032: Tower Of Death

An individual about to cross through and into the hole above the tower got a skull in the back, the projectile exploding into hundreds of shards that spread out like a grenade, pelting the people behind the individual and sending many of them, the individual included falling to the ground from over 70 feet in the air. Their screams of pain and fear was enough to attract the attention of the shadow ice beasts, many of which picked off the falling individuals from the air, ripping them to shreds before depositing what was left of their carcass on the ice stalagmites on the ground.

Divyat on the other hand kept silent, moving around and being the hand of misfortune. Since he started throwing things at the people on the tower fifteen minutes ago, nobody has been lucky enough to cross through, and every throw brought down at least three individuals due to how clustered they all were. And as they fell, the cluster of shadow ice beasts at the bottom of the tower began to reduce, easing the pressure on those at the bottom, and making them more applicable targets for Divyat as he didn't discriminate whether you were at the top or bottom. He picked his targets carefully, going after those that seemed most capable and who were about to escape this blood fest.

At this point ,Divyat was on everybody's shit list, but he didn't care. It was better this way, rather than having all of them spitting at him and calling him filthy human, and then stabbing him in the back when he least expects it. It would be better if he was public enemy number one, enough that he would not forget where he was and end up getting killed. Since they hated him, well he also hated them too, it would be better if everyone knew where they stood, and yes this was not a wise course of action, they could all decide to band together and take care of him, but it was difficult for them to be that wise.

Besides, with each fight he's been in so far, he was rapidly beginning to understand that within the foundation establishment realm… he was unmatched. And it was not a matter of arrogance, but based on what he has seen and experienced so far. Divyat was a very dangerous individual, and what was so worse about that knowledge was that with each second that passed, he got more and more dangerous.

He found an opening and took it, rushing through an open path created by the shadow ice beasts after they had been reduced enough by Divyat giving them something else to snack on. He got to the base of the tower quickly enough, but by this point he had made enough noise to attract attention. He flung a prior prepared skull straight into the face of Fox man who was at the bottom, busting open his nose as he cried out in pain and fell off the stairs at the side of the tower. It was a split second decision that bought Divyat enough time to leap over the heads of the Shadow ice beast and a couple of trial takers at the bottom of the stairs, before landing on the chest of a naga.

He ignored the sound and feel of cracking bones underneath his feet, as the Naga let out a wild hiss and began to thrash, his coils whipping about and dragging more people off the stairs. Divyat didn't pause as he surged forwards, his upper body bare as he slammed his shoulder into the midriff of A Rakshasa, and using said individual as a shield while he ran up the stairs, ignoring most of the attacks and strikes being thrown his way.

Every step he took sent someone off the stairs, and in no time at all, the Rakshasa he had used as a shield was hanging limply off his shoulder, very much dead as his blood stained Divyat's black skin. By this point, he was only half way up, he flung the rakshasa off his body, watching impassively as he fell to be skewered on a stalagmite that already had a significant amount of bodies on it. Divyat stepped back, throwing his left foot backwards into the face of a satyr as he dodged the wild claw of Cat girl. He stepped forwards again and threw a slap to the side of her face that rocked her and left her open for him to grab her head and smash it to the side of the tower with distinct times, each one more harder than the last, before leaving her there. She slid down, her head drawing a streak of blood on the ice tower as Divyat took the next step up, his heart pounding as once again his body underwent a transformation.

Icy blue canine, white eyes with white hair with blue streaks and fangs that would give anybody who saw it a pause. And then claws as hard and as sharp as steel. He rushed forwards in an open hand uppercut that took the jaw and face of the person in front of him before pouncing forwards like a wild animal, his jaw finding purchase on the skull of some sort of rabbit demon. There was a loud crack as his fangs punctured a hole and his jaws crushed the skull, showing an extremely powerful jaw biting strength, like incarnation of a divine beast. Divyat let out a wild roar that shook the entire cavern, it was so loud that all of the Shadow Ice beast gave pause in what they were doing, looked in his direction for a few seconds, and without hesitation, fell into a frenzy as they rushed towards the tower en masse.

It was a horrifying situation for those on the tower. This used to be the safe place, but now Divyat's roar had drawn all of the monsters in the cavern to their direction. And with each second that passed, more and more shadow ice beasts, flew out of the ice pillars to rush for the tower. And as for Divyat who had unwittingly let out a bestial cry that drove these eldritch creatures into a frenzy in order to get to him; his eyes were on one thing and one thing only…. The exit. And it was quite unfortunate that there were people standing between him and his prize.