035: King Of Monsters

If anybody was to ask Divyat, he would say he didn't expect things to turn out this way; and that was the truth. How could he have known that his wanton killing of everything in his path would make him public enemy number 1? And it was to the virtue of the demi humans and demon races that their stubbornness knows no bounds. When they have taken as much fear as they could possibly take, all they would do is bite back. Much like an animal that has been cornered, it would fight back with everything it had, moving assuredly with the aim of mutual destruction.

Now nobody cared if Divyat was the boogie man from the stories of old, they did not give a rat's ass that he was a personification of cold and death, all that mattered to them now was to find a way to put an end to him and to do it quickly. Divyat ducked under a wide swing, throwing his legs forward into the chest of the next person in front him, by this point he was no longer making a denomination of who or what his enemy was….all he knew was that they were just bodies in-between him and his path forward.

He was bull rushed by a tauren, sharp horns digging into his side as he was pushed backwards, dirt and grass being thrown up as he was being led to the edge of the landmass. Divyat didn't really want to know what it would feel like falling from this high up in the sky, so he grabbed the Tauren's head and dug his heels down, halting his momentum as he turned swiveling his hips and lifting the Tauren off the ground before flinging him in the direction of the still approaching crowd.

There was just too much bodies to get through, also there was still a method to this carnage, and the only thing he had to do about it was pick his targets. Which was exactly what he decided to do as he set forward, his qi cycling through his body as he stepped off the body of Fox girl and pushed her off, the force behind the move sending her right back to the ground with either dislocated or broken bones. In the peak of his jump, Divyat's hair turned white as he underwent his beast transformation. He angled his body down after having picked his target, and came crashing down with extreme speed.

[Rain Dancer Fist: Lover's Rain]

His target could not put up a defense as Divyat's fist took on a glowing icy blue hue that smashed through his body. The next target wasn't too far away as a straight fist to the head still utilizing the [Lover's Rain] move saw his skull exploding into mist. Divyat took on a few strikes and evaded a few others before he found his next target, went after him and then moved on. He was cycling through Qi at a rapid pace, and Divyat knew should he run out it would be a downright terrible experience, he might actually die as his body would start converting organic matter into Qi in order for him to survive, and that would be terrible should he be unable to settle and deal with this literal army of enemies all after his head.

But there was nothing he could but to bear and limit his use of Qi, instead all he could do was rely on his physical prowess as he went target after target. And in the ensuing chaos nobody had a single idea what Divyat was doing, everyone's blood was burning at fever pitch and the taste for human blood was high in the air. Their hatred was so powerful, that they did not even stop for a second to consider Divyat's beast like appearance and the fact that he was fighting more like an animal imitating a human than a human itself. And it wasn't until Divyat had slain the 100th person did they finally realize exactly what he was going after.

There was a bright flash of light from Divyat's blood drenched body, the tattoo that denoted him as an [Apprentice Bandit Boss] began to spread. The skull with thorns transformed into a beast head with antlers growing from it with the thorns themselves stretched to form a sort of thin line that stopped at the beginning of Divyat's wrist. As far as this completion was concerned, he was not only the first, but he was now the only person to have advanced from an [Apprentice Bandit Boss] to an [Apprentice Bandit Chief]. His transformation brought a pause to the people attacking him, giving him valuable time to breathe, Divyat decided to bluff his way into getting more time to recover.

"Wow! That actually took longer than I thought….so what now?" he asked as he sat down, his meridians undulating as the absorbed qi within his body, repairing all of the damage he had received at a pace that was visible to the naked eye. And that was all a part of Divyat's plan as he watched the look of despondency and helplessness cross over the faces of the people who were in the cluster with him.

It was in that moment that his 72nd meridian lit up and an explosion of Qi spread out from him. He was just as shocked as everyone else as he stepped solidly into the peak of the foundation establishment realm, and just as it has been with all of his advancements, six more meridians lit up. The stimulation from battle, and the pain from all of his injuries and his body mending itself over and over again had driven his potential to the absolute edge. Now his body had reached the absolute limit and went up into the next stage of power.

And it was such a thing of beauty that both his cultivation base and his body become strengthened at the same time, and he advanced in cultivation, with his qi signature reading to be exactly at the peak of the foundation establishment realm, a look of despair came over the face of his opponents.

"You've got to be kidding me! Al-all this time, all this deaths! And he was only in the late foundation establishment realm!"

"How can we beat that?"

"He's no human, he's a monster, a beast wearing the face of a human. Can't you see his sigil! It's supposed to take on the look of sour, to create a unique bandit sigil that any bandit group would be recognized with! But look! His is a monster!"

"We couldn't beat him when he was in the late foundation establishment stage, now he's in the peak stage, and can you feel his Qi? It's so pure!"

"You're talking about his cultivation base? I guess you're all so blind as not to notice that monstrous healing factor! He's unkillable."

"What is he? His bones don't break, his form doesn't shake, and he doesn't die! What sort of monster is he?"

Divyat had heard enough, he's had enough time to recover, and his stamina was rapidly being refilled. In a sense, he is extremely lucky that he had found ways to incorporate the [Tai-Chi Theorem] into combat and utilize with startling efficiency. Even now, he could still feel his muscles greedily absorbing Qi to temper and strengthen themselves, while his meridians reinforced themselves and stored Qi within themselves.

"I don't want this to end with most of if not all of you dead. That would not be optimal and honestly I wouldn't want that on my nonexistent conscience. You all know the rules of this trial, if not for anything but so that you can survive to see another bloody fucking day, choose life and submit to me. I can't begin to imagine how stupid the lots of you are, you all have went up against me, trying to kill me in order to prove what? To PROVE WHAT!!" his powerful voice resounded across all of the clusters, bringing the entire trial to a halt, as everyone turned to pay attention to the audacious human speaking.

"I'm a human! So because I'm a human I deserve to die, because I'm a human I'm not worthy to be a part of this trial. Did it ever cross all of your stupid heads why the fuck I was allowed here in the first place! Why a human would be allowed into the trial to see the next generation of bandits! You poor fools! All you have to go on are stories, fucking tall tales of humanity's cruelty, and tales that are from far back that even your oldest members were not even alive at that point.

I'm a fucking weapon! A human that has seen firsthand the depths of cruelty a human could bring to the innocent, what they could do to the peaceful. The Bandit Boss that found me decided the best way to utilize me was to turn me into a weapon against the very race that spawned me….you're all so small of mind and weak of body. You think because you live in this mountains you know what true terror, desperation, loneliness and pain are? No! You do not! Many of you have fallen by my hand, and that is an outcome that could and would have been avoided if you all did not just decide to go out of your way to end me.

So instead I will give you an offer. Humanity thinks you all are monsters, the stuff of nightmares. Yet, you all think the same thing of humans, which is ironic really. So in respect to that from one monster to another…. Submit or stay out of my way, I don't care either way what you choose, I'm not leaving this island without becoming an [Apprentice Bandit King] and I can either kill you for it, or defeat you for it, or to make It easier on us all the remaining four hundred sigil holders could just submit and hand it to me. That way you get to live and try to achieve something with the life you have, rather than rush onwards like fools to break eggs on a fucking ROCK!

One of you just asked, what sort of monster I am. Well then, let me answer that for you; I'm a monster that's unwavering, unbreakable, unshakable and above all else a monster that's unkillable. If we all are monsters here then invariably….I'm the FUCKING KING OF MONSTERS!!!"