so we can go home," I wined, hoping it would go quicker.

"It does not work like that," laughed Kathrine sliding her arm around mine, "Let's sit down and be bored together.

"Make that three," laughed Selena linking her arm with Kathrine.

"Let's make it four," said Riden as he appeared out of nowhere.

"Lord of god," I said as I jumped away from everyone letting go of Kathrine.

"Sorry did not mean to scare you," laughed Riden as he grabbed me.

"Well, your lucky I love you," I growled, "because I would have punched you in the face."

"You punch someone in the face?" smirked Riden, "I would love to see that."

"If you keep acting like an ass, you might see," I smiled.

"Let's go before we get yelled at," laughed Selena walking to the seats.

After hours of the principal talking about life and stupid stuff, the student council president started to speak right after, which felt like forever, more than when the principal was talking. It felt like we finally got to where they would call our names.

Thank god for my last name being Cooper. Otherwise, I would nervously wait for my name to be called, unlike Riden, whose last name is Richerson and has to stay forever.

When my name was called, I fast walked faster than everyone; I just wanted to get out of the spotlight, but before I could, my mother and Ridens family started yelling and cheering me on, making my whole body feel like it was on fire.

When Riden was called, I swear the whole fucking school was cheering for him. Thank god im not him. I would have run for the front door.

I did not hear Sabrina's name get called or see her when it was done. So it looks like thats going to be between her and the school.

"So you ready for the big day tomorrow," smiled Riden as he sat next to me.

"Yes, I am. Even though it feels like our parent's wedding, not ours," I smiled.

Before Riden said another world, Riden's father and my mother's bother were on the stage.

"Oh god, what are they up to," I murmured.

"I agree with you on that," Riden said.

"Why are your parents up on stage," Kathrine and Selena said simultaneously.

"We do not know," I said, looking at both of them.

"Ladies and gentlemen," smiled Elizabeth.

"The Richerson family would like to make an announcement," smiled Roger.

"Everyone knows me from all of my Hotels that I run. Also, I have a child that just graduated today with all of your children," said Elizabeth, still smiling, "His name is Dearil Cooper."

"Also, my son Riden Richerson," laughed Roger.

"So we both wanted to tell you, guy," laughed Elizabeth, "Roger's Son Riden is off the market and will be married tomorrow."

"Sorry ladies for trying, but he chose the one he wants to marry," said Roger, "So everyone that tried, thank you."

"This is fucking funny," laughed Selena

"Also, the one marring Riden Richerson is Dearil Cooper, my son," Smiled Elizabeth.

"Well, there we go," I murmured, "Let's get out of here before it gets worse.

Before we knew it, everyone was talking, and the girls were crying. I swear the whole gym was in chaos. It did not last long before the whole city knew about our wedding. It went crazy.

Even the day of the wedding was the day it blew up even more.

Wedding Day

Everyone tried to get into the wedding because it was a Richerson wedding, everyone who knew the Richerson family knew that they go all out at their wedding.

All the bodyguards that the family had were at every exit and window. So let's just say there were more guards than I have ever seen.

The Wedding room was down at a church the family goes to. Everything was white like I mean white. It felt like I was in heaven. If this is what heaven feels like, I hope I don't have to see it soon, exceptionally if it's nothing like this.

Okay, im lying. I hope it's not this white in heaven because I will lose my shit if I have to live in this white place. First, it's too bright, and second, everyone needs color, even if it's the dullest color like gray.

So the wedding had flowers lined down the isle with white lace hooked to every flower, making it look like a runway. The walls looked like most churches, with pictures of God and angels all along the wall with a few angel statues.

The alter had different white flowers, making this place look hella bright even when it was just morning as the sun was still rising.

So you can see that everyone wanted to be in this church. Even though I just wanted to get it over quickly so I could see color again. Don't get me wrong, I love weddings but not this bright white wedding.

It could be worse if everyone here was dead and covered in blood and had a blood bath. But, yeah, I know it's not a horror film or a cheesy slasher film.

When I started to get down the aisle, I could see everyone staring at me like I was a bright beacon like a fly zapper, but I put my nerves aside and just looked at Riden in his black tux.

"You look nice in a white tux," smiled Riden as I got to his side.

"Thanks, you look like a penguin," I smiled even though he looked sexy as fuck.

"Thanks, after this its Antarctica for me," laughed Riden

"Well, the Caribbean is my calling," I laughed.

Right as Riden was going to say another word, the pope began to speak, letting everyone know the ceremony was about to begin.

The End of Part One