Chapter 8

The next day, Sera came to school with her usual looks, some of her classmates would still a glance and laugh at her, and some would even point their fingers at her or throw her some crumpled papers.

"And here I thought you guys would stop this bullying with Sera?" Naja came to her rescue just in time.

"Why would you even stick with her Naja?"

"I swear I have answered that question before, do you want me to repeat myself?"

Naja walked toward the guy and leaned on his seat.

"If you wanna be my friend that bad, you might wanna meet my standards, and that standard is that girl that you are bullying." Naja pointed to her using her lips and whispered something to the guy.

Sera just shook her head and walked towards her seat, ignoring everyone inside their room.

"Jeez, if they will keep up with this kind of attitude I might consider not attending that party. Pssh who do they think they are?" Naja sat next to her mumbling about the upcoming party this Saturday.

"Why wouldn't you come? You were so excited about it, you even bought a wonderful dress for that not-so-special event."

"It's because they're acting like trashes again! How could they bully you just because you don't meet their standards in regards to faces! They might change their attitude once they took a pick of how beautiful you are!"

"Let them be Naja, it is not like if they treat me nice I would do the same for them, for me they would still be the ones who threw their trashes at me."

Naja opened her mouth to answer her back but their teacher had already arrived.

Sera quickly took her notebook, pen, paper, and eraser out of her bag, just in case their teacher would give them a surprise quiz Sera had already prepared for it.

Sera is smart, she was after all the top student in their class. She excels in almost all of their subjects, well except math. Math had always been her weakness.

Meanwhile, Naja was frowning as one of her male classmates waved his hands at her and then pointed to Sera. Naja knew who the guy was, but she didn't trust any of her classmates so she ignored the guy and faced their teacher who was saying something that she didn't understand.

"Psst!" Naja looked at the man in irritation, he was handing her what seemed to be a letter. The guy then pointed again to Sera, Naja fully understand what he meant but instead of giving the letter to Sera she opened the paper and read the words that were scribbled inside.

Her eyes bulge in shock, her face blushed and her mouth gaped and before the guy could even stop Naja, her scream filled the whole room.

"What is happening back there?!" Their teacher panicked as she ran towards the back.

Sera who was beside Naja stood up and went to her friend who was covering her face with her hands, the guy slowly took the letter from Naja's table and crumpled it in his hands.

"What's wrong Naja?" Everyone was looking at them, the teacher kneeled on the floor to level her face with Naja, but Naja wouldn't take her hands off her face out of embarrassment.

"Hey, are you alright?" Sera tried to ask again, but Naja still didn't answer. As confused as they were, the teacher helped Naja to stand and assisted her to the infirmary. Sera was worried so she followed them to the infirmary.

Naja was laying on the bed but she was conscious she just didn't want to face anyone at the moment, but she knew Sera followed her there.

"Sera I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to read the letter!" Naja covered her face with her palms as she was facing the ceiling.

"What letter?" Sera looked puzzled.

"The letter on my table, y-you didn't see it?" Naja looked at her with teary eyes.

"What are you saying? I didn't see any letter on your table." Sera was now curious to know what that letter was and its content to make Naja react like that.

"I was just so, excited and shocked. I really can't believe it Sera! Someone actually-" but before she could continue her words she had stopped herself. It wouldn't be nice if she would be the one saying it.

"Someone actually what? Go on say it." Sera urged Naja to continue but Naja just diverted her gaze to the ceiling again.

"Oh-ah s-someone had the guts to say that I looked ugly, hahaha yeah that was it."

"And you felt excited and shocked because of it?" Sera raised an eyebrow at Naja, not believing her lie.

Naja pouted her lips.

"Please don't ask me, i-I'm not really in the position to tell you anything about the letter."

"Then shall we return to our class? You are not feeling sick or anything do you?" Naja smiled at her and said.

"Can't we skip class for today? Hehehe," Sera gave Naja a deadpan look but sighed and give up anyway, there is literary no use in saying no if it's Naja. She would just continue to bother her until she said yes.

"Then what do you want to do?"

"Ahm, I know! Let's play something! Like I would say some random words from random languages and then you will guess what that means or it's English translation, and then if you guessed it right you'll be the next to say some random words and I'll guess and translate it! Game?!"

Sera smiled happily at the game, she will surely win this one.

"Game," Sera smirked as Naja thought of a random word from a random language.

"Kuch," Naja said with a proud smile after thinking for a minute.

Sera also smiled back as she spoke.

"Luxemburgish, Cake," Naja pouted.

"How did you know that? Hmmp," Sera laughed as she shook her head.

"Okay, now it is my turn. Sombrero,"

Naja's brows quickly furrowed as she was not familiar with that word, or language.

"I know that that's Spanish! Ahhm Shoe!" Naja clapped at herself for doing good but, it quickly faded when Sera laughed.

"You were right that it was Spanish but the translation is wrong, it's supposed to be a hat, not a shoe."


"Okay, next word is dibdib."

"Oh! I know that! That's Filipino! It's the heart right?!" Sera shook her head as a sign that Naja was once again wrong.

"Eh? I'm sure that dibdib means heart in Filipino!"

"No, dibdib means chest and heart means puso in Filipino. You're supposed to know this language Naja, your father is half Filipino after all."

"That doesn't mean I should learn it though," Sera laughed at how Naja looked, she looked so ashamed that she didn't know that many Tagalog words.

"But I know what putangina, gago, hayop, and yawa mean. It means motherfucker, jerk, animal, and devil. My mom used to scream those words at my dad when he would slap her butt or something." Sera laughed so hard again that she couldn't breathe properly.

"Damn, aunt Kenna did that?"

"Yeah, but that was just my dad's way of teasing my mom, I mean they would go all lovey-dovey again after they curse each other." Sera felt her heart tighten, she was jealous of how close Naja's parents were, although Uncle Marco was not always around, he still had time to tease and be sweet to his wife. He still had time to spoil his child, unlike her. She didn't even have the chance to meet her father.

Sera and Naja were so busy with their game, that they didn't notice how fast time had passed them by, it was already time for them to get home.

Sera was walking alone again on her way to her home when she thought of buying her babies some more food.

Walking on the streets with her groceries, Sera was walking fast to reach her home, she was excited to play with her babies and she ran as she entered her house.

"I'm ba-"

Sera blinked her eyes as the scene wouldn't process in her mind.

Cloud was seating leisurely on the sofa watching t.v, Sylvester was wiping something off the floor and Caious was pooping in the comfort room.

"Eh?" Sera's brain kept on buffering.
