046: Main Event

The battle royal was not that much of an eye catcher, even for Divyat who had nothing to do but to observe its proceedings. And then it was over and the remaining 30 contestants began to challenge each other for their rankings. Apart from the rabbit Kin that Divyat had sort of gotten first dibs on, both he and the Asura spent the rest of the time bargaining over who they wanted to be in their teams. Fang Bin was completely forgotten and left aside as she would be taking whatever was left after both Divyat and the Asura were done making their picks.

While that might not seem fair, she was the weaker of the three of them, in fact there was a 100% chance she would never have been able to make it to the top three if not because of Divyat's and the Asura's actions. She was practically handed her position and she knew better than to open her mouth and talk, in fact there was a possibility that one of the thirty down there would be able to challenge her and take away her sigil of apprentice bandit queen., the only thing keeping those thirty below back was the fear that she and Divyat were in an alliance.

But that could be farther from the truth than anything else, at best she was a distraction, at worst…. She was a pet project. While she knew she was far older than him seeing as he looked as if he hadn't even had his first hairs yet, the way he looked at her was akin to a snake looking at a mouse, or to be more precise an eagle looking at a snake, or a tiger at one. He was power incarnate in a way the Asura would never be able to reach. While the Asura gave her pause and made her worry about her violent tendencies, Divyat was like a blade in the dark, you absolutely had no idea what he was going to do next and that scared the shit out of her in more ways than one, she would rather have a devil she knew than a monster under the bed, that you had absolutely no idea when it would come out and bite off your face.

"Excuse me snake!" the Asura called out to Fang Bin, drawing her out of her musings as lightning seemed to go off in her stomach and fear settled in.

"Right now they expect us to fight each other." The Asura said as she pointed at a massive golden platform that had fallen from the sky to settle in front of all three of them. Obviously they would have to take turns fighting each other until a number one has been established. And it was quite funny that for this round there was no second or third position, only the number on matters.

"I think this is the part where you forfeit any and all battles between me and handsome Divyat over here, because let's be honest holding back is not our thing and you are grossly outmatched here. So if you're incapable of knowing your place then it would be better to put an end to your life before you go and make colossal mistake that you would never be able to walk back from. So what it's going to be….Third princess of the lamia?"

Even Divyat felt a chill from the way the Asura had spoken, but he did nothing but watch to see what Fang Bin would do, even when she had turned to him for a little bit of support. Of course she wasn't so stupid as to decide to fight any one of them, Divyat wouldn't lie, using the bow was awesome, but his fingers and body were itching to feel the warmth of blood on them, and should Fang Bin decide to push her luck, he wouldn't hesitate to kill her… but she was smart, he knew she was smart, and he really respected her for that.

"Well if that's the case, I'd rather keep my life. I forfeit any and all battles in this final round or floor, if there's a third position, I am happy taking it. So you too can go ahead and destroy each other for all I care." She said in annoyance as she huffed and looked away, acting nonchalant in an attempt to save face, but she was not fooling anybody, not even by a longshot. But both Divyat and the Asura ignored her display and faced each other, before stepping onto the final battling platform at the same time.

"You know I'm stronger than you and this particular fight can only end in one of us forfeiting, and we both know who that will be right?" Divyat shrugged at the words from the Asura, looking around and down at the final thirty gathered on the platform below.

"I'm not really worried about it if I have to be honest, I just want to see if I can claim you earlier than that one year that I have to come and fight… which if I should be honest id rater avoid. So instead ill see how hard I can push myself here, if I win, then by tonight you will be sharing my bed with your ass up in the air for my pleasure…. Do you understand?' Divyat asked as he gripped his bow tighter and kept a focused gaze on the Asura.

" Really now, it's funny that you think you can beat me, but I'll be paving the way for you to make sure you have at least a smidge of a chance when it comes to claiming me. Now we should stop talking and see if you winter wind can stand up to my earth fire, I hunger for a battle Divyat of the humans…Winter Stag of the south." She said to him as her whip appeared out of thin air, and caught on flames, looking more like a whip of molten magma than one of fire. Divyat shook his head and looked at her with a smile.

"Well Nameless Asura…. Let's dance… it's imperative to see who would end up on top…. Literally and figuratively."