047: Violent Collisions

Divyat held his bow tighter, his grip almost bone white from it. He wasn't afraid… though he should be, he wasn't. of course between the both of them he knew this would not be a fight to the death, heck there wasn't even a possibility that they would be utilizing martials skills of weapons, and that factor was proved all the more true when she summoned her fiery whip and then threw it to the side, before removing the robes she had on, leaving her with a crop top, black pans and brown leather boots. And then she proceeded to raise her fist up and beckoned him forwards with a smile.

Divyat shook his head then rapidly pulled three arrows and shot it rapid fire at her, then he threw his bow and quivers to the side as he rushed at her. She deflected two of the arrows and caught the third out of the air, holding it in a reverse grip as the distance between the both of them rapidly shrunk. Divyat brought himself low to the ground and leapt the final distance, slamming his shoulder in her midriff as he speared her out of the air, their momentum coming to a crashing halt as he slammed her hard into the ground, but even before she reached the ground, the arrow in her hand had punctured a hole through his skin to come busting out of his chest.

She wrapped an arm around Divyat's neck then rolled to the side, getting up in one fell swoop as she yanked on his neck underneath her arm as if to break it. But Divyat resisted and she responded by throwing a knee upwards toward his face in an attempt to stun him enough for her to leave him with a debilitating injury. Divyat defended as her knee slammed into his palm, and he too retaliated in that same vein smashing his elbows into her midriff causing her breath to hitch as she let go of him and took a step back, just in time for superman punch to come flying for her face, Divyat putting all of his weight and power behind it.

She crossed her arms and took the punch on her forearms, a dull thud and a small shockwave spreading from the hit as her body was pushed two meters back, her feet skidding hard on the ground. Divyat pressed his advantage, going for a leg sweep, but he underestimated just how much of a back foot the Asura was on, and also… he had no idea she had legs as long as she did as he took a massive boot to the face. He was turned head over heal as he made an involuntary summersault, his brain rattled for a moment as he landed hard on his stomach , the breath within him driven out as he let out a gasp of pain.

Instinct saved him as he quickly rolled to the side, her foot slamming down where his head was occupying mere moments ago. He grabbed her leg and pulled back, lifting her off the ground I an attempt to put her on her back, but her other feet smashed into his chest as she made a one handed hand stand and quickly got back to her feet. She smiled as she flicked her nose to the side and bent herself down a bit, shaking her head from side to side with a smile before moving up, bouncing on the balls of her feet with no guard up and no form, it was almost as if she was dancing…. Divyat was confused as hell.

"What the hell kind of technique is that?" he asked as he took careful steps, circling around the Asura that was still bouncing around.

"Oh this? It's one of the most ancient form of martial techniques in existence…. From what I've been told, it existed long before the concept of Qi even saw it fit to exist in the cosmos. Unlike most techniques in existence…. This is not millions of years old…. But rather billions if not a trillion or more. My family call it….. Jeet Kun Do!"

As soon as she finished speaking her form rocked forwards, her form practically a blur as she led with a high kick right to the side of his head. Divyat raised a hand to defend but with how hard her foot smacked into his hands, he would have sworn the bones were broken. She retracted her leg faster than he could even react as she threw a palm in front of his face, it was a feint, and one that he paid for dearly as her other clenched fist swung through the air and rocked his jaw hard enough to spin him, leaving him exposed for her to draw close and wrap her arms around his neck before delivering fierce and hard knee strikes to his midriff.

Divyat however was no pushover, of course his recent killing spree aside, Divyat has not been cultivating as long as she has, or had techniques as refined or as powerful as her's. in fact he was a little shocked that she had such a weak cultivation realm, but never the less as her knees came up, Divyat defended right back, his Qi involuntarily bleeding into his defenses, spreading icy qi into her legs that made them numb and slow enough for Divyat to desperately bash his head forward busting open her lip and causing her head to rock back as she took a few steps while Divyat made a spinning heel kick that hit her in the jaw with enough force to spin her entire body and bring her crashing down to the earth.

Divyat pulled back, regrouping and desperately trying to catch his breath. He wasn't so sure pressing his advantage would be to his success, instead he would probably end up with a broken leg or something. Every more he has made so far, she has had a counter for it, even when he was delivering strikes of his own, and it was almost as if she was three or even four steps ahead of him. He watched with war eyes as she made her way back to her feet, the she faced him with her sides, crouching down a bit as she placed her left hand behind her.

"I will give you the initiative to attack, I will remain rooted in this position as the next technique I'm about to use demands I stay in this very spot and deliver my strike. It will land, of that I have no doubt. However I will remove the restrictions on my cultivation and deliver it with my full strength. I will hold back enough to make sure you survive, however if you remain conscious after the strike, then I will concede and admit defeat, it will be my loss to your win."

Divya6 scoffed in annoyance, he suspected she was way stronger than the mid qi condensation realm she was claiming, it just made no sense how easily she dispatched everyone back at the fortress, without even as much as a sweat, or even a scratch. But this was it, the final strike to end this dance of their, but then again Divyat was curious, and because of that curiosity he couldn't help but to ask.

"This move of yours that you're about to use, I'm guessing it's a killing strike of some sort. However if you don't mind can you tell me what it's called?" Divyat asked.

"Well I don't mind, in fact if you do retain consciousness I will teach it with you, along with my boxing. Either way I will tell you the name of the technique that will defeat you and bring an end to your streak of victories human." Divyat raise an eyebrow at her changed pattern of speech, it sounded so fake, like she was trying to prove something o herself, or prove it to the people watching.

"This technique is one that you will never forget in your life Divyat of the humans, now come and witness the power of the ancient martial arts technique! The….. ONE INCH PUNCH!"