036: The Challenge

The thing about a bluff was that you weren't exactly sure if it was going to work or not, and honestly Divyat knew there was only so much lives he could take. His abilities aside, he knew he couldn't beat them all, it didn't matter how strong he was, a well-placed blow to the head and he would be completely screwed in more ways than one if not completely dead. He had no intention of becoming an [Apprentice bandit king] and that was mainly because he would probably be dead already by the time he got halfway there. He's unkillable to a certain extent, perhaps he would really be able to embody that word in the future, but right now he absolutely was not as invisible as he was trying to get them all to think.

And then a young woman walked out, or perhaps the better word would be to say she slithered or crawled out. If they were males, they were called Nagas, and if they were females, they were called Lamias. Right behind her, were a pair of Rakshasas, the plume of feathers on their body extremely colorful with an almost exact type of face. That was enough to let Divyat know that they were twins, but based from both their body structure, it was obvious they were brother and sister.

The Lamia that they had followed out had bright red skin with extremely unique patterns. Divyat did not know about most people, but if he ever comes across a snake that was bright red with such patterns on its body, he was definitely hightailing it and running the other way. Nevertheless, it was these three that had taken the initiative to step forwards, and it was whatever they said or whatever action they took next that would make or break his bluff and send him to an early grave under a deluge of bodies.

"As a human, and for one so young as you are, you really have a sharp mind and a heart that seems to be tempered with wisdom… I believe I misjudged you. So in response to that, I will give you my name and the name of my friends." Divyat raised an eyebrow, not at all sure in what direction this was going, but still he kept his guard up, he might have made a pretty speech, but that was not enough to wash away millennia of animosity between these races and humanity, so while he was trying to buy himself some time and take the path of least conflict, he didn't think for one second that he had gotten through to them. It would be better to expect the worst, so that he could react accordingly….that's what recent events in his life has taught him.

"If there's one thing we know how to do, it is how to recognize strength and honor. I too and my friends have grown weary of the senseless amount of killings that has been perpetrated during this trial, it was not like this ten years ago during the last trial, or the decade before that. You're not the first human to have invariably been put into this trial in an attempt for them to belong… however, you are the first to have made it this far, and I know it can't have been easy. We acknowledge that, so instead of all of us senselessly marching to our deaths, we ask that you at least give us each a chance to prove our worth.

You say we should submit the Sigils to you in order to live and avoid further bloodshed, I believe that to be a sound idea. Every life lost here is waste and without focus or use. But we are a prideful people! We have lived and survived thus far by the strength of our hearts and wills! We cannot betray that faith, under no circumstances can we back down or give in without trying our best! We will submit! But you will have to beat it into us first.

My name is Yang Bi, my friends who are also my retainers are Lian Rae and Lian Reed. All three of us hold a sigil, and I believe we have the influence to each field at least fifty sigil holders that would submit to you without a fight by virtue of our strength. Beat us all in a one on one fight and you shall have our loyalty for not just this trial as a whole, but for the rest of our lives, most especially mine."

Divyat cocked his head to the side in confusion, or perhaps it wasn't confusion, it was more like contemplation. There was an explosion of sounds and protest from not just the cluster they were a part of, but from the others, everyone seemingly having an opinion about Yang Bi going up against Divyat. He wasn't sure what it was about, and there were just too many voices in order for him pick a particular one out and pay attention to it.

"I take it compared to everyone else here….you must be some sort of big shot. Are you someone important by any chance?" Divyat asked as he scratched off flakes of dried blood from his chest. Yang Bi smiled, her voice a somewhat throaty hiss as she said.

"If being a princess of the only Royal Bloodline in the Ghadovara Mountains is considered something of importance, then yes, I guess you could say I'm some sort of big shot." She replied to him, prompting Divyat to raise an eyebrow as he asked.

"You guys have a royal family? As in a king? Or an emperor?"

"Nothing of the sort human boy…it's a little too complicated to get into right now….however if you can defeat me, I'll explain everything to you once this is over." Yang Bi said to him as she motioned her friends forward, as if Divyat had already agreed to fight on her terms.

"Very well then princess…I promise I'll try my best not to kill any of you." The only response he got back from her was.

"Don't worry….you won't even leave a scar."