033: Cao Man's Monster

[Rain Dancer Fist: Lover's Rain]

An explosion of water attributed Qi perforated the body of a monkey demon as Divyat ducked under the wild swing of another, they seemed to be friends or perhaps siblings, but at this point it didn't matter much as he utilized the [Rain Dancer Fist: Lover's Rain] move from his rain dancer technique again. His punches were slow to the eye, but the speed was still fast enough that it could not be evaded. The concept of rain was heavily invested in the technique as sometimes it was calm and sweet, and other times raging and fast. The lover's rain move was a light drizzle of rapid punches, which pierced through defenses and flesh, and with the extra strength, power and higher grade Qi within his body driving the technique, it was showing way much power than anyone here or within the foundation establishment realm was able to deal with or handle.

The monkey demon crumpled to the ground, blood pouring from his body as Divyat rushed up two steps to deliver a powerful knee strike to some sort of panda demon. The humanoid bear took three steps back, coughing blood but able to remain on his feet on account of being one of the most sturdiest demons, it had an extremely high defense, but even though that one strike didn't bring it down, Divyat had caused enough damage as he walked up to the panda demon and right past it, not sparing it a single glance. Divyat was exhausted, through it all it has been one kill after the other, and honestly he was drenched head to toe in blood, both his and the blood of his foes.

It was enough, there was a baleful aura slowly being formed around him from the amount of blood on his body. And blood was also known as life blood, it carried traces of qi, the soul and emotions of the people it comes from. And with how much grievances are sure to be spread through the soul and blood at the time of death, Divyat was positively radiating it. And it gave even the best of men pause as what was left between him and the entrance all paused. Divyat raised his head to look at the counter, it read 1. Even with his intervention, a lot of people had still gotten through, and in this case it was pretty much an attempt to get away from him, some had even jumped off the tower just to avoid the crazy bloodthirsty human.

"If anyone of you think you can make it through before I rip your spine out of your back, then please be my guest. Because while I'm tired of killing you people, I can still do it in the drop of a hat. But I'd rather avoid having the stench of your blood on my body again, so please kindly fuck off so that I can get through."

There was nothing polite about the way Divyat spoke, his voice was bland, cold to the core and with a presence so chilling that the remainder of the trial takers between him and the entrance shivered. The demi-humans and demons were relentless in everything they do and could be quite stubborn in the face of their enemies. They had pride, and when the person they had to face off against is a human, that pride became all the more powerful as none of them wanted to submit to a human or let a human partake in their trials, even at the detriment of their own lives.

There was only one solution to such an attitude, and that solution was power. And Divyat showed power the best and most optimal way allowed…. By massacring the lot of them. It was at this point he understood why Cao Man sent him here for this bandit trials or whatever the fuck it is. He never expected Divyat to win it or go far, in fact Divyat would not be surprised if the old snake had a plan in place to get him out of here in case things got too dangerous for him. He would be enemy number 1, even though he had no intention to antagonize anybody, they would all go after him, plus probably everyone taking this trial already knew there was a 'Filthy human' here and they were to do everything in their power to end him or her.

There was no way forwards except through blood and bones, Cao Man did not send Divyat here for some bloody trial, this was just the proper teaching method for him, he sent Divyat here to become a murderer, a cold blooded killer that could take lives with the best of them. And Divyat could not lie, he had lost count, and with each life he took he had to refine his technique, from taking injuries in every single fight he went up to an injury every three fights, then every five, then every ten, until the injuries stopped completely and most altercation only lasted a few seconds as he figured the most efficient ways to kill a person. And with the variety of demon and demi-human species in front of him, it was like going to surgical school.

Divyat had become the killer Cao Man wanted, perhaps even more so as he took the steps one at a time and went up through the exit in the ceiling, watching impassively as it closed behind him, trapping the rest of them down there and leaving them to their fates. Or perhaps they were the lucky ones, because when you thought about it, they had escaped the monster that was Divyat, it was the people who were unfortunate to head on to the next stage that they all were feeling sorry for, perhaps dying here in the dark to these monsters was a better solution than going up against the monster that was Divyat the human….because all he brought was death, and in the ugliest and most terrifying way possible….Cao Man has succeeded…..he had bred a monster!